Created at 2024-11-03 13:00:05 , with PHPMetrics v2.8.1 (Jean-François Lépine).
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Maintainability / complexity (with comments)

Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.

Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.

Page Rank is a way to measure the importance of a class. There is no "good" or "bad" page rank. This metric reflects interactions in your code.

0.29 PropertySuggester\UpdateTable\ImportContext 91.15 46.48
0.08 PropertySuggester\Suggesters\Suggestion 107.64 61.85
0.06 PropertySuggester\EventLogger 83.7 41.63
0.06 PropertySuggester\SuggesterParams 219.33 171
0.05 PropertySuggester\UpdateTable\Importer\BasicImporter 81.03 43.16
0.04 PropertySuggester\SuggesterParamsParser 82.91 43.54
0.04 PropertySuggester\Suggesters\SchemaTreeSuggester 70.42 29.57
0.04 PropertySuggester\Suggesters\SimpleSuggester 70.44 29.93
0.04 PropertySuggester\SuggestionGenerator 73.86 34.56
0.04 PropertySuggester\ResultBuilder 76.21 35.87
0.03 PropertySuggester\Maintenance\UpdateTable 70.89 37.83
0.03 PropertySuggester\GetSuggestions 65.91 27.33
0.03 PropertySuggester\SchemaHooks 106.53 70.34
0.03 PropertySuggester\Hooks 84.46 47.78
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