►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\AnalysisConfigBuilder | Builds elasticsearch analysis config arrays |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\SuggesterAnalysisConfigBuilder | Builds elasticsearch analysis config arrays for the completion suggester index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\AnalysisFilter | Filter unused and duplicate entries from elasticsearch index configuration |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\AnalyzerBuilder | Builds one elasticsearch analyzer to add to an analysis config array |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\ArrayPathSetter | Transforms arrays based on replacement variable using a syntax to lookup the entry to modify |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\BoostFunctionBuilder | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\BoostedQueriesFunction | Simple list of weighted queries |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\ByKeywordTemplateBoostFunction | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\FunctionScoreBuilder | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\BoostTemplatesFunctionScoreBuilder | Builds a set of functions with boosted templates Uses a weight function with a filter for each template |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\CustomFieldFunctionScoreBuilder | Builds a function using a custom numeric field and parameters attached to a profile |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\GeoMeanFunctionScoreBuilder | Utility function to compute a weighted geometric mean |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\LangWeightFunctionScoreBuilder | Boosts documents in user language and in wiki language if different Uses getUserLanguage in SearchConfig and LanguageCode for language values and CirrusSearchLanguageWeight['user'|'wiki'] for respective weights |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\LogMultFunctionScoreBuilder | Simple log(factor*field+2)^impact Useful to control the impact when applied in a multiplication |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\LogScaleBoostFunctionScoreBuilder | Normalize values in the [0,1] range Allows to set: |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\NamespacesFunctionScoreBuilder | Builds a set of functions with namespaces |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\PreferRecentFunctionScoreBuilder | Builds a script score boost documents on the timestamp field |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\SatuFunctionScoreBuilder | Saturation function based on x/(k+x), k is a parameter to control how fast the function saturates |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\ScriptScoreFunctionScoreBuilder | A function score that builds a script_score |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\TermBoostScoreBuilder | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\IncomingLinksFunctionScoreBuilder | Builds a function that boosts incoming links formula is log( incoming_links + 2 ) |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\BoostFunctionFeature | |
CCirrusSearch\Query\BoostTemplatesFeature | Handles the boost-templates keyword in full text search |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PreferRecentFeature | Matches "prefer-recent:" and then an optional floating point number <= 1 but >= 0 (decay portion) and then an optional comma followed by another floating point number >0 0 (half life) |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\BuildDocument | Orchestrate the process of building an elasticsearch document out of a WikiPage |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\Checker | Checks if a WikiPage's representation in search index is sane |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\ChunkBuilder | Splits maintenance scripts into chunks and prints out the commands to run the chunks |
CCirrusSearch\CirrusDebugOptions | Cirrus debug options generally set via unofficial URI param (&cirrusXYZ=ZYX) |
CCirrusSearch\CirrusSearchHookRunner | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\CirrusSearchIndexFieldFactory | Create different types of SearchIndexFields |
CCirrusSearch\Search\CirrusSearchResultBuilder | Helper class to build ArrayCirrusSearchResult instances |
CCirrusSearch\CirrusSearchServices | A simple wrapper for MediaWikiServices, to support type safety when accessing services defined by this extension |
►CCirrusSearch\Assignment\ClusterAssignment | |
CCirrusSearch\Assignment\ConstantAssignment | |
CCirrusSearch\Assignment\MultiClusterAssignment | |
CCirrusSearch\ClusterSettings | Handles resolving configuration variables into specific settings for a specific cluster |
CCirrusSearch\Search\CompletionResultsCollector | Collect results from multiple result sets |
CCirrusSearch\Query\CompSuggestQueryBuilder | Suggest (Completion) query builder |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\ConfigUtils | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CCirrusSearch\Query\Builder\ContextualFilter | A filter added as context to the search query |
