All files Evaluator.js

89.66% Statements 26/29
50% Branches 7/14
100% Functions 7/7
89.66% Lines 26/29

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'use strict';
const fetch = require( '../lib/fetch.js' );
const { convertWrappedZObjectToVersionedBinary } = require( '../function-schemata/javascript/src/binaryFormatter.js' );
const WebSocket = require( 'ws' );
const AVRO_SCHEMA_VERSION_ = '0.1.1';
 * Gets the ZObjects of a list of LID.
 * @param {Object} functionCall zobject
 * @param {boolean} useReentrance Boolean
 * @param {number} remainingTime Number
 * @param {string} requestId string
 * @return {Object} zobject ZObject retrieved from current binary version
function convertWrappedZObjectToCurrentVersionedBinary(
	functionCall, useReentrance, remainingTime, requestId ) {
	return convertWrappedZObjectToVersionedBinary(
			zobject: functionCall,
			reentrant: useReentrance,
			remainingTime: remainingTime,
			requestId: requestId
		/* version= */ AVRO_SCHEMA_VERSION_,
		/* enableTypeConverters= */ true );
 * Function evaluator. Wraps API calls to the function-evaluator service, which
 * runs native code implementations.
class Evaluator {
	constructor( evaluatorConfig, logger ) {
		this.logger_ = logger;
		this.useReentrance_ = evaluatorConfig.useReentrance;
		this.evaluatorWs_ = evaluatorConfig.evaluatorWs;
		Iif ( this.evaluatorWs_ === null && this.useReentrance_ ) {
			logger.log( 'warn',
					message: 'useReentrance was specified but no websocket location was supplied; setting useReentrance to false',
					info: evaluatorConfig
			this.useReentrance_ = false;
		this.evaluatorUri_ = evaluatorConfig.evaluatorUri;
		this.invariants_ = null;
		this.timeout_ = 10000; // wait 10 seconds
		this.programmingLanguages_ = Object.freeze( evaluatorConfig.programmingLanguages || [] );
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'programmingLanguages', {
			get: function () {
				return this.programmingLanguages_;
		} );
	 * Evaluates a Z7 object or invokes a call back to the Orchestrator
	 * to run another function concurrently (if useReentrance)
	 * @param {Object} functionCall ZObject Z7/function call
	 * @return {Object} fetched evaluated zobject from the Evaluator
	async evaluate( functionCall ) {
		Iif ( this.useReentrance_ ) {
			return await this.evaluateReentrant_( functionCall );
		} else {
			return await this.evaluate_( functionCall );
	 * Primary evaluator function for a Z7 object
	 * @param {Object} functionCall ZObject, i.e. Z7/function call
	 * @return {Object} fetched evaluated zobject from the Evaluator
	async evaluate_( functionCall ) {
		const binaryForm = convertWrappedZObjectToCurrentVersionedBinary(
			true );
		this.invariants_.logger.log( 'debug',
			{ message: 'calling Evaluator in orchestrator...', requestId: this.invariants_.requestId }
		const response = await fetch(
			this.evaluatorUri_, {
				method: 'POST',
				body: binaryForm,
				headers: this.determineHeaders()
		this.invariants_.logger.log( 'debug',
			{ message: '...finished calling Evaluator in orchestrator', requestId: this.invariants_.requestId }
		return response;
	 * Evaluator function for a 're-entrant' calls, meaning we need to call the Orchestrator
	 * for a Wikifunctions function call while evaluating.
	 * Our security model prohibits outgoing network requests from the Evaluator,
	 * so we use a websocket: Evaluator -> Orchestrator -> Evaluator.
	 * @param {Object} zobject ZObject function call
	 * @return {Object} fetched evaluated zobject
	 * (fetched as result of communication protocol and finally from Evaluator)
	 * Ignore the subsequent function for coverage purposes; we can't feasibly
	 * unit-test this functionality.
	 * TODO (T322056): Make EvaluatorStub able to recognize and handle multiple
	 * reentrant websocket-based function calls.
	// istanbul ignore next
	async evaluateReentrant_( functionCall ) {
		const evaluatePromise = this.evaluate_( functionCall );
		const client = new WebSocket( this.evaluatorWs_ );
		client.on( 'open', () => {
			this.logger_.log( 'info', { message: 'WS connection opened' } );
		} );
		client.on( 'message', async ( theMessage ) => {
			theMessage = theMessage.toString();
			this.logger_.log( 'info', { message: 'WS message received', info: theMessage } );
			if ( theMessage.startsWith( 'call' ) ) {
				const { orchestrate } = require( './orchestrate.js' );
				theMessage = theMessage.replace( /^call\s*/, '' );
				const Z7 = JSON.parse( theMessage );
				if ( this.invariants_.getRemainingTime() > 0 ) {
					this.invariants_.logger.log( 'debug',
						{ message: 'calling orchestrator...', requestId: this.invariants_.requestId }
					const normalResult = ( await orchestrate(
						Z7, this.invariants_, /* implementationSelector= */ null,
						/* returnNormal= */ true ) ).Z22K1;
					this.invariants_.logger.log( 'debug',
						{ message: '...finished calling orchestrator', requestId: this.invariants_.requestId }
					client.send( JSON.stringify( normalResult ) );
				// TODO (T334485): Send a death threat to the evaluator if getRemainingTime
				// <= 0.
		} );
		client.on( 'close', () => {
			this.logger_.log( 'info', { message: 'WS connection closed' } );
		} );
		const result = await evaluatePromise;
		// TODO: How to wait until connection opens?
		return result;
	setInvariants( invariants ) {
		this.invariants_ = invariants;
	 * In Prod, generateFunctionMetrics is set to 'true' so trace headers is propogated.
	 * In other envs like local/test, trace headers will not be included as OTel is not
	 * available. Headers in both cases does include 'Content-type'.
	 * @return {Object} headers object
	determineHeaders() {
		const headers = {
			'Content-type': 'application/octet-stream',
			...( this.invariants_.orchestratorConfig.generateFunctionsMetrics && {
				'x-request-id': this.invariants_.requestId,
				...( this.invariants_.req.headers.traceparent &&
					{ traceparent: this.invariants_.req.headers.traceparent } ),
				...( this.invariants_.req.headers.tracestate &&
					{ tracestate: this.invariants_.req.headers.tracestate } )
			} )
		return headers;
module.exports = {