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8) Throw exceptions instead of returning response objects in use cases

Date: 2023-01-20




Currently, our UseCases can return three different types of response objects:

  1. A "success" response (e.g. GetItemLabelsSuccessResponse)
  2. An ItemRedirectResponse
  3. An ErrorResponse (e.g. GetItemLabelsErrorResponse)

While discussing Chapter 9: Validation of Advanced Web Application Architecture, we decided it would be useful to try out only returning a success response object from a UseCase and throwing an exception in the other situations.

We perceive that the benefits of throwing exceptions would be:

  1. The UseCase execute() method would only need a single return type instead of union types.
  2. In the RouteHandlers, catching different exceptions is nicer than doing several instanceof checks in if/elseif/else (or switch) statements.
  3. Checks like "is there a validation error", "does the item exist", "is the item a redirect", or "does the user have permission" can be condensed into a few method calls, reducing the number of lines in the UseCase execute() method.

Considered Actions

1) Leave the current response objects as is

Keep current ErrorResponse and ItemRedirectResponse, without throwing exceptions.

2) Switch to the new approach of using exceptions

By trying to use exceptions instead of response objects in either an already implemented UseCase with a single RouteHandler like GetItemLabels, or when creating a new UseCase e.g. GetItemDescriptions or GetItemAliases.


We decided to go with action 2: switch to throwing use case exceptions instead of returning different kinds of response objects.


  • Modify old use cases and validators to use exceptions instead of response objects.
  • Since there is now only one response for each use case (the "SuccessResponse"), we will rename it to just "Response". (e.g. GetItemLabelsSuccessResponse -> GetItemLabelsResponse).