Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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* UnicodeJS namespace * * @copyright 2013-2018 UnicodeJS team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ ( function () { /** * Namespace for all UnicodeJS classes, static methods and static properties. * * @namespace unicodeJS */ /** * Check if a code unit is a the leading half of a surrogate pair * * @param {string} unit Code unit * @return {boolean} */ unicodeJS.isLeadingSurrogate = function ( unit ) { return unit && unit.match( /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/ ); }; /** * Check if a code unit is a the trailing half of a surrogate pair * * @param {string} unit Code unit * @return {boolean} */ unicodeJS.isTrailingSurrogate = function ( unit ) { return unit && unit.match( /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/ ); }; /** * Write a UTF-16 code unit as a javascript string literal. * * @memberof unicodeJS * @private * @param {number} codeUnit integer between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF * @return {string} String literal ('\u' followed by 4 hex digits) */ function uEsc( codeUnit ) { return '\\u' + ( codeUnit + 0x10000 ).toString( 16 ).slice( -4 ); } /** * Return a regexp string for the code unit range min-max * * @memberof unicodeJS * @private * @param {number} min the minimum code unit in the range. * @param {number} max the maximum code unit in the range. * @param {boolean} [bracket] If true, then wrap range in [ ... ] * @return {string} Regexp string which matches the range */ function codeUnitRange( min, max, bracket ) { if ( min === max ) { // single code unit: never bracket return uEsc( min ); } var value = uEsc( min ) + '-' + uEsc( max ); if ( bracket ) { return '[' + value + ']'; } else { return value; } } /** * Get a list of boxes in hi-lo surrogate space, corresponding to the given character range * * A box {hi: [x, y], lo: [z, w]} represents a regex [x-y][z-w] to match a surrogate pair * * Suppose ch1 and ch2 have surrogate pairs (hi1, lo1) and (hi2, lo2). * Then the range of chars from ch1 to ch2 can be represented as the * disjunction of three code unit ranges: * * [hi1 - hi1][lo1 - 0xDFFF] * | * [hi1+1 - hi2-1][0xDC00 - 0xDFFF] * | * [hi2 - hi2][0xD800 - lo2] * * Often the notation can be optimised (e.g. when hi1 == hi2). * * @memberof unicodeJS * @private * @param {number} ch1 The min character of the range; must be over 0xFFFF * @param {number} ch2 The max character of the range; must be at least ch1 * @return {Array.<Object>} A list of boxes where each box is an object with two properties: 'hi' and 'lo'. * 'hi' is an array of two numbers representing the range of the high surrogate. * 'lo' is an array of two numbers representing the range of the low surrogate. */ function getCodeUnitBoxes( ch1, ch2 ) { var loMin = 0xDC00; var loMax = 0xDFFF; // hi and lo surrogates for ch1 /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ var hi1 = 0xD800 + ( ( ch1 - 0x10000 ) >> 10 ); var lo1 = 0xDC00 + ( ( ch1 - 0x10000 ) & 0x3FF ); // hi and lo surrogates for ch2 var hi2 = 0xD800 + ( ( ch2 - 0x10000 ) >> 10 ); var lo2 = 0xDC00 + ( ( ch2 - 0x10000 ) & 0x3FF ); /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ if ( hi1 === hi2 ) { return [ { hi: [ hi1, hi2 ], lo: [ lo1, lo2 ] } ]; } var boxes = []; /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ // minimum hi surrogate which only represents characters >= ch1 var hiMinAbove = 0xD800 + ( ( ch1 - 0x10000 + 0x3FF ) >> 10 ); // maximum hi surrogate which only represents characters <= ch2 var hiMaxBelow = 0xD800 + ( ( ch2 - 0x10000 - 0x3FF ) >> 10 ); /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ if ( hi1 < hiMinAbove ) { boxes.push( { hi: [ hi1, hi1 ], lo: [ lo1, loMax ] } ); } if ( hiMinAbove <= hiMaxBelow ) { boxes.push( { hi: [ hiMinAbove, hiMaxBelow ], lo: [ loMin, loMax ] } ); } if ( hiMaxBelow < hi2 ) { boxes.push( { hi: [ hi2, hi2 ], lo: [ loMin, lo2 ] } ); } return boxes; } /** * Make a regexp string for an array of Unicode character ranges. * * If either character in a range is above 0xFFFF, then the range will * be encoded as multiple surrogate pair ranges. It is an error for a * range to overlap with the surrogate range 0xD800-0xDFFF (as this would * only match ill-formed strings). * * @param {Array} ranges Array of ranges, each of which is a character or an interval * @return {string} Regexp string for the disjunction of the ranges. */ unicodeJS.charRangeArrayRegexp = function ( ranges ) { var boxes = [], characterClass = [], // list of (\uXXXX code unit or interval), for BMP disjunction = []; // list of regex strings, to be joined with '|' for ( var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) { var range = ranges[ i ]; // Handle single code unit if ( typeof range === 'number' ) { if ( range <= 0xFFFF ) { if ( range >= 0xD800 && range <= 0xDFFF ) { throw new Error( 'Surrogate: ' + range.toString( 16 ) ); } characterClass.push( uEsc( range ) ); continue; } else { // Handle single surrogate pair if ( range > 0x10FFFF ) { throw new Error( 'Character code too high: ' + range.toString( 16 ) ); } /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ var hi = 0xD800 + ( ( range - 0x10000 ) >> 10 ); var lo = 0xDC00 + ( ( range - 0x10000 ) & 0x3FF ); /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ disjunction.push( uEsc( hi ) + uEsc( lo ) ); continue; } } // Handle interval var min = range[ 0 ]; var max = range[ 1 ]; if ( min > max ) { throw new Error( min.toString( 16 ) + ' > ' + max.toString( 16 ) ); } if ( max > 0x10FFFF ) { throw new Error( 'Character code too high: ' + max.toString( 16 ) ); } if ( max >= 0xD800 && min <= 0xDFFF ) { throw new Error( 'range includes surrogates: ' + min.toString( 16 ) + '-' + max.toString( 16 ) ); } if ( max <= 0xFFFF ) { // interval is entirely BMP characterClass.push( codeUnitRange( min, max ) ); } else if ( min <= 0xFFFF ) { // interval is BMP and non-BMP characterClass.push( codeUnitRange( min, 0xFFFF ) ); boxes = getCodeUnitBoxes( 0x10000, max ); } else { // interval is entirely non-BMP boxes = getCodeUnitBoxes( min, max ); } // append hi-lo surrogate space boxes as code unit range pairs for ( var j = 0; j < boxes.length; j++ ) { var box = boxes[ j ]; var hi2 = codeUnitRange( box.hi[ 0 ], box.hi[ 1 ], true ); var lo2 = codeUnitRange( box.lo[ 0 ], box.lo[ 1 ], true ); disjunction.push( hi2 + lo2 ); } } // prepend BMP character class to the disjunction if ( characterClass.length === 1 && !characterClass[ 0 ].match( /-/ ) ) { disjunction.unshift( characterClass[ 0 ] ); // single character } else if ( characterClass.length > 0 ) { disjunction.unshift( '[' + characterClass.join( '' ) + ']' ); } return disjunction.join( '|' ); }; }() ); |