Extension to create a global watchlist
No Matches
Metrics collection

The GlobalWatchlist extension currently tracks four counter metrics using the StatsdDataFactory service, and four timing metrics using mw.track:

PHP StatsdDataFactory metrics


Each time SpecialGlobalWatchlist.php is executed, the globalwatchlist.load_special_page metric is incremented.


When users submit options via SpecialGlobalWatchlistSettings.php, one of two different metrics is incremented. If the user has existing settings saved in the database, the globalwatchlist.settings.change metric is incremented. If not, and the user is saving their settings for the first time, the metric is incremented.

Options api

In addition to being able to use Special:GlobalWatchlistSettings to modify their preferences, users can also manually set their preferences via the options API. When the options API is used to modify the global watchlist preferences, the globalwatchlist.settings.manualchange metric is incremented.

Special:GlobalWatchlist - mw.track timing

Each time SpecialGlobalWatchlist.php is loaded, the time it takes for the watchlist to be first loaded is tracked using mw.track. There are four different metric names used:

  • timing.MediaWiki.GlobalWatchlist.firstload.display.normal
  • timing.MediaWiki.GlobalWatchlist.firstload.display.fastmode

The use of normal or fastmode corresponds to whether the user chose to use the fast mode or not.