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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Bot to move images from commonsCategoryBase to subcategories based on the monument template and Commonscat links at the Wikipedia. First checks if monument article or it's categories have commonscat template, if not then checks if monuments list or it's categories have commonscat template.
Usage: * To process all: python
* Just process one source: python -countrycode:ee -langcode:et
close_database_connection, connect_to_monuments_database )
('au', 'en'), # Australia in English ('cn', 'en'), ('gb-sct', 'en'), # Scotland in English ('dz', 'ar'), # Algeria in Arabic ('ir', 'fa'), ('it', 'it'), ('jo', 'ar'), ('ge', 'ka'), ('gh', 'en'), # Ghana in English ('mt', 'de'), # Malta in German ('np', 'en'), ('pe', 'es'), # Peru in Spanish ('sv', 'es'), # El Salvador in Spanish ('ve', 'es'), # Venezuela in Spanish ]
site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') return pywikibot.Page(site, 'Template:%s' % template_name)
countrycode, lang, commonsTemplateName, commonsCategoryBase, commonsCatTemplates, page, conn, cursor, harvest_type): commonsCategoryBase, page.title()))
page.title(), commonsCategoryBase))
commonsTemplate, page.title()))
except ValueError: pywikibot.debug( 'Can\'t convert %s to an integer' % (monumentId,), _logger)
# Triage as log since there are plenty of valid reasons for this 'Monument with id %s not in monuments database' % (monumentId, ))
# See if one of the three options worked commonsTemplateName, monumentId, categorisation_method) page, commonsCategoryBase, newcats, comment, verbose=True) else:
monumentId = None for (template, params) in page.templatesWithParams(): if template == commonsTemplate: if len(params) >= 1: try: monumentId = params[0] except ValueError: pywikibot.warning( 'Unable to extract a valid id for %s on %s' % ( template, page.title())) break if not monumentId: raise NoMonumentIdentifierFoundException(page) return monumentId
(monumentName, monumentCommonscat, monumentArticleTitle, monumentSource, project) = monData commons_site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') newcats = [] categorisation_method = '' # First try to add a category based on the commonscat field in the list if monumentCommonscat: # Might want to include some error checking here try: cat = pywikibot.Category(commons_site, monumentCommonscat) newcats.append(cat) categorisation_method = 'A: CommonsCat in the monument list' except ValueError: pywikibot.warning( 'The Commonscat field for %s contains an invalid category %s' % ( monumentId, monumentCommonscat)) except pywikibot.exceptions.InvalidTitle: pywikibot.warning( 'Incorrect category title %s' % (monumentCommonscat,))
# Option two is to use the article about the monument and see if it has # Commonscat links if not newcats: monumentArticle = None if monumentArticleTitle: project_site = pywikibot.Site(lang, project) monumentArticle = pywikibot.Page(project_site, monumentArticleTitle) if monumentArticle: try: if monumentArticle.isRedirectPage(): monumentArticle = monumentArticle.getRedirectTarget() try: for commonsCatTemplateName in commonsCatTemplates: commonsCatTemplate = pywikibot.Page(project_site, 'Template:%s' % commonsCatTemplateName) if is_template_present_in_page(commonsCatTemplate, monumentArticle): (new_cat, method) = getCategoryFromCommonscat(monumentArticle, commonsCatTemplates) newcats.append(new_cat) categorisation_method = 'B%s: CommonsCat on the monument article' % method except pywikibot.SectionError: pywikibot.warning('Incorrect redirect at %s' % ( monumentArticle.title(),)) except pywikibot.exceptions.InvalidTitle: pywikibot.warning('Incorrect article title %s' % ( monumentArticleTitle,)) except pywikibot.exceptions.Error as e: pywikibot.error('Error occured with monument %s: %s' % ( monumentId, str(e)))
# Option three is to see if the list contains Commonscat links (whole list) if not newcats and harvest_type != 'sparql': monumentList = getList(lang, project, monumentSource) # print monumentList if not monumentList: return ([], '') if monumentList.isRedirectPage(): monumentList = monumentList.getRedirectTarget() try: (newcats, categorisation_method) = get_categories_from_source_page(monumentList, commonsCatTemplates) except pywikibot.exceptions.Error as e: pywikibot.error('Error occured with monument %s: %s' % ( monumentId, str(e))) return (newcats, categorisation_method)
page, base_category, new_categories, comment, verbose=False): old_text = page.get() old_categories = list(page.categories())
# ensure base category is never re-added old_categories.append(base_category) categories_to_add = filter_out_categories_to_add(new_categories, old_categories) try: final_text = replace_default_cat_with_new_categories_in_image_text( old_text, base_category, categories_to_add) except NoCategoryToAddException: return False if verbose: pywikibot.showDiff(old_text, final_text) try: common.save_to_wiki_or_local(page, comment, final_text) return True except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.log( 'Got an edit conflict. Someone else beat me to it at %s' % page.title()) return False
old_text, base_category, new_categories): """Add new categories to page text and remove any base_category.""" # No categories to add. We do not want to remove the base one,
# Remove base category old_text, base_category, None) page_text_without_base_category, new_categories, addOnly=True)
""" Ensure unwanted categories are not added.