►CCountable | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Set | Simple set implementation so it's clear what the array is being used for when values are only stored as keys |
CCirrusSearch\Query\CountContentWordsBuilder | Build a query to sum up the word count of all articles |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\CrossProjectBlockScorer | Score an interwiki block |
CCirrusSearch\Search\CompositeCrossProjectBlockScorer | Composite, weighted sum of a list of subscorers |
CCirrusSearch\Search\RandomCrossProjectBlockScorer | Randomly ordered but consistent for a single user |
CCirrusSearch\Search\RecallCrossProjectBlockScorer | Score based on total hits : log(total_hits + 2) |
CCirrusSearch\Search\StaticCrossProjectBlockScorer | Based on a static config, allows to give a fixed score to a particular wiki |
CCirrusSearch\Search\CrossProjectBlockScorerFactory | Factory that reads cirrus config and builds a CrossProjectBlockScorer |
CCirrusSearch\CrossSearchStrategy | Defines support strategies regarding cross wiki searches |
CCirrusSearch\Hooks\CustomPageFields | Hooks to allow custom fields to be added to the search index for pages |
►CCirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\Detector | Interface for a language detector class |
CCirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\TextCat | Try to detect language with TextCat text categorizer |
CCirrusSearch\Job\ElasticaDocumentsJsonSerde | Updates to be sent to elasticsearch need to be represented as a Document object, but we can't directly serialize those into the job queue which only supports json |
CCirrusSearch\ElasticaErrorHandler | Generic functions for extracting and reporting on errors/exceptions from Elastica |
►CCirrusSearch\ElasticsearchIntermediary | Base class with useful functions for communicating with Elasticsearch |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\RedirectsAndIncomingLinks | Adds redirects and incoming links to the documents |
CCirrusSearch\CompletionSuggester | Performs search as you type queries using Completion Suggester |
CCirrusSearch\DataSender | Handles non-maintenance write operations to the elastic search cluster |
►CCirrusSearch\Searcher | Performs searches using Elasticsearch |
CCirrusSearch\InterwikiSearcher | Performs searches using Elasticsearch – on interwikis! |
►CCirrusSearch\Updater | Performs updates and deletes on the Elasticsearch index |
CCirrusSearch\OtherIndexesUpdater | Tracks whether a Title is known on other indexes |
CCirrusSearch\Version | Fetch the Elasticsearch version |
►CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\ElasticSearchRequestFallbackMethod | A fallback method that is able to attach a complete search query to the main msearch request |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\IndexLookupFallbackMethod | |
►CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\ElasticSearchSuggestFallbackMethod | Interface for fallback methods that uses Elasticsearch suggest attached to the main query |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\PhraseSuggestFallbackMethod | Fallback method based on the elastic phrase suggester |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Escaper | Escapes queries |
CCirrusSearch\ExplainPrinter | Formats the result of elasticsearch explain to a (slightly) more readable html format than raw json |
CCirrusSearch\ExternalIndex | Represents an external index referenced by the OtherIndex functionality |
►CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\ExtraSuggestionsBuilder | Extra builder for the completion suggester index |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\DefaultSortSuggestionsBuilder | Extra builder that appends the defaultsort value to suggest and suggest-stop inputs on title suggestions |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\NaiveSubphrasesSuggestionsBuilder | Simple class for SuggestionsBuilder that needs to munge the title into a list of "subphrases" suggestions |
►CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\FallbackMethod | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\IndexLookupFallbackMethod | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\LangDetectFallbackMethod | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\PhraseSuggestFallbackMethod | Fallback method based on the elastic phrase suggester |
►CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\FallbackRunnerContext | Context storing the states of the FallbackRunner |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\FallbackRunnerContextImpl | Basic implementation of a FallbackRunnerContext |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\FallbackStatus | Representation of the result of running a FallbackMethod |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\Builder\FilterBuilder | Build a filter |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchContext | The search context, maintains the state of the current search query |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\FilterQueryFeature | A KeywordFeature that generates an elasticsearch query used as a filter |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\BaseRegexFeature | Base class supporting regex searches |
