Extension to create a global watchlist
No Matches
JavaScript for Special:GlobalWatchlist


SiteBase.js is responsible for retrieving and displaying the content for a specific site. It is extended by SiteDisplay.js.

MultiSiteWrappper is used to manage multiple sites at once. Whichever frontend module is being used creates a MultiSiteWrapper, specifying the class for the sites to be represented with (SiteDisplay) and the user's settings, including which sites should be included.

The MultiSiteWrapper then creates an instance of the specified site class for each of the sites the user includes in their watchlists. The frontend then calls the getAllWatchlists method.

getAllWatchlists is a wrapper to return a Promise when each of the multiple sites it controls has completed fetching the relevant watchlist, retrieved via the getWatchlist in SiteBase.js. getWatchlist is the core of the backend for retrieving the changes to show.


getWatchlist works as follows:

  1. Retrieve the actual changes to a user's watchlist, as returned from the watchlist API, using actuallyGetWatchlist, which repeatedly invokes the watchlist API until no more results are available.
  2. Convert the "raw" changes from the API into a clearer summary of the changes, using a WatchlistUtils instance, including grouping results by page (when the user chooses to do so), converting links in edit summaries from local links to external links, etc.
  3. Call makeWikidataList which will, if the site in question matches the one specified in $wgGlobalWatchlistWikibaseSite, update the display text for entities, properties, and lexemes to use the item's label instead of id (see Wikibase.js)
  4. Call getTagList to ensure that the information for any tags associated with edits is loaded
  5. Call renderWatchlist, which is implemented in SiteDisplay.js, to actually create the display.

NOTE: The Promise returned by getWatchlist is a promise that the watchlist was retrieved, and does not resolve to the watchlist content itself.



Though implemented differently, both frontends include the following components:

  • A toolbar, which holds to the buttons at the top of the page that control the overall functionality
  • A loading bar that is conditionally shown when the display is being refreshed
  • When relevant, a label showing when the display was last refreshed
  • The output of each site, including
    • A heading noting the site, linking to Special:Watchlist on the site
    • A button to mark all changes on that site as seen
    • A toggle to collapse/expand the site output
  • When there are sites that have no changes to display, they are noted at the bottom


The frontend uses OOUI and jQuery to create the elements for displaying the overall global watchlist and each site's output. Additionally, HTML templating (using Mustache) is used for a few elements.

JavaScript classes