 * Extended version of SiteBase.js for use in jQuery version of Special:GlobalWatchlist

var GlobalWatchlistSiteBase = require( './SiteBase.js' );

 * Represents a specific site, including the display (used in jQuery display)
 * @class GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay
 * @extends GlobalWatchlistSiteBase
 * @constructor
 * @param {GlobalWatchlistDebugger} globalWatchlistDebug Debugger instance to log to
 * @param {GlobalWatchlistLinker} linker Linker instance to use
 * @param {Object} config User configuration
 * @param {mw.ForeignApi} api Instance of mw.ForeignApi for this site
 * @param {GlobalWatchlistWatchlistUtils} watchlistUtils WatchlistUtils instance for this site
 * @param {string} urlFragment string for which site this represents
function GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay(
) {

	// Actual output for this site
	this.$feedDiv = '';

OO.inheritClass( GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay, GlobalWatchlistSiteBase );

 * Make the links for a row in the watchlist
 * @param {GlobalWatchlistEntryBase} entry Details of the list entry to create
 * @return {jQuery} list item
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.makePageLink = function ( entry ) {
	var pageTitle = encodeURIComponent( entry.title ).replace( /'/g, '%27' );
	var $pageLink = $( '<a>' )
		.attr( 'href', this.linker.linkQuery( 'title=' + pageTitle + '&redirect=no' ) )
		.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
		.text( entry.titleMsg || entry.title );
	var that = this;

	// Actually set up the $row to be returned
	var $row = $( '<li>' );

	$row.attr( 'data-site', encodeURIComponent( this.siteID ) );
	$row.attr( 'data-title', encodeURIComponent( entry.title ) );

	if ( entry.timestamp ) {
		// entry.timestampTitle is either a string explaining grouped changes, or null to ignore
		var $timestamp = $( '<span>' )
			.text( entry.timestamp )
			.attr( 'title', entry.timestampTitle );
		$row.append( $timestamp )
			.append( ' ' );
	if ( entry.expiry ) {
		var clockIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget( {
			classes: [ 'ext-globalwatchlist-expiry-icon' ],
			icon: 'clock',
			title: entry.expiry
		} );
		$row.append( clockIcon.$element )
			.append( ' ' );
	if ( entry.flags ) {
		// New page / minor edit / bot flag
		$row.append( $( '<b>' ).text( entry.flags ) )
			.append( ' ' );
	if ( entry.entryType === 'log' ) {
		var logText = 'Log: ' + entry.logtype + '/' + entry.logaction + ': ';
		$row.append( $( '<em>' ).text( logText ) )
			.append( ' ' );

	$row.append( $pageLink )
		.append( ' (' );

	if ( entry.entryType !== 'log' ) {
		// No history link for log entries, T273691
		var $historyLink = $( '<a>' )
			.attr( 'href', this.linker.linkQuery( 'title=' + pageTitle + '&action=history' ) )
			.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
			.text( mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-history' ) );
		$row.append( $historyLink )
			.append( ', ' );

	// No diff links in fast mode, see T269728
	if ( entry.entryType === 'edit' && entry.newPage === false && this.config.fastMode === false ) {
		var $diffLink = $( '<a>' )
			.attr( 'href', this.linker.linkQuery( 'diff=' + entry.toRev + '&oldid=' + entry.fromRev ) )
			.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
			.addClass( 'ext-globalwatchlist-diff' )
				entry.editCount === 1 ? mw.msg( 'diff' ) : mw.msg( 'nchanges', entry.editCount )
		$row.append( $diffLink )
			.append( ', ' );
	} else if ( entry.entryType === 'log' ) {
		var $logPageLink = $( '<a>' )
			.attr( 'href', this.linker.linkQuery( 'title=Special:Log&page=' + pageTitle ) )
			.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
			.text( mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-log-page' ) );
		$row.append( $logPageLink )
			.append( ', ' );

		var $logEntryLink = $( '<a>' )
			.attr( 'href', this.linker.linkQuery( 'title=Special:Log&logid=' + entry.logid ) )
			.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
			.text( mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-log-entry' ) );
		$row.append( $logEntryLink )
			.append( ', ' );

	var $unwatchLink = $( '<a>' )
		.addClass( 'ext-globalwatchlist-watchunwatch' )
		.text( mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-unwatch' ) )
		.on( 'click', function () {
			that.changeWatched( entry.title, 'unwatch' );
		} );
	$row.append( $unwatchLink )
		.append( ', ' );

	var $markAsReadLink = $( '<a>' )
		.addClass( 'ext-globalwatchlist-markpageseen' )
		.text( mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-markpageseen' ) )
		.on( 'click', function () {
			that.markPageAsSeen( entry.title );
		} );
	$row.append( $markAsReadLink );

	$row.append( ')' );

	var $user = ( this.config.fastMode ? '' : entry.userDisplay );
	var $comment = '';
	if ( entry.commentDisplay ) {
		// Need to process links in the parsed comments as raw HTML
		$comment = $( '<span>' ).html( entry.commentDisplay );
	if ( $user !== '' || $comment !== '' ) {
		$row.append( ' (' )
			.append( $user )
			.append( $comment )
			.append( ')' );

	if ( entry.tagsDisplay ) {
		// Need to process links in the parsed description as raw HTML
		var $tags = $( '<em>' ).html( entry.tagsDisplay );