This included hidden, duplicate, ignored or already present categories.
Requires the inputs to be lists of pywikibot.Category. """
"""Get monument name and source from db.""" query = ( "SELECT `name`, `commonscat`, `monument_article`, `source`, `project` " "FROM monuments_all " "WHERE (country=%s AND lang=%s AND id=%s) " "LIMIT 1")
cursor.execute(query, (countrycode, lang, monumentId))
try: row = cursor.fetchone() return row except TypeError: pywikibot.warning('Didn\'t find anything for id %s' % (monumentId,)) return False
"""Get the listpage, if not harvested from a sparql query.""" if monumentSource: try: page_title, found_site = common.get_source_page(monumentSource) except ValueError: return False if (project, lang) != found_site: return False
site = pywikibot.Site(lang, project) return pywikibot.Page(site, page_title) else: return False
"""Return whether a template is present in a page (as in directly transcluded.)""" return template in [x[0] for x in page.templatesWithParams()]
""" Get Commons categories based on page.
1. If page contains a Commonscat template, use that category 2. Else, try getting it from Wikidata 3. Else pull Commonscat links from upper categories """ new_categories = set() categorisation_method = '' for commonsCatTemplateName in commonsCatTemplates: commonsCatTemplate = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:%s' % commonsCatTemplateName) if is_template_present_in_page(commonsCatTemplate, page): (new_cat, _) = getCategoryFromCommonscat(page, commonsCatTemplates) new_categories.add(new_cat) categorisation_method = 'C1: CommonsCat on the monument list page' if not len(new_categories): try: site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') cat_title = get_Commons_category_via_Wikidata(page) cat = pywikibot.Category(site, cat_title) new_categories.add(cat) categorisation_method = 'C2: via Wikidata on the monument list page' except NoCommonsCatFromWikidataItemException: pass if not len(new_categories): new_categories = get_categories_from_upper_categories(page, commonsCatTemplates) categorisation_method = 'D: from upper categories of monument list page'
return (new_categories, categorisation_method)
for commonsCatTemplateName in commonsCatTemplates: commonsCatTemplate = pywikibot.Page(, 'Template:%s' % commonsCatTemplateName) if is_template_present_in_page(commonsCatTemplate, cat): (new_cat, method) = getCategoryFromCommonscat(cat, commonsCatTemplates) new_categories.add(new_cat) try: site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') new_cat_title = get_Commons_category_via_Wikidata(cat) new_cat = pywikibot.Category(site, new_cat_title) new_categories.add(new_cat) except NoCommonsCatFromWikidataItemException: pass
""" Get a Commons category based on a page.
1. Get category from commonscat template on page 2. Get category from commonscat property or Commons category sitelink on the Wikidata object corresponding to the page 3. Get category with same name as page """ cat_title = None categorisation_method = '1' # By 'default', we do not rely on Wikidata (template, params) = get_commonscat_template_in_page(page, commonsCatTemplates)
if len(params) >= 1: cat_title = params[0]
if not cat_title: try: cat_title = get_Commons_category_via_Wikidata(page) categorisation_method = '2' except NoCommonsCatFromWikidataItemException: pass
if not cat_title: categorisation_method = '3' cat_title = page.title(with_ns=False)
site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') cat = pywikibot.Category(site, cat_title) return (cat, categorisation_method)
for (template, params) in page.templatesWithParams(): if template.title(with_ns=False) in commonsCatTemplates: return (template, params)
""" Get Commons Category from the linked Wikidata item and P373.
