All files / ext.wikilambda.edit/views FunctionViewer.vue

85.47% Statements 100/117
37.5% Branches 3/8
75% Functions 3/4
85.47% Lines 100/117

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	WikiLambda Vue component for the special view of a ZFunction object.
	@copyright 2020– Abstract Wikipedia team; see AUTHORS.txt
	@license MIT
	<div class="ext-wikilambda-function-viewer">
		<div class="ext-wikilambda-row">
			<div class="ext-wikilambda-col ext-wikilambda-col-8 ext-wikilambda-col-tablet-24">
				<!-- Widget About -->
			<div class="ext-wikilambda-col ext-wikilambda-col-16 ext-wikilambda-col-tablet-24">
				<!-- Widget Function Evaluator -->
				<!-- Function Details for Testers and Implementations -->
				{{ $i18n( 'wikilambda-publish-successful' ).text() }}
const { defineComponent } = require( 'vue' );
const CdxMessage = require( '@wikimedia/codex' ).CdxMessage,
	Constants = require( '../Constants.js' ),
	AboutWidget = require( '../components/widgets/About.vue' ),
	FunctionEvaluatorWidget = require( '../components/widgets/FunctionEvaluator.vue' ),
	FunctionViewerDetails = require( '../components/function/viewer/FunctionViewerDetails.vue' ),
	eventLogUtils = require( '../mixins/eventLogUtils.js' ),
	mapGetters = require( 'vuex' ).mapGetters;
module.exports = exports = defineComponent( {
	name: 'wl-function-viewer',
	components: {
		'wl-about-widget': AboutWidget,
		'wl-function-evaluator-widget': FunctionEvaluatorWidget,
		'wl-function-viewer-details': FunctionViewerDetails,
		'cdx-message': CdxMessage
	mixins: [ eventLogUtils ],
	data: function () {
		return {
			functionType: Constants.Z_FUNCTION
	computed: Object.assign( mapGetters( [
	] ), {
		displaySuccessMessage: function () {
			if ( mw.Uri().query ) {
				return mw.Uri().query.success === 'true';
			return false;
	} ),
	methods: {
		 * Dispatch event after a click of the edit icon in the About widget.
		dispatchAboutEvent: function () {
			this.dispatchEvent( 'wf.ui.editFunction.load', {
				edit: true,
				zobjecttype: Constants.Z_FUNCTION,
				isnewzobject: false,
				zobjectid: this.getCurrentZObjectId || null,
				zlang: this.getUserLangZid || null
			} );
			// T350495 Update the WikiLambda instrumentation to use core interaction events
			const interactionData = {
				zobjecttype: Constants.Z_FUNCTION,
				zobjectid: this.getCurrentZObjectId || null,
				zlang: this.getUserLangZid || null
			this.submitInteraction( 'edit', interactionData );
	mounted: function () {
		this.dispatchEvent( 'wf.ui.editFunction.load', {
			edit: false,
			zobjecttype: Constants.Z_FUNCTION,
			isnewzobject: this.isCreateNewPage,
			zobjectid: this.getCurrentZObjectId || null,
			zlang: this.getUserLangZid || null
		} );
		const interactionData = {
			zobjecttype: Constants.Z_FUNCTION,
			zobjectid: this.getCurrentZObjectId || null,
			zlang: this.getUserLangZid || null
		this.submitInteraction( 'view', interactionData );
		this.$emit( 'mounted' );
} );