		$row.append( ' ' )
			.append( $tags );

	return $row;
/* end GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.makePageLink */

 * Create the output for this.$feedDiv, either for success (via renderWatchlist) or
 * failure (via renderApiFailure)
 * @param {jQuery} $content Content to show
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.actuallyRenderWatchlist = function ( $content ) {
	var headerTemplate = mw.template.get(
	var headerParams = {
		'special-watchlist-url': this.linker.linkPage( 'Special:Watchlist' ),
		'site-name': this.site,
		'special-edit-watchlist-url': this.linker.linkPage( 'Special:EditWatchlist' ),
		'edit-watchlist-msg': mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-editwatchlist' )

	// Get RTL/LTR direction for the site. We can't use String.prototype.startsWith, since
	// that is unavailable in IE11, and doesn't take multiple values anyway. Use
	// String.prototype.match with a list of the language codes that should be RTL
	// this.siteID is based on the URL form of the wiki, and we assume that wikis that are
	// meant to be RTL are in the form `⧼rtl language code⧽.*`, and any URL that does not
	// match this is for an LTR wiki. See T274602 and T274313
	var isRTL = this.siteID.match(
	// mw-content-ltr and -rtl classes are not enough to ensure that the text is formatted
	// in the correct direction, so add a manual direction attribute. See T287649
	// We still add those classes because they are also used by jQuery.makeCollapsible
	// to know if the collapse button should be on the right or left.
	this.$feedDiv = $( '<div>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'ext-globalwatchlist-feed-site-' + this.siteID )
		.attr( 'dir', isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' )
		.addClass( 'ext-globalwatchlist-feed-site' )
		.addClass( isRTL ? 'mw-content-rtl' : 'mw-content-ltr' )
			headerTemplate.render( headerParams ),

 * Alert on API failures
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.renderApiFailure = function () {
	var $siteContent = $( '<p>' ).text(
		mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-fetch-site-failure' )

	this.actuallyRenderWatchlist( $siteContent );

 * Display the watchlist
 * @param {GlobalWatchlistEntryBase[]} summary What should be rendered
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.renderWatchlist = function ( summary ) {
	var $ul = $( '<ul>' ),
		that = this;
	summary.forEach( function ( element ) {
		$ul.append( that.makePageLink( element ) );
	} );

	var markSeenButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( {
		classes: [ 'ext-globalwatchlist-feed-markseen' ],
		flags: [ 'destructive' ],
		icon: 'check',
		label: mw.msg( 'globalwatchlist-markseen' )
	} ).on( 'click', function () {
	} );

	var $outputContent = $( '<div>' )
		.addClass( 'ext-globalwatchlist-site' )
	this.actuallyRenderWatchlist( $outputContent );
/* end GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.renderWatchlist */

 * Update display after marking a site as seen
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.afterMarkAllAsSeen = function () {
	this.debug( 'markSiteAsSeen - hiding site' );
	if ( this.$feedDiv ) {
		// Don't call .children() on the default empty string, T275078
		$( this.$feedDiv.children()[ 1 ] ).hide();

	// GlobalWatchlist.watchlists.checkChangesShown( true );
/* end GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.afterMarkAllAsSeen */

GlobalWatchlistSiteBase.prototype.afterMarkPageAsSeen = function ( pageTitle ) {
	this.debug( 'markPageAsSeen - hiding page' );
	if ( this.$feedDiv ) {
		var dataTitle = encodeURIComponent( pageTitle );
		$( this.$feedDiv.find( '[data-title="' + dataTitle + '"]' ) ).hide();

 * Update entry click handlers, text, and strikethrough for a specific title
 * @param {string} pageTitle Title of the page that was unwatched/rewatched.
 * @param {boolean} unwatched Whether the page was unwatched
GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.processUpdateWatched = function ( pageTitle, unwatched ) {
		'Processing after ' + ( unwatched ? 'unwatching' : 'rewatching' ) + ': ' + pageTitle

	var encodedSite = encodeURIComponent( this.siteID );
	var encodedTitle = encodeURIComponent( pageTitle );
	var $entries = $( 'li[data-site="' + encodedSite + '"][data-title="' + encodedTitle + '"]' );
	$entries[ unwatched ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'ext-globalwatchlist-strike' );

	$entries.children( '.ext-globalwatchlist-expiry-icon' ).remove();

	var $links = $entries.children( 'a.ext-globalwatchlist-watchunwatch' );
	var newText = mw.msg( unwatched ? 'globalwatchlist-rewatch' : 'globalwatchlist-unwatch' );
	var that = this;

	$links.each( function () {
		$( this ).off( 'click' );
		$( this ).on( 'click', function () {
			that.changeWatched( pageTitle, unwatched ? 'watch' : 'unwatch' );
		} );
		$( this ).text( newText );
	} );
/* end GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay.prototype.processUpdateWatched */

module.exports = GlobalWatchlistSiteDisplay;