CCirrusSearch\Query\InSourceFeature | Handles non-regexp version of insource: keyword |
CCirrusSearch\Query\InTitleFeature | Applies a filter against the title field in elasticsearch |
CCirrusSearch\Query\ContentModelFeature | Content model feature: contentmodel:wikitext Selects only articles having this content model |
CCirrusSearch\Query\DeepcatFeature | Filters by category or its subcategories |
CCirrusSearch\Query\FileNumericFeature | File features: filebits:16 - bit depth filesize:>300 - size >= 300 kb filew:100,300 - search of 100 <= file_width <= 300 Selects only files of these specified features |
CCirrusSearch\Query\FileTypeFeature | File type features: filetype:bitmap Types can be OR'd together: filetype:bitmap|png Selects only files of these specified features |
CCirrusSearch\Query\HasRecommendationFeature | Filters the result set based on the existing article recommendation |
CCirrusSearch\Query\HasTemplateFeature | We emulate template syntax here as best as possible, so things in NS_MAIN are prefixed with ":" and things in NS_TEMPATE don't have a prefix at all |
CCirrusSearch\Query\InCategoryFeature | Filters by one or more categories, specified either by name or by category id |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LanguageFeature | Filters the result set based on pages labeled with the provided language |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LinksToFeature | Filters the result set based on pages containing outgoing wiki links to the provided page title |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PageIdFeature | Filter by a set of page IDs |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PrefixFeature | Handles the prefix: keyword for matching titles |
CCirrusSearch\Query\SubPageOfFeature | Subpagesof, find subpages of a given page uses the prefix field, very similar to the prefix except that it enforces a trailing / and is not a greedy keyword |
CCirrusSearch\Query\TextFieldFilterFeature | Feature for filtering on specific text fields |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Filters | Utilities for dealing with filters |
CCirrusSearch\Search\FullTextCirrusSearchResultBuilder | |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\FullTextQueryBuilder | Parse a cirrus fulltext search query and build an elasticsearch query |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\FullTextQueryStringQueryBuilder | Builds an Elastica query backed by an elasticsearch QueryString query Has many warts and edge cases that are hardly desirable |
CCirrusSearch\Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder | Simple Match query builder, currently based on FullTextQueryStringQueryBuilder to reuse its parsing logic |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\FunctionScoreChain | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
►CGenericParameterJob | |
►CCirrusSearch\Job\CirrusGenericJob | CirrusSearch Job that is not bound to a Title |
CCirrusSearch\Job\CheckerJob | Job wrapper around Sanity\Checker |
CCirrusSearch\Job\ElasticaWrite | Performs writes to elasticsearch indexes with requeuing and an exponential backoff (if supported by jobqueue) when the index writes fail |
CCirrusSearch\Job\MassIndex | Job wrapper around Updater::updatePages |
CCirrusSearch\Job\OtherIndex | Job wrapper around OtherIndexes |
►CElastica\Cluster\Health | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\Health | Overrides Elastica's Health class to allow filtering by index |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\Fetch\HighlightedField | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\Fetch\BaseHighlightedField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Fetch\ExperimentalHighlightedFieldBuilder | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\Fetch\HighlightFieldGenerator | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Fetch\FetchPhaseConfigBuilder | Class holding the building state of the fetch phase elements of an elasticsearch query |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\HighlightingFeature | Keywords willing to interact with the highlighting configuration should implement this interface |
CCirrusSearch\Query\BaseRegexFeature | Base class supporting regex searches |
CCirrusSearch\Query\SubPageOfFeature | Subpagesof, find subpages of a given page uses the prefix field, very similar to the prefix except that it enforces a trailing / and is not a greedy keyword |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\IndexCreator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\IndexTemplateBuilder | |
►CCirrusSearch\InterwikiResolver | Retrieve Interwiki information |
►CCirrusSearch\BaseInterwikiResolver | Base InterwikiResolver class |
CCirrusSearch\CirrusConfigInterwikiResolver | InterwikiResolver suited for custom cirrus config: |
CCirrusSearch\SiteMatrixInterwikiResolver | InterwikiResolver suited for WMF context and uses SiteMatrix |
CCirrusSearch\EmptyInterwikiResolver | |
