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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Bot to add {{Object location dec}} to monuments. Location is based on information from the monuments database.
close_database_connection, connect_to_commons_database, connect_to_monuments_database )
''' Locate images in a single country. ''' if not countryconfig.get('commonsTemplate') or not countryconfig.get('commonsTrackerCategory'): # Not possible for this country. Silently return return False
for (page, monumentId) in getMonumentsWithoutLocation(countryconfig, conn2, cursor2): locationTemplate = locateImage( page, monumentId, countryconfig, conn, cursor) if locationTemplate: addLocation(page, locationTemplate)
site = pywikibot.getSite('commons', 'commons') query = ( "SELECT page_title, cl_sortkey_prefix " "FROM page " "JOIN templatelinks ON page_id=tl_from " "JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from " "WHERE page_namespace=6 AND page_is_redirect=0 " "AND tl_namespace=10 AND tl_title=%s " "AND cl_to=%s AND NOT EXISTS({sub}) " "LIMIT 10000") subquery = ( "SELECT * " "FROM categorylinks AS loccat " "WHERE page_id=loccat.cl_from " "AND loccat.cl_to='Media_with_locations'" ) commonsTemplate = countryconfig.get('commonsTemplate').replace(' ', '_') commonsTrackerCategory = countryconfig.get( 'commonsTrackerCategory').replace(' ', '_')
cursor2.execute( query.format(sub=subquery), ( commonsTemplate.encode('utf-8'), commonsTrackerCategory.encode('utf-8')))
while True: try: pageName, sortkey = cursor2.fetchone() except TypeError: # Nothing left break if pageName and sortkey: if not isinstance(pageName, str): pageName = str(pageName, encoding='utf-8') page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'File:' + pageName) try: if not isinstance(sortkey, str): monumentId = str(sortkey, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') else: monumentId = sortkey # Just want the first line mLines = monumentId.splitlines() monumentId = mLines[0] # Remove leading and trailing spaces monumentId = monumentId.strip() # Remove leading zero's. FIXME: This should be replaced with # underscores monumentId = monumentId.lstrip('0') # Remove leading underscors. monumentId = monumentId.lstrip('_') yield (page, monumentId) except ValueError: pywikibot.output('Got value error for %s' % (monumentId,))
pywikibot.output('Working on: %s with id %s' % (page.title(), monumentId))
# First check if the identifier returns something useful coordinates = getCoordinates( monumentId, countryconfig.get('country'), countryconfig.get('lang'), conn, cursor) if not coordinates: pywikibot.output( 'File contains an unknown identifier: %s' % monumentId) return False
(lat, lon, source) = coordinates
# Ok. We know we have coordinates. Now check to be sure to see if there's # not already a template on the page. templates = page.templates()
if ('Location' in templates or 'Location dec' in templates or 'Object location' in templates or 'Object location dec' in templates): pywikibot.output( 'Location template already found at: %s' % page.title()) return False
locationTemplate = '{{Object location dec|%s|%s|region:%s_type:landmark_scale:1500}}<!-- Location from %s -->' % ( lat, lon, countryconfig.get('country').upper(), source)
return locationTemplate
''' Get coordinates from the erfgoed database ''' query = ( "SELECT lat, lon, source " "FROM monuments_all " "WHERE id=%s " "AND country=%s " "AND lang=%s " "AND NOT lat=0 AND NOT lon=0 " "AND NOT lat='' AND NOT lon='' " "AND NOT lat IS NULL AND NOT lon IS NULL " "LIMIT 1")
cursor.execute(query, (monumentId, countrycode, lang,))
try: row = cursor.fetchone() return row except TypeError: return False
try: oldtext = page.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: # For some reason we sometimes get a NoPage Exception pywikibot.output('No text found at %s. Skipping' % (page.title(),)) return False
comment = 'Adding object location based on monument identifier'
newtext = putAfterTemplate( oldtext, 'Information', locationTemplate, loose=True) pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, newtext) common.save_to_wiki_or_local(page, comment, newtext)
''' Try to put text after template. If the template is not found return False if loose is set to False If loose is set to True: Remove interwiki's, categories, add template, restore categories, restore interwiki's.
Based on cc-by-sa-3.0 code by Dschwen ''' newtext = ''
templatePosition = oldtext.find('{{%s' % (template,))
if templatePosition >= 0: previousChar = '' currentChar = '' templatePosition += 2 curly = 1 square = 0
while templatePosition < len(oldtext): currentChar = oldtext[templatePosition]
if currentChar == '[' and previousChar == '[': square += 1 previousChar = '' if currentChar == ']' and previousChar == ']': square -= 1 previousChar = '' if currentChar == '{' and previousChar == '{': curly += 1 previousChar = '' if currentChar == '}' and previousChar == '}': curly -= 1 previousChar = ''
previousChar = currentChar templatePosition += 1
if curly == 0 and square <= 0: # Found end of template break newtext = oldtext[:templatePosition] + \ '\n' + toadd + oldtext[templatePosition:]
else: if loose: newtext = oldtext cats = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext) ll = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext) newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext) newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext) newtext += '\n' + toadd newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, cats) newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, ll)
return newtext
countrycode = '' lang = '' skip_wd = False
# Connect database, we need that (conn, cursor) = connect_to_monuments_database() (conn2, cursor2) = connect_to_commons_database()
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(): option, sep, value = arg.partition(':') if option == '-countrycode': countrycode = value elif option == '-langcode': lang = value elif option == '-skip_wd': skip_wd = True else: raise Exception( 'Bad parameters. Expected "-countrycode", "-langcode", ' '"-skip_wd" or pywikibot args. ' 'Found "{}"'.format(option))
pywikibot.setSite(pywikibot.getSite('commons', 'commons'))
if countrycode and lang: if not mconfig.countries.get((countrycode, lang)): pywikibot.output( 'I have no config for countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) return False pywikibot.output( 'Working on countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) locateCountry(mconfig.countries.get((countrycode, lang)), conn, cursor, conn2, cursor2) elif countrycode or lang: raise Exception('The "countrycode" and "langcode" arguments must ' 'be used together.') else: for (countrycode, lang), countryconfig in mconfig.filtered_countries( skip_wd=skip_wd): if not countryconfig.get('autoGeocode'): pywikibot.output( '"%s" in language "%s" is not supported in auto geocode mode (yet).' % (countrycode, lang)) else: pywikibot.output( 'Working on countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) try: locateCountry(countryconfig, conn, cursor, conn2, cursor2) except Exception as e: pywikibot.error( 'Unknown error occurred when processing country ' '{0} in lang {1}\n{2}'.format(countrycode, lang, str(e))) continue
close_database_connection(conn, cursor)
pywikibot.log('Start of %s' % __file__) try: main() finally: pywikibot.stopme() |