Elasticsearch-powered search for MediaWiki
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NCirrusSearchA fallback method is a way to interact (correct/fix/suggest a better query) with the search results
 NElasticaImplementation of "sltr" query from ltr-query plugin
 CBaseInterwikiResolverBase InterwikiResolver class
 CBulkUpdateRequestLogRequest log for requests that update the elasticsearch cluster
 CCirrusConfigInterwikiResolverInterwikiResolver suited for custom cirrus config:
 CCirrusDebugOptionsCirrus debug options generally set via unofficial URI param (&cirrusXYZ=ZYX)
 CCirrusSearchSearchEngine implementation for CirrusSearch
 CCirrusSearchServicesA simple wrapper for MediaWikiServices, to support type safety when accessing services defined by this extension
 CClusterSettingsHandles resolving configuration variables into specific settings for a specific cluster
 CCompletionSuggesterPerforms search as you type queries using Completion Suggester
 CConnectionForms and caches connection to Elasticsearch as well as client objects that contain connection information like \Elastica\Index and \Elastica\Type
 CCrossSearchStrategyDefines support strategies regarding cross wiki searches
 CDataSenderHandles non-maintenance write operations to the elastic search cluster
 CDumpAction=cirrusDump handler
 CElasticaErrorHandlerGeneric functions for extracting and reporting on errors/exceptions from Elastica
 CElasticsearchIntermediaryBase class with useful functions for communicating with Elasticsearch
 CExplainPrinterFormats the result of elasticsearch explain to a (slightly) more readable html format than raw json
 CExternalIndexRepresents an external index referenced by the OtherIndex functionality
 CHashSearchConfigSearchConfig implemenation backed by a simple \HashConfig
 CHooksAll CirrusSearch's external hooks
 CInterwikiResolverRetrieve Interwiki information
 CInterwikiResolverFactoryFactory class used to create InterwikiResolver
 CInterwikiSearcherPerforms searches using Elasticsearch – on interwikis!
 CMultiSearchRequestLogExtending from SearchRequestLog doesn't quite feel right, but there is a good amount of shared code
 CNearMatchPickerPicks the best "near match" title
 CNoActiveTestExceptionThrown when a user testing method is called that requires an active test, but no test was active
 COtherIndexesUpdaterTracks whether a Title is known on other indexes
 CRequestLogRepresents logging information for a single network operation made between php and elasticsearch
 CRequestLoggerHandles logging information about requests made to various destinations, such as monolog, EventBus and statsd
 CSearchConfigConfiguration class encapsulating Searcher environment
 CSearcherPerforms searches using Elasticsearch
 CSiteMatrixInterwikiResolverInterwikiResolver suited for WMF context and uses SiteMatrix
 CUpdaterPerforms updates and deletes on the Elasticsearch index
 CUserTestingEngineDecision making around user testing
 CUserTestingStatusReports UserTesting bucketing decision
 CUtilRandom utility functions that don't have a better home
 CVersionFetch the Elasticsearch version
 CWarningCollectorWarning collector interface