CCirrusSearch\InterwikiResolverFactory | Factory class used to create InterwikiResolver |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\KeywordFeature | Definition of a search keyword |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\SimpleKeywordFeature | Implements abstract handling of keyword features that are composed of a keyword followed by a colon then an optionally quoted value |
CCirrusSearch\Query\ArticleTopicFeature | |
CCirrusSearch\Query\BaseRegexFeature | Base class supporting regex searches |
CCirrusSearch\Query\BoostTemplatesFeature | Handles the boost-templates keyword in full text search |
CCirrusSearch\Query\ContentModelFeature | Content model feature: contentmodel:wikitext Selects only articles having this content model |
CCirrusSearch\Query\DeepcatFeature | Filters by category or its subcategories |
CCirrusSearch\Query\FileNumericFeature | File features: filebits:16 - bit depth filesize:>300 - size >= 300 kb filew:100,300 - search of 100 <= file_width <= 300 Selects only files of these specified features |
CCirrusSearch\Query\FileTypeFeature | File type features: filetype:bitmap Types can be OR'd together: filetype:bitmap|png Selects only files of these specified features |
CCirrusSearch\Query\HasRecommendationFeature | Filters the result set based on the existing article recommendation |
CCirrusSearch\Query\HasTemplateFeature | We emulate template syntax here as best as possible, so things in NS_MAIN are prefixed with ":" and things in NS_TEMPATE don't have a prefix at all |
CCirrusSearch\Query\InCategoryFeature | Filters by one or more categories, specified either by name or by category id |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LanguageFeature | Filters the result set based on pages labeled with the provided language |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LinksToFeature | Filters the result set based on pages containing outgoing wiki links to the provided page title |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LocalFeature | Limits the search to the local wiki |
CCirrusSearch\Query\MoreLikeFeature | Finds pages similar to another one |
CCirrusSearch\Query\MoreLikeThisFeature | Finds pages similar to another one |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PageIdFeature | Filter by a set of page IDs |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PreferRecentFeature | Matches "prefer-recent:" and then an optional floating point number <= 1 but >= 0 (decay portion) and then an optional comma followed by another floating point number >0 0 (half life) |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PrefixFeature | Handles the prefix: keyword for matching titles |
CCirrusSearch\Query\SubPageOfFeature | Subpagesof, find subpages of a given page uses the prefix field, very similar to the prefix except that it enforces a trailing / and is not a greedy keyword |
CCirrusSearch\Query\TextFieldFilterFeature | Feature for filtering on specific text fields |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\KeywordRegistry | Registry of KeywordFeature |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\FullTextKeywordRegistry | Registry of keywords suited for fulltext searches |
CCirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\LanguageDetectorFactory | |
►CCirrusSearch\Query\LegacyKeywordFeature | Legacy keyword markup interface for keywords that still work by manipulating the SearchContext |
CCirrusSearch\Query\LocalFeature | Limits the search to the local wiki |
CCirrusSearch\Query\MoreLikeFeature | Finds pages similar to another one |
►CMaintenance | |
►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Maintenance | Cirrus helpful extensions to Maintenance |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\CheckIndexes | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\CirrusNeedsToBeBuilt | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\CopySearchIndex | Update the elasticsearch configuration for this index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\DumpIndex | Dump an index from elasticsearch |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\ExpectedIndices | Reports index aliases that CirrusSearch owns for this wiki |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\ForceSearchIndex | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\IndexNamespaces | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Metastore | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\RunSearch | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Saneitize | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\SaneitizeJobs | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\UpdateDYMIndexTemplates | Update the elasticsearch configuration for this index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\UpdateOneSearchIndexConfig | Update the elasticsearch configuration for this index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\UpdateSearchIndexConfig | Update the elasticsearch configuration for this index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\UpdateSuggesterIndex | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\UpdateWeightedTags | |
►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\MappingConfigBuilder | Builds elasticsearch mapping configuration arrays |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\ArchiveMappingConfigBuilder | |
