MediaWiki WikibaseLexeme extension
No Matches
5) Stop Daily Beta Browser Tests

Date: 2024-01-26




Like many other MediaWiki extensions, WikibaseLexeme used to have a daily CI job to run its browser tests against the Beta cluster. As part of our general overhaul of the browser tests (cf. 4) Use Cypress for Browser Testing), we had an opportunity to reevaluate whether this was useful to us.

In our experience, these tests failed relatively often, but those failures were due to problems with the Beta cluster, not with WikibaseLexeme, most if not all of the time. We were unable to recall or find any past bugfix that could be credited to the Beta browser tests.


We will stop the daily browser test runs against Beta.


We will remove the corresponding CI job and the selenium-daily npm script.

If there are changes in MediaWiki core that break WikibaseLexeme, and they happen at a time when we are not working on WikibaseLexeme and therefore not regularly running its CI for ordinary changes, it’s possible that the breakage will only be noticed upon deployment to production. (Note that this was always the case for problems caught by the PHPUnit tests, which we never ran daily. An option to address this, if necessary, would be a secondary CI like in Wikibase and WikibaseLexeme.)