Raises: NoCommonsCatFromWikidataItemException if either there is no linked item or it does not bear P373 or a sitelink to a category page on Commons. """ else: else:
overridecat=None): """Work on a single country.""" if not countryconfig.get('commonsTemplate'): # No template found, just skip silently. basecat = None if countryconfig.get('commonsCategoryBase'): basecat = countryconfig.get('commonsCategoryBase') return { 'code': countryconfig.get('country'), 'lang': countryconfig.get('lang'), 'cat': basecat, 'cmt': 'skipped: no template' }
if not countryconfig.get('commonsCategoryBase') and not overridecat: # No template found, just skip silently. commonsTemplate = countryconfig.get('commonsTemplate') return { 'code': countryconfig.get('country'), 'lang': countryconfig.get('lang'), 'template': commonsTemplate, 'cmt': 'skipped: no base category' }
if (not commonsCatTemplates): # No commonsCatTemplates found, just skip. pywikibot.warning( 'Language: {0} has no commonsCatTemplates set!'.format( countryconfig.get('lang'))) return False
totalImages = 0 categorizedImages = 0
site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') generator = None commonsTemplate = countryconfig.get('commonsTemplate') harvest_type = countryconfig.get('type')
category_name = overridecat or countryconfig.get('commonsCategoryBase') commonsCategoryBase = pywikibot.Category( site, "%s:%s" % (site.namespace(14), category_name))
generator = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(commonsCategoryBase)
# Get a preloading generator with only images pgenerator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator( pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(generator, [6])) for page in pgenerator: totalImages += 1 success = False if not totalImages >= 10000: success = categorizeImage( countryconfig.get('country'), countryconfig.get('lang'), commonsTemplate, commonsCategoryBase, commonsCatTemplates, page, conn, cursor, harvest_type) if success: categorizedImages += 1
return { 'code': countryconfig.get('country'), 'lang': countryconfig.get('lang'), 'cat': commonsCategoryBase.title(with_ns=False), 'template': commonsTemplate, 'total_images': totalImages, 'cat_images': categorizedImages }
"""Output the results of the bot as a nice wikitable.""" site, 'Commons:Monuments database/Categorization/Statistics')
('code', 'country'), ('lang', '[[:en:List of ISO 639-1 codes|lang]]'), ('cat', 'Base category'), ('template', 'Template'), ('total_images', 'Total images'), ('cat_images', 'Categorized images'), ('leftover', 'Images left'), ('pages_in_cat', 'Current image count') ]) 'pages_in_cat')
'code': row['code'], 'lang': row['lang'], 'cat': cat_link, 'template': template_link, 'total_images': total_images, 'cat_images': cat_images_or_cmt, 'leftover': leftover, 'pages_in_cat': pages_in_cat })
# we want pages_in_cat numerically sorted but not summed
'Updating categorization statistics. ' 'Total: {total_images} Categorized: {cat_images} ' 'Leftover: {leftover}'.format(**table.get_sum()))
""" Get the template name in a language on a project.
Expects the language code and project. Return as list containing the primary template and it's alternatives """
"""Return a outputStatistics compatible summary for a missing dataset (skipped or failed).""" site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') commons_category_base = pywikibot.Category(site, '{ns}:{cat}'.format( ns=site.namespace(14), cat=country_config.get('commonsCategoryBase'))) return { 'code': country_config.get('country'), 'lang': country_config.get('lang'), 'cat': commons_category_base.title(with_ns=False), 'template': country_config.get('commonsTemplate'), 'cmt': message }
countrycode = '' lang = '' overridecat = '' skip_wd = False conn = None cursor = None
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(): option, sep, value = arg.partition(':') if option == '-countrycode': countrycode = value elif option == '-langcode': lang = value elif option == '-overridecat': overridecat = value elif option == '-skip_wd': skip_wd = True else: raise Exception( 'Bad parameters. Expected "-countrycode", "-langcode", ' '"-overridecat", "-skip_wd" or pywikibot args. ' 'Found "{}"'.format(option))
if countrycode and lang: if not mconfig.countries.get((countrycode, lang)): pywikibot.warning( 'I have no config for countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) return False pywikibot.log( 'Working on countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) countryconfig = mconfig.countries.get((countrycode, lang)) commonsCatTemplates = getCommonscatTemplates( lang, countryconfig.get('project')) # print commonsCatTemplates (conn, cursor) = connect_to_monuments_database() processCountry(countryconfig, commonsCatTemplates, conn, cursor, overridecat=overridecat) close_database_connection(conn, cursor) elif countrycode or lang: raise Exception('The "countrycode" and "langcode" arguments must ' 'be used together.') else: statistics = [] for (countrycode, lang), countryconfig in mconfig.filtered_countries( skip_wd=skip_wd):
if (countrycode, lang) in SKIP_LIST: pywikibot.log( 'Skipping countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) statistics.append(custom_output_statistics_message(countryconfig, 'skipped: on the skip-list')) continue
pywikibot.log( 'Working on countrycode "%s" in language "%s"' % (countrycode, lang)) commonsCatTemplates = getCommonscatTemplates( lang, countryconfig.get('project')) (conn, cursor) = connect_to_monuments_database() try: result = processCountry( countryconfig, commonsCatTemplates, conn, cursor) except Exception as e: pywikibot.error( 'Unknown error occurred when processing country ' '{0} in lang {1}\n{2}'.format(countrycode, lang, str(e))) statistics.append(custom_output_statistics_message(countryconfig, 'failed: unexpected error during processing')) continue finally: close_database_connection(conn, cursor) if result: statistics.append(result)
pywikibot.log('Start of %s' % __file__) main() |