MediaWiki WikibaseLexeme extension
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CChangeOpFormCloneCopy the properties of the existing Form ($sourceForm) into the passed BlankForm ($entity)
 CChangeOpFormEditTODO: give me some better name
 CChangeOpSenseCloneCopy the properties of the existing Sense ($sourceSense) into the passed BlankSense ($entity)
 CChangeOpSenseEditTODO: give me some better name
 CChangeOpsFormsEditThis is missing aggregation of summaries but they never would see light of day due to EditEntity::modifyEntity() & EditEntity::getSummary() anyways
 CChangeOpsSensesEditThis is missing aggregation of summaries but they never would see light of day due to EditEntity::modifyEntity() & EditEntity::getSummary() anyways
 CMediaWikiPageSubEntityMetaDataAccessorAn Accessor for SubEntities that uses the supplied Accessor to look up the Lexeme's MetaData
 CLexemeDescriptionClass for generating Lexeme description strings
 CFixPagePropsSortkeyMaintenance script to fix the pp_sortkey column of the page_props table for pp_propname wb-claims, wbl-forms and wbl-senses
 CExternalLexemeSerializerSerializer of Lexeme entities to be used to serializer entities for any external output (i.e
 CWikibaseLexemeHooksMediaWiki hook handlers for the Wikibase Lexeme extension
 CCreateReservedLexemesMaintenance script for creating reserved Lexeme entities