MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
24namespace MediaWiki\Specials;
40use Wikimedia\IPUtils;
50 protected $target;
53 protected $type;
55 protected $block;
57 private UnblockUserFactory $unblockUserFactory;
58 private BlockUtils $blockUtils;
59 private DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore;
60 private UserNameUtils $userNameUtils;
61 private UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch;
62 private WatchlistManager $watchlistManager;
72 public function __construct(
73 UnblockUserFactory $unblockUserFactory,
74 BlockUtils $blockUtils,
75 DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore,
76 UserNameUtils $userNameUtils,
77 UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch,
78 WatchlistManager $watchlistManager
79 ) {
80 parent::__construct( 'Unblock', 'block' );
81 $this->unblockUserFactory = $unblockUserFactory;
82 $this->blockUtils = $blockUtils;
83 $this->blockStore = $blockStore;
84 $this->userNameUtils = $userNameUtils;
85 $this->userNamePrefixSearch = $userNamePrefixSearch;
86 $this->watchlistManager = $watchlistManager;
87 }
89 public function doesWrites() {
90 return true;
91 }
93 public function execute( $par ) {
94 $this->checkPermissions();
95 $this->checkReadOnly();
97 [ $this->target, $this->type ] = $this->getTargetAndType( $par, $this->getRequest() );
98 $this->block = $this->blockStore->newFromTarget( $this->target );
99 if ( $this->target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
100 // Set the 'relevant user' in the skin, so it displays links like Contributions,
101 // User logs, UserRights, etc.
102 $this->getSkin()->setRelevantUser( $this->target );
103 }
105 $this->setHeaders();
106 $this->outputHeader();
107 $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Blocking users' );
109 $out = $this->getOutput();
110 $out->setPageTitleMsg( $this->msg( 'unblockip' ) );
111 $out->addModules( [ 'mediawiki.userSuggest', 'mediawiki.special.block' ] );
113 $form = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $this->getFields(), $this->getContext() )
114 ->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'unblockip' )
115 ->setSubmitCallback( function ( array $data, HTMLForm $form ) {
116 if ( $this->type != Block::TYPE_RANGE
117 && $this->type != Block::TYPE_AUTO
118 && $data['Watch']
119 ) {
120 $this->watchlistManager->addWatchIgnoringRights(
121 $form->getUser(),
122 Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->target )
123 );
124 }
125 return $this->unblockUserFactory->newUnblockUser(
126 $data['Target'],
127 $form->getContext()->getAuthority(),
128 $data['Reason'],
129 $data['Tags'] ?? []
130 )->unblock();
131 } )
132 ->setSubmitTextMsg( 'ipusubmit' )
133 ->addPreHtml( $this->msg( 'unblockiptext' )->parseAsBlock() );
135 $userPage = $this->getTargetUserTitle( $this->target );
136 if ( $userPage ) {
137 // Get relevant extracts from the block and suppression logs, if possible
138 $logExtract = '';
139 LogEventsList::showLogExtract(
140 $logExtract,
141 'block',
142 $userPage,
143 '',
144 [
145 'lim' => 10,
146 'msgKey' => [
147 'unblocklog-showlog',
148 $userPage->getText(),
149 ],
150 'showIfEmpty' => false
151 ]
152 );
153 if ( $logExtract !== '' ) {
154 $form->addPostHtml( $logExtract );
155 }
157 // Add suppression block entries if allowed
158 if ( $this->getAuthority()->isAllowed( 'suppressionlog' ) ) {
159 $logExtract = '';
160 LogEventsList::showLogExtract(
161 $logExtract,
162 'suppress',
163 $userPage,
164 '',
165 [
166 'lim' => 10,
167 'conds' => [ 'log_action' => [ 'block', 'reblock', 'unblock' ] ],
168 'msgKey' => [
169 'unblocklog-showsuppresslog',
170 $userPage->getText(),
171 ],
172 'showIfEmpty' => false
173 ]
174 );
175 if ( $logExtract !== '' ) {
176 $form->addPostHtml( $logExtract );
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 if ( $form->show() ) {
182 switch ( $this->type ) {
183 case Block::TYPE_IP:
184 $out->addWikiMsg( 'unblocked-ip', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->target ) );
185 break;
186 case Block::TYPE_USER:
187 $out->addWikiMsg( 'unblocked', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->target ) );
188 break;
189 case Block::TYPE_RANGE:
190 $out->addWikiMsg( 'unblocked-range', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->target ) );
191 break;
192 case Block::TYPE_ID:
193 case Block::TYPE_AUTO:
194 $out->addWikiMsg( 'unblocked-id', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->target ) );
195 break;
196 }
197 }
198 }
210 private function getTargetAndType( ?string $par, WebRequest $request ) {
211 $possibleTargets = [
212 $request->getVal( 'wpTarget', null ),
213 $par,
214 $request->getVal( 'ip', null ),
215 // B/C @since 1.18
216 $request->getVal( 'wpBlockAddress', null ),
217 ];
218 foreach ( $possibleTargets as $possibleTarget ) {
219 $targetAndType = $this->blockUtils->parseBlockTarget( $possibleTarget );
220 // If type is not null then target is valid
221 if ( $targetAndType[ 1 ] !== null ) {
222 break;
223 }
224 }
225 return $targetAndType;
226 }
234 private function getTargetUserTitle( $target ): ?Title {
235 if ( $target instanceof UserIdentity ) {
236 return Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $target->getName() );
237 }
239 if ( is_string( $target ) && IPUtils::isIPAddress( $target ) ) {
240 return Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $target );
241 }
243 return null;
244 }
246 protected function getFields() {
247 $fields = [
248 'Target' => [
249 'type' => 'text',
250 'label-message' => 'ipaddressorusername',
