Source: ext.templateDataGenerator.editTemplatePage/Target.js

var Dialog = require( './Dialog.js' ),
	DataModule = require( '' ),
	Model = DataModule.Model,
	SourceHandler = DataModule.SourceHandler;

 * Template data edit ui target
 * @class
 * @extends OO.ui.Element
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @constructor
 * @param {jQuery} $textarea Editor textarea
 * @param {Object} config
function Target( $textarea, config ) {
	var target = this;

	// Parent constructor this, config );

	// Mixin constructor this );

	this.pageName = config.pageName;
	this.parentPage = config.parentPage;
	this.isPageSubLevel = !!config.isPageSubLevel;
	this.isDocPage = !!config.isDocPage;
	this.docSubpage = config.docSubpage;
	this.$textarea = $textarea;

	this.editOpenDialogButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
		label: mw.msg( 'templatedata-editbutton' )
	} );

	this.editNoticeMessage = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
		classes: [ 'tdg-editscreen-edit-notice' ]
	} )
		.toggle( false );

	var $helpLink = $( '<a>' )
		.attr( {
			href: mw.msg( 'templatedata-helplink-target' ),
			target: '_blank'
		} )
		.addClass( 'tdg-editscreen-main-helplink' )
		.text( mw.msg( 'templatedata-helplink' ) );

	this.windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
	// Ensure OOUI's window manager is on top of ours, because we use OO.ui.confirm() elsewhere.
	// This is a bit silly...
	OO.ui.getWindowManager().$element.before( this.windowManager.$element );

	// Dialog
	this.tdgDialog = new Dialog( config );
	this.windowManager.addWindows( [ this.tdgDialog ] );

	this.sourceHandler = new SourceHandler( {
		fullPageName: this.pageName,
		parentPage: this.parentPage,
		isPageSubLevel: this.isPageSubLevel
	} );

	// Check if there's already a templatedata in a related page
	var relatedPage = this.isDocPage ? this.parentPage : this.pageName + '/' + this.docSubpage;
	this.sourceHandler.getApi( relatedPage )
		.then( function ( result ) {
			var response = result.query.pages[ result.query.pageids[ 0 ] ];
			// HACK: When checking whether a related page (parent for /doc page or
			// vice versa) already has a templatedata string, we shouldn't
			// ask for the 'templatedata' action but rather the actual content
			// of the related page, otherwise we get embedded templatedata and
			// wrong information is presented.
			if ( response.missing === undefined ) {
				var content = response.revisions[ 0 ][ '*' ];
				// There's a templatedata string
				if ( content.match( /<templatedata>/i ) ) {
					// HACK: Setting a link in the messages doesn't work. The bug report offers
					// a somewhat hacky work around that includes setting a separate message
					// to be parsed.
					var msg = mw.message( 'templatedata-exists-on-related-page', relatedPage ).plain();
					mw.messages.set( { 'templatedata-string-exists-hack-message': msg } );
					msg = new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(
						mw.message( 'templatedata-string-exists-hack-message' ).parse()

					target.setEditNoticeMessage( msg, 'warning' );
		} );

	// Events
	this.editOpenDialogButton.connect( this, { click: 'onEditOpenDialogButton' } );
	this.tdgDialog.connect( this, { apply: 'onDialogApply' } );

		.addClass( 'tdg-editscreen-main' )

/* Inheritance */

OO.inheritClass( Target, OO.ui.Element );

OO.mixinClass( Target, OO.EventEmitter );

/* Methods */

 * Destroy the target
Target.prototype.destroy = function () {

 * Display error message in the edit window
 * @method setNoticeMessage
 * @param {jQuery|string|OO.ui.HtmlSnippet|Function|null} label Message to display
 * @param {string} type Message type 'notice', 'error', 'warning' or 'success'
Target.prototype.setEditNoticeMessage = function ( label, type ) {
	this.editNoticeMessage.setLabel( label );
	this.editNoticeMessage.setType( type );
	this.editNoticeMessage.toggle( true );

 * Open the templatedata edit dialog
 * @method openEditDialog
 * @param {Model} dataModel The data model
 * associated with this edit dialog.
Target.prototype.openEditDialog = function ( dataModel ) {
	// Open the edit dialog
	this.windowManager.openWindow( 'TemplateDataDialog', {
		model: dataModel,
		editNoticeMessage: this.editNoticeMessage
	} );

