util = require( './util' ),
escapeSelector = util.escapeSelector,
arrowOptions = {
icon: 'expand',
isSmall: true,
additionalClassNames: 'indicator'
Icon = require( './Icon' );
const isCollapsedByDefault = require( './isCollapsedByDefault.js' );
* @typedef {Object} ToggledEvent
* @prop {boolean} expanded True if section is opened, false if closed.
* @prop {Page} page
* @prop {jQuery.Object} $heading
* @memberof module:mobile.startup
* @ignore
* A class for enabling toggling
* Toggling can be disabled on a sepcific heading by adding the
* collapsible-heading-disabled class.
class Toggler {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {OO.EventEmitter} options.eventBus Object used to emit section-toggled events.
* @param {jQuery.Object} options.$container to apply toggling to
* @param {string} options.prefix a prefix to use for the id.
* @param {Page} to allow storage of session for future visits
constructor( options ) {
this.eventBus = options.eventBus;
this.$container = options.$container;
this.prefix = options.prefix; =;
* Check if sections should be collapsed by default
* @return {boolean}
isCollapsedByDefault() {
if ( this._isCollapsedByDefault === undefined ) {
// Thess classes override site settings and user preferences. For example:
// * ...-collapsed used on talk pages by DiscussionTools. (T321618, T322628)
// * ...-expanded used in previews (T336572)
const $override = this.$container.closest( '.collapsible-headings-collapsed, .collapsible-headings-expanded' );
if ( $override.length ) {
this._isCollapsedByDefault = $override.hasClass( 'collapsible-headings-collapsed' );
} else {
// Check site config
this._isCollapsedByDefault = isCollapsedByDefault();
return this._isCollapsedByDefault;
* Given a heading, toggle it and any of its children
* @memberof Toggler
* @instance
* @param {jQuery.Object} $heading A heading belonging to a section
* @param {boolean} fromSaved Section is being toggled from a saved state
* @return {boolean}
toggle( $heading, fromSaved ) {
if ( !fromSaved && $heading.hasClass( 'collapsible-heading-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
const wasExpanded = $ '.open-block' );
$heading.toggleClass( 'open-block' );
arrowOptions.rotation = wasExpanded ? 0 : 180;
const newIndicator = new Icon( arrowOptions );
const $indicatorElement = $ 'indicator' );
if ( $indicatorElement ) {
$indicatorElement.replaceWith( newIndicator.$el );
$ 'indicator', newIndicator.$el );
const $headingLabel = $heading.find( '.mw-headline' );
$headingLabel.attr( 'aria-expanded', !wasExpanded );
const $content = $;
if ( $content.hasClass( 'open-block' ) ) {
$content.removeClass( 'open-block' );
// jquery doesn't allow custom values for the hidden attribute it seems.
$content.get( 0 ).setAttribute( 'hidden', 'until-found' );
} else {
$content.addClass( 'open-block' );
$content.removeAttr( 'hidden' );
/* T239418 We consider this event as a low-priority one and emit it asynchronously.
This ensures that any logic associated with section toggling is async and not contributing
directly to a slow click/press event handler.
Currently costly reflow-inducing viewport size computation is being done for lazy-loaded
images by the main listener to this event. */
mw.requestIdleCallback( () => {
* Global event emitted after a section has been toggled
* @event ~section-toggled
* @type {ToggledEvent}
* @memberof module:mobile.startup~Toggler
* @ignore
this.eventBus.emit( 'section-toggled', {
expanded: wasExpanded,
} );
* Internal for use inside ExternalGuidance.
* @event ~'mobileFrontend.section-toggled'
* @memberof Hooks
mw.hook( 'mobileFrontend.section-toggled' ).fire( {
expanded: wasExpanded,
} );
} );
return true;
* Reveals an element and its parent section as identified by it's id
* @memberof Toggler
* @instance
* @param {string} id An element ID within the $container
* @return {boolean} Target ID was found
reveal( id ) {
let $target;
// jQuery will throw for hashes containing certain characters which can break toggling
try {
$target = this.$container.find( '#' + escapeSelector( id ) );
} catch ( e ) {}
if ( !$target || !$target.length ) {
return false;
let $heading = $target.parents( '.collapsible-heading' );
// The heading is not a section heading, check if in a content block!
if ( !$heading.length ) {
$heading = $target.parents( '.collapsible-block' ).prev( '.collapsible-heading' );
if ( $heading.length && !$heading.hasClass( 'open-block' ) ) {
this.toggle( $heading );
if ( $heading.length ) {
// scroll again after opening section (opening section makes the page longer)
window.scrollTo( 0, $target.offset().top );
return true;
* Enables section toggling in a given container.