251 'autofocus' => true,
252 'size' => '45',
253 'required' => true,
254 'cssclass' => 'mw-autocomplete-user', // used by mediawiki.userSuggest
255 ],
256 'Name' => [
257 'type' => 'info',
258 'label-message' => 'ipaddressorusername',
259 ],
260 'Reason' => [
261 'type' => 'text',
262 'label-message' => 'ipbreason',
263 ]
264 ];
266 if ( $this->block instanceof Block ) {
267 $type = $this->block->getType();
268 $targetName = $this->block->getTargetName();
270 // Autoblocks are logged as "autoblock #123 because the IP was recently used by
271 // User:Foo, and we've just got any block, auto or not, that applies to a target
272 // the user has specified. Someone could be fishing to connect IPs to autoblocks,
273 // so don't show any distinction between unblocked IPs and autoblocked IPs
274 if ( $type == Block::TYPE_AUTO && $this->type == Block::TYPE_IP ) {
275 $fields['Target']['default'] = $this->target;
276 unset( $fields['Name'] );
277 } else {
278 $fields['Target']['default'] = $targetName;
279 $fields['Target']['type'] = 'hidden';
280 switch ( $type ) {
281 case Block::TYPE_IP:
282 $fields['Name']['default'] = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
283 $this->getSpecialPageFactory()->getTitleForAlias( 'Contributions/' . $targetName ),
284 $targetName
285 );
286 $fields['Name']['raw'] = true;
287 break;
288 case Block::TYPE_USER:
289 $fields['Name']['default'] = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeLink(
290 new TitleValue( NS_USER, $targetName ),
291 $targetName
292 );
293 $fields['Name']['raw'] = true;
294 break;
296 case Block::TYPE_RANGE:
297 $fields['Name']['default'] = $targetName;
298 break;
300 case Block::TYPE_AUTO:
301 $fields['Name']['default'] = $this->block->getRedactedName();
302 $fields['Name']['raw'] = true;
303 // Don't expose the real target of the autoblock
304 $fields['Target']['default'] = "#{$this->target}";
305 break;
306 }
307 // Target is hidden, so the reason is the first element
308 $fields['Target']['autofocus'] = false;
309 $fields['Reason']['autofocus'] = true;
310 }
311 } else {
312 $fields['Target']['default'] = $this->target;
313 unset( $fields['Name'] );
314 }
315 // Watchlist their user page? (Only if user is logged in)
316 if ( $this->getUser()->isRegistered() ) {
317 $fields['Watch'] = [
318 'type' => 'check',
319 'label-message' => 'ipbwatchuser',
320 ];
321 }
323 return $fields;
324 }
334 public function prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
335 $search = $this->userNameUtils->getCanonical( $search );
336 if ( !$search ) {
337 // No prefix suggestion for invalid user
338 return [];
339 }
340 // Autocomplete subpage as user list - public to allow caching
341 return $this->userNamePrefixSearch
342 ->search( UserNamePrefixSearch::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $search, $limit, $offset );
343 }
345 protected function getGroupName() {
346 return 'users';
347 }
354class_alias( SpecialUnblock::class, 'SpecialUnblock' );
const NS_USER
Definition Defines.php:66
wfEscapeWikiText( $input)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
Definition WebStart.php:81
Backend class for blocking utils.
Get the base IContextSource object.
Object handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and other logic for UI forms in a reusabl...
Definition HTMLForm.php:206
The here's-one-I-made-earlier option: do the submission if posted, or display the form with or withou...
Definition HTMLForm.php:686
addPostHtml( $html)
Add HTML to the end of the display.
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form,...
getVal( $name, $default=null)
Fetch a text string from this web request's $_GET, $_POST or path router vars and partially normalize...
Parent class for all special pages.
Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes!
Shortcut to get the skin being used for this instance.
Checks if userCanExecute, and if not throws a PermissionsError.
If the wiki is currently in readonly mode, throws a ReadOnlyError.
Gets the context this SpecialPage is executed in.
Get the WebRequest being used for this instance.
msg( $key,... $params)
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context.
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance.
Shortcut to get the Authority executing this instance.
outputHeader( $summaryMessageKey='')
Outputs a summary message on top of special pages By default the message key is the canonical name of...
addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false)
Adds help link with an icon via page indicators.
A special page for unblocking users.
UserIdentity string null $target
execute( $par)
Default execute method Checks user permissions.
__construct(UnblockUserFactory $unblockUserFactory, BlockUtils $blockUtils, DatabaseBlockStore $blockStore, UserNameUtils $userNameUtils, UserNamePrefixSearch $userNamePrefixSearch, WatchlistManager $watchlistManager)
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-gro...
Indicates whether this special page may perform database writes.
int null $type
Block::TYPE_ constant.
prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset)
Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept.
Represents the target of a wiki link.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:78
Handles searching prefixes of user names.
UserNameUtils service.
Represents a block that may prevent users from performing specific operations.
Definition Block.php:45
Interface for objects representing user identity.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge...