Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 205x 2x 203x 106x 106x 106x 97x 40x 40x 37x 60x 17x 14x 13x 1x 1x 14x 46x 46x 46x 126x 46x 357x 152x 205x 42x 42x 42x 42x 1x 41x 41x 38x 3x 1x | 'use strict'; /* eslint no-use-before-define: ["error", { "functions": false }] */ const { convertZListToItemArray, isZObjectReference, isString, makeMappedResultEnvelope, wrapInQuote } = require( './utils.js' ); const { SchemaFactory } = require( './schema' ); const normalize = require( './normalize.js' ); const { getError } = require( './utils' ); const normalFactory = SchemaFactory.NORMAL(); const normalZ1Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z1' ); const Z4Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z4_literal' ); const Z5Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z5_literal' ); const Z6Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z6_literal' ); const Z7Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z7_literal' ); const Z9Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z9_literal' ); const Z99Validator = normalFactory.create( 'Z99_literal' ); const TypedListValidator = normalFactory.create( 'LIST_literal' ); /** * Canonicalizes a ZObject. * * @param {Object} zobject a ZObject * @return {Object} zobject that has been 'canonicalized' */ function canonicalizeObject( zobject ) { if ( Z99Validator.validate( zobject ) ) { return { Z1K1: canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1 ), Z99K1: zobject.Z99K1 }; } if ( Z9Validator.validate( zobject ) ) { zobject.Z9K1 = canonicalize( zobject.Z9K1 ); // return as string if Z9K1 is a valid reference string Eif ( isString( zobject.Z9K1 ) && isZObjectReference( zobject.Z9K1 ) ) { return zobject.Z9K1; } } if ( Z6Validator.validate( zobject ) ) { zobject.Z6K1 = canonicalize( zobject.Z6K1 ); // return as string if Z6/String doesn't need to be escaped, i.e., is not in Zxxxx format if ( isString( zobject.Z6K1 ) && !isZObjectReference( zobject.Z6K1 ) ) { return zobject.Z6K1; } } if ( TypedListValidator.validate( zobject ) ) { const itemList = convertZListToItemArray( zobject || [] ).map( ( e ) => canonicalize( e ) ); let itemType; // FIXME: Should we search recursively for Z881? if ( Z7Validator.validate( zobject.Z1K1 ) && ( canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1.Z7K1 ) === 'Z881' ) ) { // If type is a function call to Z881, // itemType is the canonical content of Z88K1. itemType = canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1.Z881K1 ); } else Eif ( Z4Validator.validate( zobject.Z1K1 ) && Z7Validator.validate( zobject.Z1K1.Z4K1 ) && ( canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1.Z4K1.Z7K1 ) === 'Z881' ) ) { // If type is a literal and Z4K1 is function call to Z881, // itemType is the content of Z4K1.Z88K1 itemType = canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1.Z4K1.Z881K1 ); } else { // Else, itemType is the whole type ZObject transformed into canonical form. itemType = canonicalize( zobject.Z1K1 ); } return [ itemType ].concat( itemList ); } const keys = Object.keys( zobject ); const result = {}; for ( let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { result[ keys[ i ] ] = canonicalize( zobject[ keys[ i ] ] ); } return result; } /** * Canonicalizes a ZObject unless it is a string. * * The input is assumed to be a well-formed ZObject, or else the behaviour is undefined * * @param {Object} zobject a ZObject * @return {Object|undefined} zobject that has been 'canonicalized' or undefined */ function canonicalize( zobject ) { if ( isString( zobject ) ) { return zobject; } return canonicalizeObject( zobject ); } /** * Canonicalizes a normalized ZObject. Returns a Z22/'Evaluation result' containing the * canonicalized ZObject or a Z5/Error (in the metadata map of the Z22). * * @param {Object} zobject a ZObject * @return {Object} a Z22 */ function canonicalizeExport( zobject ) { const errors = require( './error.js' ); const normalized = normalize( zobject ); const possibleError = getError( normalized ); if ( ( Z5Validator.validateStatus( possibleError ) ).isValid() ) { return makeMappedResultEnvelope( null, errors.makeErrorInCanonicalForm( errors.error.unable_to_canonicalize, [ wrapInQuote( zobject ), possibleError ] ) ); } const status = normalZ1Validator.validateStatus( normalized ); if ( status.isValid() ) { return makeMappedResultEnvelope( canonicalize( normalized.Z22K1 ), null ); } else { return makeMappedResultEnvelope( null, errors.makeErrorInCanonicalForm( errors.error.unable_to_canonicalize, [ wrapInQuote( zobject ), status.getZ5() ] ) ); } } module.exports = canonicalizeExport; |