All files / ext.wikilambda.edit/components/base TypeSelector.vue

98.15% Statements 213/217
88.23% Branches 15/17
100% Functions 7/7
98.15% Lines 213/217

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	WikiLambda Vue interface module for selecting a generic type, which can be terminal
	(reference) or non terminal (function call which requires arguments)
	@copyright 2020– Abstract Wikipedia team; see AUTHORS.txt
	@license MIT
	<div class="ext-wikilambda-function-type-selector">
		<!-- Main type selector -->
			<template #label>
					{{ labelData.label }}
		<!-- Argument selectors -->
			v-if="hasSelected && !selectedIsTerminal"
				v-for="arg of genericTypeArgs"
				:key="'type-' + rowId + '-arg-' +"
				:label-data="getLabelData( arg.key )"
				:type="getExpectedTypeOfKey( arg.key )"
const { defineComponent } = require( 'vue' );
const Constants = require( '../../Constants.js' ),
	typeUtils = require( '../../mixins/typeUtils.js' ),
	LabelData = require( '../../store/classes/LabelData.js' ),
	ZObjectSelector = require( './ZObjectSelector.vue' ),
	CdxField = require( '@wikimedia/codex' ).CdxField,
	mapActions = require( 'vuex' ).mapActions,
	mapGetters = require( 'vuex' ).mapGetters;
module.exports = exports = defineComponent( {
	name: 'wl-type-selector',
	components: {
		'cdx-field': CdxField,
		'wl-z-object-selector': ZObjectSelector
	mixins: [ typeUtils ],
	props: {
		rowId: {
			type: Number,
			required: true
		disabled: {
			type: Boolean,
			default: false
		type: {
			type: String,
			default: ''
		placeholder: {
			type: String,
			default: ''
		labelData: {
			type: LabelData,
			default: null
	computed: Object.assign( mapGetters( [
	] ), {
		 * Returns the string type (mode) of the selected value,
		 * which can be a Reference/Z9 or a Function call/Z7.
		 * @return {string}
		selectedMode: function () {
			return this.typeToString( this.getZObjectTypeByRowId( this.rowId ) );
		 * Returns whether the selected value is terminal
		 * (Reference/Z9) or non-terminal (Function call/Z7).
		 * @return {boolean}
		selectedIsTerminal: function () {
			return this.selectedMode === Constants.Z_REFERENCE;
		 * Returns the selected value.
		 * @return {string}
		selectedZid: function () {
			// If terminal, return the Zid of the selected reference;
			// else, return the Zid of the selected function call.
			return this.selectedIsTerminal ?
				this.getZReferenceTerminalValue( this.rowId ) :
				this.getZFunctionCallFunctionId( this.rowId );
		 * Returns whether the field has any selected value.
		 * @return {boolean}
		hasSelected: function () {
			return !!this.selectedZid;
		 * Returns the arguments of generic type function call
		 * @return {Array}
		genericTypeArgs: function () {
			return this.selectedIsTerminal ? [] : this.getZFunctionCallArguments( this.rowId );
	} ),
	methods: Object.assign( mapActions( [
	] ), {
		 * Clears the type selector and persist a blank reference value
		clearValue: function () {
			this.changeType( {
				id: this.rowId,
				type: Constants.Z_REFERENCE,
				value: ''
			} );
		 * Persists the selected value in the global store.
		 * If the selected value is of the required type, we persist as a reference
		 * Else, the selected value is a function that returns the required type,
		 * so we persist as a function call and fill up with the necessary arguments.
		 * @param {string} value
		setValue: function ( value ) {
			if ( !value ) {
			const zobject = this.getStoredObject( value );
			if ( !zobject ) {
				// This should not happen, the objects are requested as soon as the
				// lookup menu is displayed, so they should be available by now.
			const type = this.getZObjectType( zobject[ Constants.Z_PERSISTENTOBJECT_VALUE ] );
			// If the selected object type is equal to this.type, the selection is
			// terminal: we set a reference. If not terminal, we set a function call.
			const mode = ( type === this.type ) ? Constants.Z_REFERENCE : Constants.Z_FUNCTION_CALL;
			this.changeType( {
				id: this.rowId,
				type: mode,
			} );
			// If the selected object is a function call, we set up its arguments:
			if ( mode === Constants.Z_FUNCTION_CALL ) {
				this.setZFunctionCallArguments( {
					parentId: this.rowId,
					functionZid: value
				} );
	} )
} );
<style lang="less">
@import '../../ext.wikilambda.edit.variables.less';
.ext-wikilambda-function-type-selector {
	margin-bottom: @spacing-100;
	&:last-child {
		margin-bottom: 0;
	&__args {
		margin-top: @spacing-100;
		margin-left: @spacing-100;