# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Conversion methods"""
import re
from erfgoedbot.checkers import is_int
def CH1903Converter(x, y):
if not(x.strip() and y.strip()):
# x or y is empty
return (0, 0)
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
lat = 16.9023892
lat += 3.238272 * (y - 200) / 1000
lat += 0.270978 * (x - 600) / 1000 * (x - 600) / 1000
lat += 0.002528 * (y - 200) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000
lat += 0.044700 * \
(x - 600) / 1000 * (x - 600) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000
lat += 0.014000 * \
(y - 200) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000
lat = lat / 0.36 # Round 6
lon = 2.6779094
lon += 4.728982 * (x - 600) / 1000
lon += 0.791484 * (x - 600) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000
lon += 0.130600 * \
(x - 600) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000 * (y - 200) / 1000
lon = lon - 0.043600 * \
(x - 600) / 1000 * (x - 600) / 1000 * (x - 600) / 1000
lon = lon / 0.36 # Round 6
return (lat, lon)
def ucfirst(text):
if (text):
return text[0].upper() + text[1:]
return ''
def extractWikilink(text):
articleName = ''
# result = re.search("\[\[(.+?)(\||\]\])", text)
regex = re.compile(r"""
\[\[ # Opening brackets
(?P<target>.+?) # Link target
(\||\]\]) # Either a pipe or closing brackets
""", re.VERBOSE)
match = re.search(regex, text)
if match:
articleName = match.group('target')
articleName = articleName.replace(' ', '_')
articleName = ucfirst(articleName)
return articleName
def remove_commons_category_prefix(text):
result = ''
regex = re.compile(r"""
([Cc]ommons:)? # Commons prefix
(Category:)? # Category prefix
(?P<category>.*) # The link target
""", re.VERBOSE)
match = re.search(regex, text)
if match:
result = match.group('category')
return result
def extract_elements_from_template_param(template_param):
"""Extract and sanitize the contents of a parsed template param."""
(field, _, value) = template_param.partition('=')
# Remove leading or trailing spaces
field = field.strip()
return (field, sanitize_wikitext_string(value))
def sanitize_wikitext_string(value):
"""Remove undesirable wikitext features from a string."""
value = value.split("<ref")[0].strip()
value = re.sub(r"\s?<!--.*?-->\s?", ' ', value)
return value.strip()
def int_to_european_digits(text):
Convert integer in recognized scripts to European digits.
European Digits meaning 0123456789 (slight clarification per
Returns an empty string on fail and trims any leading zeros.
if is_int(text):
return '%d' % int(text)
return ''