Source: experiments.js

 * @module experiments

 * @interface Experiments
 * @global

 * Creates a helper wrapper for the MediaWiki-provided
 * `mw.experiments#getBucket` bucketing function.
 * @param {mw.experiments} mwExperiments The `mw.experiments` singleton instance
 * @return {Experiments}
export default function createExperiments( mwExperiments ) {
	return {
		 * Gets whether something is true given a name and a token.
		 * @example
		 * import createExperiments from './src/experiments';
		 * const experiments = createExperiments( mw.experiments );
		 * const isFooEnabled = experiments.weightedBoolean(
		 *   'foo',
		 *   10 / 100, // 10% of all unique tokens should have foo enabled.
		 *   token
		 * );
		 * @method
		 * @name Experiments#weightedBoolean
		 * @param {string} name The name of the thing. Since this is used as the
		 *  name of the underlying experiment it should be unique to reduce the
		 *  likelihood of collisions with other enabled experiments
		 * @param {number} trueWeight A number between 0 and 1, representing the
		 *  probability of the thing being true
		 * @param {string} token A token associated with the user for the duration
		 *  of the experiment
		 * @return {boolean}
		weightedBoolean( name, trueWeight, token ) {
			return mwExperiments.getBucket( {
				enabled: true,

				buckets: {
					true: trueWeight,
					false: 1 - trueWeight
			}, token ) === 'true';