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 * WikiLambda Vue editor: Application store router
 * @copyright 2020– Abstract Wikipedia team; see AUTHORS.txt
 * @license MIT
'use strict';
const Constants = require( '../../Constants.js' );
module.exports = {
	state: {
		currentPath: mw.Uri().path,
		currentView: Constants.VIEWS.Z_OBJECT_VIEWER,
		queryParams: mw.Uri().query
	getters: {
		getCurrentView: function ( state ) {
			return state.currentView;
		getQueryParams: function ( state ) {
			return state.queryParams;
		getViewMode: function () {
			const editingData = mw.config.get( 'wgWikiLambda' );
			return editingData.viewmode;
	mutations: {
		CHANGE_CURRENT_VIEW: function ( state, view ) {
			state.currentView = view;
		CHANGE_QUERY_PARAMS: function ( state, queryParams ) {
			state.queryParams = queryParams;
	actions: {
		 * Changes the current View and Query params and updates the history states.
		 * This method is used to navigate between pages within the UI.
		 * @param {Object} context
		 * @param {Object} payload
		 * @param {string}
		 * @param {Object} payload.params
		navigate: function ( context, payload ) {
			 * Whether the given URI path string is a known view in Constants.VIEWS
			 * @param {string} view
			 * @return {boolean}
			const viewIsInvalid = function ( view ) {
				let viewExist = false;
				Object.keys( Constants.VIEWS ).forEach( ( viewKey ) => {
					if ( Constants.VIEWS[ viewKey ] === view ) {
						viewExist = true;
				} );
				return !viewExist;
			if ( viewIsInvalid( ) ) {
			context.commit( 'CHANGE_CURRENT_VIEW', );
			if ( payload.params ) {
				const queryParamsObject = Object.assign( {}, context.state.queryParams, payload.params );
				context.commit( 'CHANGE_QUERY_PARAMS', queryParamsObject );
			const path = context.state.currentPath;
			const query = Object.assign( {}, context.state.queryParams, { view: context.state.currentView } );
			const newUriString = path + '?' + $.param( query );
			window.history.pushState( { path, query }, null, newUriString );
		 * Evaluate the Uri path to evaluate what View should be displayed.
		 * @param {Object} context
		evaluateUri: function ( context ) {
			const uri = mw.Uri();
			// Set title of mw query if url is in /wiki/{{ title }} format
			if ( !uri.query.title && uri.path.includes( '/wiki' ) ) {
				const lastPathIndex = uri.path.lastIndexOf( '/' );
				uri.query.title = uri.path.slice( lastPathIndex + 1 );
			let currentView;
			 * Whether the URL is to Special Create ZObject page
			 * @param {Object} uriQuery The contextual mw.Uri's query sub-object
			 * @return {boolean}
			const isCreatePath = function ( uriQuery ) {
				return ( uriQuery.title === Constants.PATHS.CREATE_OBJECT_TITLE );
			// 1. if Special page Create
			if ( isCreatePath( uri.query ) ) {
				// I we have zid=Z8 in the uri, render function edit view
				// Else, render default view
				currentView = ( uri.query.zid === Constants.Z_FUNCTION ) ?
				// Change view and end?
				context.dispatch( 'changeCurrentView', currentView );
			 * Whether the URL is to Special Evaluate Function Call page
			 * @param {Object} uriQuery The contextual mw.Uri's query sub-object
			 * @return {boolean}
			const isEvaluateFunctionCallPath = function ( uriQuery ) {
				return ( uriQuery.title === Constants.PATHS.RUN_FUNCTION_TITLE );
			// 2. if Special page Run Function
			if ( isEvaluateFunctionCallPath( uri.query ) ) {
				currentView = Constants.VIEWS.FUNCTION_EVALUATOR;
				context.dispatch( 'changeCurrentView', currentView );
			 * Whether the Root ZObject presented in the view or edit page is a Z8/Function
			 * @param {Object} objectContext The ZObject context in which we're operating
			 * @return {boolean}
			const isFunctionRootObject = function ( objectContext ) {
				return objectContext.getters.getCurrentZObjectType === Constants.Z_FUNCTION;
			if ( isFunctionRootObject( context ) ) {
				currentView = context.getters.getViewMode ?
				// Change view and end?
				context.dispatch( 'changeCurrentView', currentView );
			currentView = Constants.VIEWS.DEFAULT;
			context.dispatch( 'changeCurrentView', currentView );
		 * Handle the changes of a view and replace the history state.
		 * This method is usually used when the change of view is made dynamically.
		 * @param {Object} context
		 * @param {string} view
		changeCurrentView: function ( context, view ) {
			context.commit( 'CHANGE_CURRENT_VIEW', view );
			const uri = mw.Uri();
			// should only replace history state if path query view is set and is different from new view
			if ( uri.query.view && uri.query.view !== view ) {
				const path = uri.path;
				const query = Object.assign( uri.query, { view: view } );
				const newUriString = path + '?' + $.param( query );
				window.history.replaceState( { path, query }, null, newUriString );