Elasticsearch-powered search for MediaWiki
▼NCirrusSearch | A fallback method is a way to interact (correct/fix/suggest a better query) with the search results |
▼NElastica | Implementation of "sltr" query from ltr-query plugin |
CDeprecationLoggedHttp | |
CDeprecationLoggedHttps | |
CES6CompatTransportWrapper | Painful hack that rewrites all bulk requests by attaching the "_type": "_doc" param to all operations as it's mandatory with elasticsearch6 |
CHealth | Overrides Elastica's Health class to allow filtering by index |
CLtrQuery | |
CReindexRequest | |
CReindexResponse | |
CReindexStatus | |
CReindexTask | |
CBaseInterwikiResolver | Base InterwikiResolver class |
CBaseRequestLog | |
CBulkUpdateRequestLog | Request log for requests that update the elasticsearch cluster |
CCirrusConfigInterwikiResolver | InterwikiResolver suited for custom cirrus config: |
CCirrusDebugOptions | Cirrus debug options generally set via unofficial URI param (&cirrusXYZ=ZYX) |
CCirrusSearch | SearchEngine implementation for CirrusSearch |
CCirrusSearchHookRunner | |
CCirrusSearchServices | A simple wrapper for MediaWikiServices, to support type safety when accessing services defined by this extension |
CClusterSettings | Handles resolving configuration variables into specific settings for a specific cluster |
CCompletionRequestLog | |
CCompletionSuggester | Performs search as you type queries using Completion Suggester |
CConnection | Forms and caches connection to Elasticsearch as well as client objects that contain connection information like \Elastica\Index and \Elastica\Type |
CCrossSearchStrategy | Defines support strategies regarding cross wiki searches |
CDataSender | Handles non-maintenance write operations to the elastic search cluster |
CDump | Action=cirrusDump handler |
CElasticaErrorHandler | Generic functions for extracting and reporting on errors/exceptions from Elastica |
CElasticsearchIntermediary | Base class with useful functions for communicating with Elasticsearch |
CEmptyInterwikiResolver | |
CExplainPrinter | Formats the result of elasticsearch explain to a (slightly) more readable html format than raw json |
CExternalIndex | Represents an external index referenced by the OtherIndex functionality |
CHashSearchConfig | SearchConfig implemenation backed by a simple \HashConfig |
CHooks | All CirrusSearch's external hooks |
CInterwikiResolver | Retrieve Interwiki information |
CInterwikiResolverFactory | Factory class used to create InterwikiResolver |
CInterwikiSearcher | Performs searches using Elasticsearch – on interwikis! |
CMultiSearchRequestLog | Extending from SearchRequestLog doesn't quite feel right, but there is a good amount of shared code |
CNearMatchPicker | Picks the best "near match" title |
CNoActiveTestException | Thrown when a user testing method is called that requires an active test, but no test was active |
COtherIndexesUpdater | Tracks whether a Title is known on other indexes |
CRequestLog | Represents logging information for a single network operation made between php and elasticsearch |
CRequestLogger | Handles logging information about requests made to various destinations, such as monolog, EventBus and statsd |
CSearchConfig | Configuration class encapsulating Searcher environment |
CSearcher | Performs searches using Elasticsearch |
CSearchRequestLog | |
CSiteMatrixInterwikiResolver | InterwikiResolver suited for WMF context and uses SiteMatrix |
CUpdater | Performs updates and deletes on the Elasticsearch index |
CUserTestingEngine | Decision making around user testing |
CUserTestingStatus | Reports UserTesting bucketing decision |
CUtil | Random utility functions that don't have a better home |
CVersion | Fetch the Elasticsearch version |
CWarningCollector | Warning collector interface |