const units = [ 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'months', 'years' ],
util = require( './util' ),
limits = [ 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 2592000, 31536000 ];
* Calculate the correct unit of timestamp
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @instance
* @param {number} timestampDelta
* @return {{value: number, unit: string}}
function timeAgo( timestampDelta ) {
let i = 0;
while ( i < limits.length && timestampDelta > limits[i + 1] ) {
return {
value: Math.round( timestampDelta / limits[i] ),
unit: units[i]
* Calculate the correct unit of timestamp delta
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @param {number} timestamp
* @return {{value: number, unit: string}}
function getTimeAgoDelta( timestamp ) {
const currentTimestamp = Math.round( / 1000 );
return timeAgo( currentTimestamp - timestamp );
* Whether timestamp delta is less than a day old
* @instance
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @param {{value: number, unit: string}} delta Object of timestamp and its label
* @return {boolean}
function isRecent( delta ) {
return [ 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' ].indexOf( delta.unit ) > -1;
* Is delta less than 10 seconds?
* @instance
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @param {{value: number, unit: string}} delta Object of timestamp and its label
* @return {boolean}
function isNow( delta ) {
return delta.unit === 'seconds' && delta.value < 10;
* Return a message relating to the last modified relative time.
* @instance
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @param {number} ts timestamp
* @param {string} username of the last user to modify the page
* @param {string} gender of the last user to modify the page
* @param {string} historyUrl url to the history page for the message (deprecated)
* @return {string}
function getLastModifiedMessage( ts, username, gender, historyUrl ) {
const linkAll = typeof historyUrl === 'undefined',
keys = {
seconds: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-seconds',
minutes: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-minutes',
hours: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-hours',
days: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-days',
months: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-months',
years: 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-years'
args = [];
gender = gender || 'unknown';
const delta = getTimeAgoDelta( ts );
if ( isNow( delta ) ) {
args.push( 'mobile-frontend-last-modified-with-user-just-now', gender, username );
} else {
args.push( keys[ delta.unit ], gender, username,
mw.language.convertNumber( delta.value )
const lastEditedElement = linkAll ?
util.parseHTML( '<strong>' ).attr( 'class', 'last-modified-text-accent' ) :
util.parseHTML( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', historyUrl || '#' );
const usernameElement = linkAll ?
util.parseHTML( '<span>' ).attr( 'class', 'last-modified-text-accent' ) :
util.parseHTML( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', mw.util.getUrl( 'User:' + username ) );
// Abuse PLURAL support to determine if the user is anonymous or not
mw.language.convertNumber( username ? 1 : 0 ),
// Our abuse of PLURAL support means we have to pass the relative URL
// rather than construct it from a wikilink
username ? usernameElement : ''
return mw.message.apply( this, args ).parse();
* Return a message relating to the registration date of the user
* @instance
* @memberof module:mobile.startup/time
* @param {string} ts timestamp
* @param {string} [gender] of the last user editing this page
* @return {string}
function getRegistrationMessage( ts, gender ) {
const keys = {
seconds: 'mobile-frontend-joined-seconds',
minutes: 'mobile-frontend-joined-minutes',
hours: 'mobile-frontend-joined-hours',
days: 'mobile-frontend-joined-days',
months: 'mobile-frontend-joined-months',
years: 'mobile-frontend-joined-years'
const args = [];
gender = gender || 'unknown';
const delta = getTimeAgoDelta( parseInt( ts, 10 ) );
if ( isNow( delta ) ) {
args.push( 'mobile-frontend-joined-just-now', gender );
} else {
args.push( keys[ delta.unit ], gender, mw.language.convertNumber( delta.value ) );
const html = mw.message.apply( this, args ).parse();
return html;
* Utility library for relative time.
* @exports module:mobile.startup/time
module.exports = {