►CCirrusSearch\MetaStore\MetaStore | A component of the metastore index |
CCirrusSearch\MetaStore\MetaNamespaceStore | |
CCirrusSearch\MetaStore\MetaSaneitizeJobStore | |
CCirrusSearch\MetaStore\MetaVersionStore | |
CCirrusSearch\MetaStore\MetaStoreIndex | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CCirrusSearch\Search\MSearchRequests | Holds the Elastic search requests meant to be sent to the _msearch endpoint |
CCirrusSearch\Search\MSearchResponses | Holds the Elastica result sets returned by Elastic when issuing search requests |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\MultiClusterRemediatorHelper | Helper to maintain the association with Remediators and theirs corresponding BufferedRemediator |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\NamespacePrefixParser | |
CCirrusSearch\NearMatchPicker | Picks the best "near match" title |
CCirrusSearch\Query\NearMatchQueryBuilder | Build a query suited for exact title/redirect match |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\NonPhraseParser | Parse non-phrase query parts |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\OffsetTracker | Simple class to track offsets Supports only simple cases (no support for overlapping offsets) |
►CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\PagePropertyBuilder | Interface for building subsets of the document stored in elasticsearch to represent individual wiki pages |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\DefaultPageProperties | Default properties attached to all page documents |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\ParserOutputPageProperties | Extract searchable properties from the MediaWiki ParserOutput |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\RedirectsAndIncomingLinks | Adds redirects and incoming links to the documents |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\ParsedQuery | Parsed query |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\ParsedQueryClassifier | |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\BasicQueryClassifier | Basic classifier to identify queries like: |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\ParsedQueryClassifiersRepository | Repository of query classifiers |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\FTQueryClassifiersRepository | Repository of query classifiers |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\ParseWarning | A warning that occurred during the parse process |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\PhraseQueryParser | Detects phrase queries: "simple phrase" : use the plain fields "simple phrase"~ : use the stem fields "simple phrase"~2 : force the slop to be 2 "simple phrase"~2~ : force the slop to be 2 and use the stem fields |
CCirrusSearch\Query\PrefixSearchQueryBuilder | Build a query suited for autocomplete on titles+redirects |
►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Printer | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Maintenance | Cirrus helpful extensions to Maintenance |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\NullPrinter | |
CCirrusSearch\Query\Builder\QueryBuildingContext | WIP: figure out what we need when building certainly some states built by some keyword or some classification of the query |
CCirrusSearch\Query\QueryHelper | Helpers for building queries |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryParser | Query parser |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\QueryStringRegexParser | Full text query parser that uses regex to parse its token |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryParserFactory | Simple factory to create QueryParser instance based on the host wiki config |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Reindexer | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\ReindexRequest | |
►CCirrusSearch\Elastica\ReindexStatus | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\ReindexResponse | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\ReindexTask | |
►CCirrusSearch\Sanity\Remediator | Remediation actions for insanity in the search index |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\AllClustersQueueingRemediator | Remediator that forwards all actions to all writable clusters using the 'cluster' => null optimization |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\BufferedRemediator | A remediator that simply records all actions scheduled to it |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\NoopRemediator | Remediator that takes no actions |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\PrintingRemediator | Decorating Remediator that logs the prints the errors |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\QueueingRemediator | Remediator implementation that queues jobs to fix the index |
►CCirrusSearch\RequestLog | Represents logging information for a single network operation made between php and elasticsearch |
►CCirrusSearch\BaseRequestLog | |
CCirrusSearch\BulkUpdateRequestLog | Request log for requests that update the elasticsearch cluster |
CCirrusSearch\CompletionRequestLog | |
►CCirrusSearch\SearchRequestLog | |
