All files / ext.wikilambda.edit/components/base ExpandedToggle.vue

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 1331x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 25x 25x 25x 25x 25x 25x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 30x 21x 30x 9x 9x 9x 9x 30x 1x 1x 1x 4x 1x 1x 4x 4x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x  
	WikiLambda Vue component that renders the expanded view toggle icon.
	@copyright 2020– Abstract Wikipedia team; see AUTHORS.txt
	@license MIT
		:aria-label="$i18n( 'wikilambda-toggle-expanded-view' ).text()"
			:icon="hasExpandedMode ? icons.cdxIconExpand : iconBullet"
const { defineComponent } = require( 'vue' );
const CdxIcon = require( '@wikimedia/codex' ).CdxIcon,
	CdxButton = require( '@wikimedia/codex' ).CdxButton,
	icons = require( '../../../lib/icons.json' ),
	mapGetters = require( 'vuex' ).mapGetters;
module.exports = exports = defineComponent( {
	name: 'wl-expanded-toggle',
	components: {
		'cdx-button': CdxButton,
		'cdx-icon': CdxIcon
	props: {
		expanded: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: true
		hasExpandedMode: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: true
	data: function () {
		return {
			icons: icons,
			iconBullet: {
				path: 'M8 8h4v4H8z'
	computed: Object.assign( mapGetters( [
	] ), {
		iconClass: function () {
			if ( !this.hasExpandedMode ) {
				return 'ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-disabled';
			} else {
				return this.expanded ?
					'ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-expanded' :
	} ),
	methods: {
		waitAndExpand: function ( event ) {
			this.waitForRunningParsers.then( () => this.clickExpandToggle( event ) );
		clickExpandToggle: function ( event ) {
			this.$emit( 'toggle', event );
} );
<style lang="less">
@import '../../ext.wikilambda.edit.variables.less';
.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle {
	width: calc( @min-size-icon-small + 2px );
	min-width: calc( @min-size-icon-small + 2px );
	padding: 0;
	.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-icon {
		width: @min-size-icon-small;
		height: @min-size-icon-small;
		min-width: @min-size-icon-small;
		min-height: @min-size-icon-small;
		padding: 0;
		color: @color-subtle;
		transition: transform @transition-duration-medium @transition-timing-function-system;
		@media ( prefers-reduced-motion ) {
			transition: transform 0ms unset;
		&.cdx-icon {
			color: @color-subtle;
			width: @min-size-icon-small;
			height: @min-size-icon-small;
			svg {
				width: @size-75;
				height: @size-75;
		&.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-disabled {
			svg {
				width: @spacing-200;
				height: @spacing-200;
		&.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-collapsed {
			transform: rotate( -90deg );
[ dir='rtl' ] {
	.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle {
		.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-icon {
			&.ext-wikilambda-expand-toggle-collapsed {
				transform: rotate( 90deg );