 * Respond to edit dialog button click.
 * @method onEditOpenDialogButton
Target.prototype.onEditOpenDialogButton = function () {
	var target = this;

	this.originalWikitext = this.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' );

	// Build the model
	this.sourceHandler.buildModel( this.originalWikitext )
			// Success
			function ( model ) {
				target.openEditDialog( model );
			// Failure
			function () {
				// Open a message dialog
				OO.ui.getWindowManager().openWindow( 'message', {
					title: mw.msg( 'templatedata-modal-title' ),
					message: mw.msg( 'templatedata-errormsg-jsonbadformat' ),
					verbose: true,
					actions: [
							action: 'accept',
							label: mw.msg( 'templatedata-modal-json-error-replace' ),
							flags: [ 'primary', 'destructive' ]
							action: 'reject',
							label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'ooui-dialog-message-reject' ),
							flags: 'safe'
				} ).closed.then( function ( data ) {
					if ( data && data.action === 'accept' ) {
						// Open the dialog with an empty model
						var model = Model.static.newFromObject(
						target.openEditDialog( model );
				} );

 * Replace the old templatedata string with the new one, or
 * insert the new one into the page if an old one doesn't exist
 * @method replaceTemplateData
 * @param {Object} newTemplateData New templatedata
Target.prototype.replaceTemplateData = function ( newTemplateData ) {
	var templateDataJSON = JSON.stringify( newTemplateData, null, '\t' ),
		templatedataPattern = /(<templatedata>\s*)([\s\S]*?)\s*<\/templatedata>/i;

	var matches, templateDataOutput;
	if ( ( matches = this.originalWikitext.match( templatedataPattern ) ) ) {
		// Move cursor to select withing existing <templatedata> and whitespace
		this.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
			start: matches.index + matches[ 1 ].length,
			end: matches.index + matches[ 1 ].length + matches[ 2 ].length
		} );
		templateDataOutput = templateDataJSON;
	} else {
		this.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: this.originalWikitext.length } );

		templateDataOutput = '<templatedata>\n' + templateDataJSON + '\n</templatedata>';

		if ( !this.isPageSubLevel ) {
			if ( ( matches = this.originalWikitext.match( /<\/noinclude>\s*$/ ) ) ) {
				// Move cursor inside </noinclude>
				this.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: matches.index } );
			} else {
				// Wrap in new <noinclude>s
				templateDataOutput = '<noinclude>\n' + templateDataOutput + '\n</noinclude>\n';

		if ( this.originalWikitext.slice( -1 ) !== '\n' ) {
			templateDataOutput = '\n' + templateDataOutput;
	this.$textarea.textSelection( 'replaceSelection', templateDataOutput );

 * Respond to edit dialog apply event
 * @method onDialogApply
 * @param {Object} templateData New templatedata
Target.prototype.onDialogApply = function ( templateData ) {
	var target = this;

	if (
		Object.keys( templateData ).length > 1 ||
		Object.keys( templateData.params ).length > 0
	) {
		this.replaceTemplateData( templateData );
	} else {
		this.windowManager.closeWindow( this.windowManager.getCurrentWindow() );
		OO.ui.getWindowManager().openWindow( 'message', {
			title: mw.msg( 'templatedata-modal-title' ),
			message: mw.msg( 'templatedata-errormsg-insertblank' ),
			actions: [
					label: mw.msg( 'templatedata-modal-button-cancel' ),
					flags: [ 'primary', 'safe' ]
					action: 'apply',
					label: mw.msg( 'templatedata-modal-button-apply' )
		} ).closed.then( function ( data ) {
			if ( data && data.action === 'apply' ) {
				target.replaceTemplateData( templateData );
		} );

	// TODO: Remove when not needed any more, see T267926
	// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
	if ( !$( 'input[name="TemplateDataGeneratorUsed"]' ).length ) {
		$( '<input>' ).attr( {
			type: 'hidden',
			value: 1,
			name: 'TemplateDataGeneratorUsed'
		} ).insertAfter( '#wpTextbox1' );

module.exports = Target;