MediaWiki WikibaseLexeme extension

This extension allows storing and modifying the structured lexicographic data in the Wikibase instance.


WikibaseLexeme requires the following extensions to be installed and configured on MediaWiki instance:


Note: Currently, this extension is only compatible with the current development version of Wikibase, i.e. it might not work correctly if you use older Wikibase version.

Install dependencies by running composer install. Add ‘wfLoadExtension( 'WikibaseLexeme’ );` to LocalSettings.php.

Development setup

Recommended way of setting the development environment is with the use of Docker containers for MediaWiki development.

Setting up the extension using Docker

Set up mediawiki-docker-dev

Get Wikibase Extension

cd extensions
git clone
cd Wikibase
git submodule update --init --recursive # get the dependencies using submodules
  • Install the dependencies with composer:

    Add composer.json of Wikibase to composer.local.json at the root of your mediawiki folder, as documented in MediaWiki's Composer documentation

    It should now look similar to:

    "extra": {
    "merge-plugin": {
    "include": [

    Using a similar command to that for installing mediawiki dependencies install the dependencies using docker and composer.

    You should run this from the root of your mediawiki installation.

    docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/.composer:/composer -v :/app install

    It may be that you need to run this twice. The first time to get the composer-merge-plugin and most of the libraries then the second time to get those which are added by the merge plugin. If update.php fails with:

    docker-compose exec "web" php /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/update.php --wiki default --quick
    [26142080ebaf7fde12c6233c] [no req] Error from line 35 of /var/www/mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/lib/WikibaseLib.entitytypes.php: Class 'Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\ItemId' not found

    Then try running the command again.

    Finally you may also have problems if your composer.lock file does not contain the extra dependencies pulled in by the merge-pulgin. In this case it may be beneficial to either remove composer.lock or run composer update instead of composer install

  • Enable Extension

    Add the following lines to the LocalSettings.php at the root of your mediawiki folder:

$wgEnableWikibaseRepo = true;
$wgEnableWikibaseClient = true;
require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/repo/Wikibase.php";
require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/repo/ExampleSettings.php";
require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/client/WikibaseClient.php";
require_once "$IP/extensions/Wikibase/client/ExampleSettings.php";
  • Run the Wikibase setup scripts

    Run update.php in the default site from within the web docker container. This needs to be run from the mediawiki-docker-dev directory; the one with docker-compose.yml

docker-compose exec "web" php /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/update.php --wiki default --quick
docker-compose exec "web" php /var/www/mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/lib/maintenance/populateSitesTable.php --wiki default --quick

Get WikibaseLexeme Extension

  • Clone WikibaseLexeme code

    From the extensions folder in your mediawiki run:

    git clone

  • Add it to Config

    Add this to the LocalSettings.php in the root of the mediawiki repo:

    ‘wfLoadExtension( 'WikibaseLexeme’ );`

  • Install with composer

    Add extensions/WikibaseLexeme/composer.json to composer.local.json at the root of your mediawiki folder, so it looks similar to

"extra": {
"merge-plugin": {
"include": [

From the root folder of mediawiki run again

docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/.composer:/composer -v :/app install

If you get Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages error message, delete composer.lock file and run the command again.


By default WikibaseLexeme uses the namespace number 146 for storing lexeme pages, and namespace numer 147 for the related talk page. Namespaces can be customized by setting $wgLexemeNamespace and $wgLexemeTalkNamespace global variables accordingly.

When creating a new lexeme using Special:NewLexeme page, the language code of the lemma can be deducted from the item referring to the language of the lexeme. The language code would be the value of the statement on the language item that uses the specififed property. The language code property can be specified using $wgLexemeLanguageCodePropertyId global variable.

TODO: do we want an example for this?

Running tests

PHP tests can be found in tests/phpunit directory.

PHP tests are run using MediaWiki test runner. You can run tests by pointing the runner to the test directory:

php /path/to/mw/tests/phpunit.php /path/to/mw/extensions/WikibaseLexeme

Tests not requiring MediaWiki installed could be run by running composer phpunit.


JavaScript tests are in directory tests/qunit (tests depending on MediaWiki), and tests/jasmine (do not require MediaWiki).

JavaScript tests are run using MediaWiki test runner, except for tests of several UI widgets which are independent from MediaWiki which can by run using nodejs.

MediaWiki runner could run JavaScript tests of the extension by either opening the Special:JavaScriptTest page in the browser, or by running grunt karma in the main directory of the MediaWiki installation (this will run all QUnit tests of the MediaWiki installation). JavaScript tests for components independent from MediaWiki could be run using grunt jasmine_nodejs.

Browser tests

There exist two separate suites of browser tests, written in ruby and node respectively.

Rule of thumb for the time being is that we will gradually phase out the ruby tests, and expand the node tests.


Browser tests are located in tests/browser, and can be run using bundle exec cucumber. You might want to add/change environment settings in environments.yml, and adjusting the MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.


Please see its README.


Configuration files for several linters etc are also provided. The easiest way to run these along with tests, is to either run composer test (for PHP code), or grunt test (for JavaScript part).