MediaWiki Wikibase extension
No Matches

Part of the Property Info storage system.


  • pi_property_id - Numeric representation of the Pid. P64 -> 64.
    • Can be joined against page.page_title if the namespace for Properties is known.
  • pi_type - The data type of the property.
    • This is repeated from the content of pi_info to allow properties to be queried by type efficiently.
  • pi_info - A JSON BLOB containing information associated with the property.
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| pi_property_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| pi_type | varbinary(32) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| pi_info | blob | NO | | NULL | |

Extra Indexes:

  • pi_type - Allowing queries by Property type (Eg. string, url etc.)

Example data:

pi_property_id pi_type pi_info
18 commonsMedia {"type":"commonsMedia","formatterURL":"https:\/\/\/wiki\/File:$1"}
20 wikibase-item {"type":"wikibase-item"}
353 external-id {"type":"external-id","formatterURL":"https:\/\/\/tools\/search\/#!\/all?query=$1"}