* @memberof Toggler
* @instance
* @private
_enable() {
// FIXME This should use .find() instead of .children(), some extensions like Wikibase
// want to toggle other headlines than direct descendants of $container. (T95889)
this.$container.children( '.section-heading' ).each( ( i, headingEl ) => {
const $heading = this.$container.find( headingEl ),
$headingLabel = $heading.find( '.mw-headline' ),
$indicator = $heading.find( '.indicator' ),
id = this.prefix + 'collapsible-block-' + i;
// Be sure there is a `section` wrapping the section content.
// Otherwise, collapsible sections for this page is not enabled.
if ( $ 'section' ) ) {
const $content = $ 'section' );
.addClass( 'collapsible-heading ' )
.data( 'section-number', i )
.on( 'click', ( ev ) => {
// don't toggle, if the click target was a link
// (a link in a section heading)
// See T117880
const clickedLink = 'a' );
if ( !clickedLink || !clickedLink.href ) {
// prevent taps/clicks on edit button after toggling (T58209)
this.toggle( $heading );
} );
.attr( {
tabindex: 0,
role: 'button',
'aria-controls': id,
'aria-expanded': 'false'
} );
arrowOptions.rotation = !this.isCollapsedByDefault() ? 180 : 0;
const indicator = new Icon( arrowOptions );
if ( $indicator.length ) {
// replace the existing indicator
$indicator.replaceWith( indicator.$el );
} else {
indicator.prependTo( $heading );
$ 'indicator', indicator.$el );
.addClass( 'collapsible-block' )
.eq( 0 )
.attr( {
// We need to give each content block a unique id as that's
// the only way we can tell screen readers what element we're
// referring to via `aria-controls`.
} )
.on( 'beforematch', () => this.toggle( $heading ) )
.addClass( 'collapsible-block-js' )
.get( 0 ).setAttribute( 'hidden', 'until-found' );
enableKeyboardActions( this, $heading );
if ( !this.isCollapsedByDefault() ) {
// Expand sections by default on wide screen devices
// or if the expand sections setting is set.
// The wide screen logic for determining whether to collapse sections initially
// should be kept in sync with mobileoptions#initLocalStorageElements().
this.toggle( $heading );
} );
* Checks the existing hash and toggles open any section that contains the fragment.
* @method
const checkHash = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
let hash = window.location.hash;
if ( hash.indexOf( '#' ) === 0 ) {
hash = hash.slice( 1 );
// Per
// we try the raw fragment first, then the percent-decoded fragment.
if ( !this.reveal( hash ) ) {
const decodedHash = mw.util.percentDecodeFragment( hash );
if ( decodedHash ) {
this.reveal( decodedHash );
* Checks the value of wgInternalRedirectTargetUrl and sets the hash if present.
* checkHash() will reveal the collapsed section that contains it afterwards.
* @method
function checkInternalRedirectAndHash() {
const internalRedirect = mw.config.get( 'wgInternalRedirectTargetUrl' ),
internalRedirectHash = internalRedirect ? internalRedirect.split( '#' )[1] : false;
if ( internalRedirectHash ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
window.location.hash = internalRedirectHash;
util.getWindow().on( 'hashchange', () => checkHash() );
* Enables toggling via enter and space keys
* @param {Toggler} toggler instance.
* @param {jQuery.Object} $heading
* @ignore
function enableKeyboardActions( toggler, $heading ) {
$heading.on( 'keypress', ( ev ) => {
if ( ev.which === 13 || ev.which === 32 ) {
// Only handle keypresses on the "Enter" or "Space" keys
toggler.toggle( $heading );
} ).find( 'a' ).on( 'keypress mouseup', ( ev ) => ev.stopPropagation() );
module.exports = Toggler;