* Manage a sorted list of {@link OO.EmitterList} objects.
* The sort order is based on a callback that compares two items. The return value of
* callback( a, b ) must be less than zero if a < b, greater than zero if a > b, and zero
* if a is equal to b. The callback should only return zero if the two objects are
* considered equal.
* When an item changes in a way that could affect their sorting behavior, it must
* emit the {@link OO.SortedEmitterList#event:itemSortChange itemSortChange} event.
* This will cause it to be re-sorted automatically.
* This mixin must be used in a class that also mixes in {@link OO.EventEmitter}.
* @abstract
* @class
* @mixes OO.EmitterList
* @param {Function} sortingCallback Callback that compares two items.
OO.SortedEmitterList = function OoSortedEmitterList( sortingCallback ) {
// Mixin constructors
OO.EmitterList.call( this );
this.sortingCallback = sortingCallback;
// Listen to sortChange event and make sure
// we re-sort the changed item when that happens
this.aggregate( {
sortChange: 'itemSortChange'
} );
this.connect( this, {
itemSortChange: 'onItemSortChange'
} );
OO.mixinClass( OO.SortedEmitterList, OO.EmitterList );
/* Events */
* An item has changed properties that affect its sort positioning
* inside the list.
* @private
* @event OO.SortedEmitterList#itemSortChange
/* Methods */
* Handle a case where an item changed a property that relates
* to its sorted order.
* @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Item in the list
OO.SortedEmitterList.prototype.onItemSortChange = function ( item ) {
// Remove the item
this.removeItems( item );
// Re-add the item so it is in the correct place
this.addItems( item );
* Change the sorting callback for this sorted list.
* The callback receives two items. The return value of callback(a, b) must be less than zero
* if a < b, greater than zero if a > b, and zero if a is equal to b.
* @param {Function} sortingCallback Sorting callback
OO.SortedEmitterList.prototype.setSortingCallback = function ( sortingCallback ) {
const items = this.getItems();
this.sortingCallback = sortingCallback;
// Empty the list
// Re-add the items in the new order
this.addItems( items );
* Add items to the sorted list.
* @param {OO.EventEmitter|OO.EventEmitter[]} items Item to add or
* an array of items to add
* @return {OO.SortedEmitterList}
OO.SortedEmitterList.prototype.addItems = function ( items ) {
if ( !Array.isArray( items ) ) {
items = [ items ];
if ( items.length === 0 ) {
return this;
for ( let i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
// Find insertion index
const insertionIndex = this.findInsertionIndex( items[ i ] );
// Check if the item exists using the sorting callback
// and remove it first if it exists
if (
// First make sure the insertion index is not at the end
// of the list (which means it does not point to any actual
// items)
insertionIndex <= this.items.length &&
// Make sure there actually is an item in this index
this.items[ insertionIndex ] &&
// The callback returns 0 if the items are equal
this.sortingCallback( this.items[ insertionIndex ], items[ i ] ) === 0
) {
// Remove the existing item
this.removeItems( this.items[ insertionIndex ] );
// Insert item at the insertion index
const index = this.insertItem( items[ i ], insertionIndex );
this.emit( 'add', items[ i ], index );
return this;
* Find the index a given item should be inserted at. If the item is already
* in the list, this will return the index where the item currently is.
* @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Items to insert
* @return {number} The index the item should be inserted at
OO.SortedEmitterList.prototype.findInsertionIndex = function ( item ) {
return OO.binarySearch(
// Fake a this.sortingCallback.bind( null, item ) call here
// otherwise this doesn't pass tests in phantomJS
( otherItem ) => this.sortingCallback( item, otherItem ),