CCirrusSearch\MultiSearchRequestLog | Extending from SearchRequestLog doesn't quite feel right, but there is a good amount of shared code |
CCirrusSearch\RequestLogger | Handles logging information about requests made to various destinations, such as monolog, EventBus and statsd |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\RescoreBuilder | Set of rescore builders |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\ResultsType | Lightweight classes to describe specific result types we can return |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\BaseResultsType | Base class for result type implementations |
CCirrusSearch\Search\FullTextResultsType | Result type for a full text search |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\TitleResultsType | Returns titles and makes no effort to figure out how the titles matched |
CCirrusSearch\Search\FancyTitleResultsType | Returns titles categorized based on how they matched - redirect or name |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SingleAggResultsType | Result type for aggregations |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\SaneitizeLoop | Create saneitize jobs for a single execution of a saneitizer loop |
►CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\SearcherFactory | |
CCirrusSearch\Searcher | Performs searches using Elasticsearch |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchMetricsProvider | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\FallbackRunner | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\IndexLookupFallbackMethod | |
CCirrusSearch\Fallbacks\LangDetectFallbackMethod | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\InterleavedResultSet | |
►CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileOverride | Override the default profile |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\ConfigSearchProfileOverride | Overrider that gets its name using an entry in a Config object |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\ContextualProfileOverride | Overrider that generates a name from a template and contextual information from the profile request |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\StaticProfileOverride | |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\UriParamSearchProfileOverride | |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\UserPrefSearchProfileOverride | Overrider based on user preference |
►CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileRepository | A repository of search profiles |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\ArrayProfileRepository | Simple profile repository backed by a PHP array |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\CompletionSearchProfileRepository | Repository dedicated to completion queries This one cannot simply use existing implementation because we need to filter the profiles based on the availability of some fields in the index |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\ConfigProfileRepository | Profile repository backed by a Config object |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\PhraseSuggesterProfileRepoWrapper | Wrapper to augment the phrase suggester profile settings with customization on-wiki using system messages |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileRepositoryTransformer | Transforms profile content based on a transformer implementation |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileService | Service to manage and access search profiles |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileServiceFactory | Default factory to build and prepare search profiles |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileServiceFactoryFactory | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchQuery | A search query, it contains all the necessary information to build and send a query to the backend |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchQueryBuilder | Builder for SearchQuery |
►CCirrusSearch\Dispatch\SearchQueryDispatchService | The Search query dispatch service |
CCirrusSearch\Dispatch\DefaultSearchQueryDispatchService | |
►CCirrusSearch\Dispatch\SearchQueryRoute | For a given search engine entry point a SearchQueryRoute evaluates a particular SearchQuery and assign it a score |
CCirrusSearch\Dispatch\BasicSearchQueryRoute | Basic SearchQuery routing functionality which produces a constant score when successful, 0.0 otherwise |
CCirrusSearch\Dispatch\CirrusDefaultSearchQueryRoute | Cirrus default routes |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchRequestBuilder | Build the search request body |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\SuggestBuilder | Build a doc ready for the titlesuggest index |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\SuggesterMappingConfigBuilder | Builds elasticsearch mapping configuration arrays for the suggester index |
►CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\SuggestScoringMethod | Scoring methods used by the completion suggester |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\IncomingLinksScoringMethod | Very simple scoring method based on incoming links |
►CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\QualityScore | Score that tries to reflect the quality of a page |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\PQScore | Score that combines QualityScore and the pageviews statistics (popularity) |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\Completion\SuggestScoringMethodFactory | Create certain suggestion scoring method, by name |
CCirrusSearch\Search\TeamDraftInterleaver | Implementation of algorithm 2, Team-Draft Interleaving, from F |
CCirrusSearch\Search\TitleHelper | Utility class build MW Title from elastica Result/ResultSet classes This class can be used in all classes that need to build a Title by reading the elasticsearch output |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\Token | A token used in parsing the cirrus fulltext syntax |
CCirrusSearch\UserTestingEngine | Decision making around user testing |
CCirrusSearch\UserTestingStatus | Reports UserTesting bucketing decision |
CCirrusSearch\Util | Random utility functions that don't have a better home |
►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\Validator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\AnalyzersValidator | |
►CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\IndexAliasValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\IndexAllAliasValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\SpecificAliasValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\MappingValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\MaxShardsPerNodeValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\NumberOfShardsValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\ReplicaRangeValidator | |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Validators\ShardAllocationValidator | |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\Visitor\Visitable | "Visitable" node from the AST |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\BooleanClause | A boolean clause |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\ParsedNode | Base class representing a "node" in the query AST |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\EmptyQueryNode | Empty query node (we could not parse anything useful) |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\FuzzyNode | |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\KeywordFeatureNode | Represents a keyword in the query |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\NamespaceHeaderNode | A "namespace header" in the query |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\NegatedNode | Negated node NOTE: may not appear in any resulting query AST, NegatedNode are always removed and attached to a BooleanClause as MUST_NOT |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\ParsedBooleanNode | A boolean expression |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\PhrasePrefixNode | A phrase prefix |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\PhraseQueryNode | A phrase |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\PrefixNode | A simple word prefix query |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\WildcardNode | Wildcard query |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\WordsQueryNode | Simple query node made of words |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\Visitor\Visitor | AST Visitor |
►CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\Visitor\LeafVisitor | Visit leaves only |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\Visitor\KeywordNodeVisitor | Simple KeywordFeatureNode visitor |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\AST\Visitor\QueryFixer | Inspect a query and determine what parts of it can be sent to a typo correction mechanism and provide a method to fix the query once the corrected substring is known |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\BasicQueryClassifier | Basic classifier to identify queries like: |
►CCirrusSearch\WarningCollector | Warning collector interface |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\KeywordParser | Parser for KeywordFeature |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SearchContext | The search context, maintains the state of the current search query |
CCirrusSearch\Wikimedia\WeightedTagsHooks | |
►CAbstractQuery | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\LtrQuery | |
CCirrusSearch\Extra\Query\SourceRegex | Source regex filter for trigram accelerated regex matching |
CCirrusSearch\Extra\Query\TermFreq | Filtering based on integer comparisons on the frequency of a term |
CCirrusSearch\Extra\Query\TokenCountRouter | TokenCountRouter query used to trigger a particular query by counting the number of tokens in the user query |
►CAbstractTransport | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\ES6CompatTransportWrapper | Painful hack that rewrites all bulk requests by attaching the "_type": "_doc" param to all operations as it's mandatory with elasticsearch6 |
►CApiBase | |
CCirrusSearch\Api\ConfigDump | Dumps CirrusSearch configuration for easy viewing |
CCirrusSearch\Api\MappingDump | Dumps CirrusSearch mappings for easy viewing |
