* Internal for use inside Minerva only. See {@link module:mobile.startup} for access.
* @module module:mobile.startup/search
pageJSONParser = require( '../page/pageJSONParser' ),
util = require( '../util' ),
extendSearchParams = require( '../extendSearchParams' );
* Interact with MediaWiki search API.
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/search
* @uses mw.Api
* @param {mw.Api} api
class SearchGateway {
* @param {mw.Api} api
constructor( api ) {
this.api = api;
this.searchCache = {};
this.generator = mw.config.get( 'wgMFSearchGenerator' );
* The namespace to search in.
* @type {number}
this.searchNamespace = 0;
* Get the data used to do the search query api call.
* @param {string} query to search for
* @return {Object}
getApiData( query ) {
const prefix = this.generator.prefix,
data = extendSearchParams( 'search', {
generator: this.generator.name
} );
data.redirects = '';
data['g' + prefix + 'search'] = query;
data['g' + prefix + 'namespace'] = this.searchNamespace;
data['g' + prefix + 'limit'] = 15;
// If PageImages is being used configure further.
if ( data.pilimit ) {
data.pilimit = 15;
data.pithumbsize = mw.config.get( 'wgMFThumbnailSizes' ).tiny;
return data;
* Escapes regular expression wildcards (metacharacters) by adding a \\ prefix
* @param {string} str a string
* @return {Object} a regular expression that can be used to search for that str
* @private
_createSearchRegEx( str ) {
// '\[' can be unescaped, but leave it balanced with '`]'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
str = str.replace( /[-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&' );
return new RegExp( '^(' + str + ')', 'ig' );
* Takes a label potentially beginning with term
* and highlights term if it is present with strong
* @param {string} label a piece of text
* @param {string} term a string to search for from the start
* @return {string} safe html string with matched terms encapsulated in strong tags
* @private
_highlightSearchTerm( label, term ) {
label = util.parseHTML( '<span>' ).text( label ).html();
term = term.trim();
term = util.parseHTML( '<span>' ).text( term ).html();
return label.replace( this._createSearchRegEx( term ), '<strong>$1</strong>' );
* Return data used for creating {Page} objects
* @param {string} query to search for
* @param {Object} pageInfo from the API
* @return {Object} data needed to create a {Page}
* @private
_getPage( query, pageInfo ) {
const page = pageJSONParser.parse( pageInfo );
// If displaytext is set in the generator result (eg. by Wikibase),
// use that as display title.
// Otherwise default to the page's title.
// FIXME: Given that displayTitle could have html in it be safe and just highlight text.
// Note that highlightSearchTerm does full HTML escaping before highlighting.
page.displayTitle = this._highlightSearchTerm(
pageInfo.displaytext ? pageInfo.displaytext : page.title,
page.index = pageInfo.index;
return page;
* Process the data returned by the api call.
* @param {string} query to search for
* @param {Object} data from api
* @return {Array}
* @private
_processData( query, data ) {
let results = [];
if ( data.query ) {
results = data.query.pages || {};
results = Object.keys( results ).map( ( id ) => this._getPage( query, results[id] ) );
// sort in order of index
results.sort( ( a, b ) => a.index - b.index );
return results;
* Perform a search for the given query.
* @param {string} query to search for
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
search( query ) {
const scriptPath = mw.config.get( 'wgMFScriptPath' );
if ( !this.isCached( query ) ) {
const xhr = this.api.get( this.getApiData( query ), scriptPath ? {
url: scriptPath
} : undefined );
const request = xhr
// resolve the Deferred object
( data, jqXHR ) => ( {
results: this._processData( query, data ),
searchId: jqXHR && jqXHR.getResponseHeader( 'x-search-id' )
} ),
() => {
// reset cached result, it maybe contains no value
this.searchCache[query] = undefined;
// cache the result to prevent the execution of one search query twice
// in one session
this.searchCache[query] = request.promise( {
abort() {
} );
return this.searchCache[query];
* Check if the search has already been performed in given session.
* @param {string} query
* @return {boolean}
isCached( query ) {
return Boolean( this.searchCache[query] );
module.exports = SearchGateway;