# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Checker methods"""
import pywikibot
import erfgoedbot.common as common
_logger = "update_database"
def reportDataError(errorMsg, wikiPage, exceptWord, comment=''):
"""Report data error to the talk page of the list."""
if not comment:
comment = errorMsg
pywikibot.debug(errorMsg, _logger)
talkPage = wikiPage.toggleTalkPage()
content = talkPage.get()
except (pywikibot.NoPage, pywikibot.IsRedirectPage):
content = ''
if exceptWord and exceptWord not in content:
content += '\n\n{0} --~~~~\n\n'.format(errorMsg)
common.save_to_wiki_or_local(talkPage, comment, content)
return True
return False
def is_int(s):
"""Check if a string is a valid int."""
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
def checkLat(lat, monumentKey, countryconfig, sourcePage):
"""Check if a latitude has a valid value."""
if len(lat):
lat = float(lat)
except ValueError:
errorMsg = "Invalid latitude value: %s for monument %s" % (
lat, monumentKey)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
countryBbox = ''
if (countryconfig.get('countryBbox')):
countryBbox = countryconfig.get('countryBbox')
if (lat > 90 or lat < -90):
errorMsg = "Latitude for monument %s out of range: %s" % (
monumentKey, lat)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
elif (countryBbox):
maxsplit = 3
(left, bottom, right, top) = countryBbox.split(",", maxsplit)
bottom = float(bottom)
top = float(top)
minLat = min(bottom, top)
maxLat = max(bottom, top)
if (lat > maxLat or lat < minLat):
errorMsg = "Latitude for monument %s out of country area: %s" % (
monumentKey, lat)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
return True
return True
def checkLon(lon, monumentKey, countryconfig, sourcePage):
"""Check if a longitude has a valid value."""
if len(lon):
lon = float(lon)
except ValueError:
errorMsg = "Invalid longitude value: %s for monument %s" % (
lon, monumentKey)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
countryBbox = ''
if (countryconfig.get('countryBbox')):
countryBbox = countryconfig.get('countryBbox')
if (lon > 180 or lon < -180):
errorMsg = "Longitude for monument %s out of range: %s" % (
monumentKey, lon)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
elif (countryBbox):
maxsplit = 3
(left, bottom, right, top) = countryBbox.split(",", maxsplit)
left = float(left)
right = float(right)
minLon = min(left, right)
maxLon = max(left, right)
if (lon > maxLon or lon < minLon):
errorMsg = "Longitude for monument %s out of country area: %s" % (
monumentKey, lon)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
return True
return True
def check_wikidata(wd_item, monumentKey, sourcePage):
"""Check that a value is a potential wikidata entity."""
if len(wd_item):
if wd_item.startswith('Q') and is_int(wd_item[1:]):
return True
errorMsg = "Invalid wikidata value: %s for monument %s" % (
wd_item, monumentKey)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
def check_lat_with_lon(fieldnames, monumentKey, sourcePage):
"""Check that lat and lon are always paired."""
if 'lat' in fieldnames and 'lon' not in fieldnames:
errorMsg = "Longitude is not set for monument %s." % (
monumentKey, )
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
if 'lon' in fieldnames and 'lat' not in fieldnames:
errorMsg = "Latitude is not set for monument %s." % (
monumentKey, )
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
def check_integer(text, monumentKey, sourcePage):
"""Check that a value is an integer."""
if not is_int(text):
errorMsg = "Invalid integer value: %s for monument %s" % (
text, monumentKey)
reportDataError(errorMsg, sourcePage, monumentKey)
return False
return True