CCirrusSearch\Api\ProfilesDump | Dumps CirrusSearch profiles for easy viewing |
CCirrusSearch\Api\SettingsDump | Dumps CirrusSearch mappings for easy viewing |
CCirrusSearch\Api\SuggestIndex | Update ElasticSearch suggestion index |
►CApiQueryBase | |
CCirrusSearch\Api\QueryBuildDocument | Generate CirrusSearch document for page |
CCirrusSearch\Api\QueryCirrusDoc | Dump stored CirrusSearch document for page |
CCirrusSearch\Api\QueryCompSuggestBuildDoc | |
►CBaseSearchResultSet | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\BaseCirrusSearchResultSet | Base class to represent a CirrusSearchResultSet Extensions willing to feed Cirrus with a CirrusSearchResultSet must extend this class |
CCirrusSearch\Search\EmptySearchResultSet | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\InterleavedResultSet | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\ResultSet | A set of results from Elasticsearch |
►CConfig | |
►CCirrusSearch\SearchConfig | Configuration class encapsulating Searcher environment |
CCirrusSearch\HashSearchConfig | SearchConfig implemenation backed by a simple \HashConfig |
►CElasticaConnection | |
CCirrusSearch\Connection | Forms and caches connection to Elasticsearch as well as client objects that contain connection information like \Elastica\Index and \Elastica\Type |
►CException | |
CCirrusSearch\BuildDocument\BuildDocumentException | Exception thrown while building a document for indexing |
CCirrusSearch\Maintenance\Exception\IndexDumperException | An error that occurred while writing to the dump |
CCirrusSearch\NoActiveTestException | Thrown when a user testing method is called that requires an active test, but no test was active |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\ParsedQueryClassifierException | Problem related to ParsedQueryClassifier |
CCirrusSearch\Parser\QueryStringRegex\SearchQueryParseException | |
CCirrusSearch\Sanity\CheckerException | Exception thrown while checking sanity of the index vs the database |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\InvalidRescoreProfileException | Exception thrown if an error has been detected in the rescore profiles |
►CFormlessAction | |
CCirrusSearch\Dump | Action=cirrusDump handler |
►CFunctionScore | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Rescore\FunctionScoreDecorator | This is useful to check if the function score is empty Function score builders may not add any function if some criteria are not met |
►CGetPreferencesHook | |
CCirrusSearch\Hooks | All CirrusSearch's external hooks |
►CHttp | |
►CCirrusSearch\Elastica\DeprecationLoggedHttp | |
CCirrusSearch\Elastica\DeprecationLoggedHttps | |
►CISearchResultSet | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\CirrusSearchResultSet | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\BaseCirrusSearchResultSet | Base class to represent a CirrusSearchResultSet Extensions willing to feed Cirrus with a CirrusSearchResultSet must extend this class |
CCirrusSearch\Search\InterleavedResultSet | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\ResultSet | A set of results from Elasticsearch |
►CIterator | |
►CCirrusSearch\Iterator\IteratorDecorator | Allows extending classes to decorate an Iterator with reduced boilerplate |
CCirrusSearch\Iterator\CallbackIterator | Applies a callback to all values returned from the iterator |
►CJob | |
CCirrusSearch\Job\CirrusGenericJob | CirrusSearch Job that is not bound to a Title |
►CCirrusSearch\Job\CirrusTitleJob | CirrusSearch Job that is bound to a Title |
CCirrusSearch\Job\DeleteArchive | Job wrapper for deleting pages from archive |
CCirrusSearch\Job\DeletePages | Job wrapper around Updater::deletePages |
CCirrusSearch\Job\IncomingLinkCount | Updates link counts to page when it is newly linked or unlinked |
CCirrusSearch\Job\LinksUpdate | Performs the appropriate updates to Elasticsearch after a LinksUpdate is completed |
►CRuntimeException | |
CCirrusSearch\Profile\SearchProfileException | Error occurring while managing search profiles |
►CSearchEngine | |
CCirrusSearch\CirrusSearch | SearchEngine implementation for CirrusSearch |
►CSearchIndexFieldDefinition | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\CirrusIndexField | Basic ElasticSearch index field |
CCirrusSearch\Search\BooleanIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\DatetimeIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\IntegerIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\KeywordIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\NestedIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\NumberIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\ShortTextIndexField | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\TextIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\OpeningTextIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\SourceTextIndexField | |
CCirrusSearch\Wikimedia\WeightedTags | |
►CSearchResult | |
►CCirrusSearch\Search\CirrusSearchResult | Base class for SearchResult |
CCirrusSearch\Search\ArrayCirrusSearchResult | |
CCirrusSearch\Search\Result | An individual search result from Elasticsearch |
►CUserGetDefaultOptionsHook | |
CCirrusSearch\Hooks | All CirrusSearch's external hooks |