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usernameGenerator( authorId ) : 'User ' + authorId, color: this.constructor.static.palette[ authorId % this.constructor.static.palette.length ], active: true } ); const state = this.rebaseServer.getDocState( docName ); const authorData = state.authors.get( authorId ); context.sendAuthor( 'registered', { serverId: serverId, authorId: authorId, token: authorData.token } ); context.broadcast( 'authorChange', { authorId: authorId, authorData: { name:, color: authorData.color } } ); // HACK Catch the client up on the current state by sending it the entire history // Ideally we'd be able to initialize the client using HTML, but that's hard, see // comments in the /raw handler. Keeping an updated linmod on the server could be // feasible if TransactionProcessor was modified to have a "don't sync, just apply" // mode and was faked with { data: …, metadata: …, store: … } context.sendAuthor( 'initDoc', { history: state.history.mostRecent( startLength ).serialize( true ), authors: state.getActiveAuthors() } ); }; /** * Try to apply a received change, and broadcast the successful portion as rebased * * @param {Object} context The connection context * @param {Object} data The change data */ = function ( context, data ) { const change = data.change, true ); const applied = this.rebaseServer.applyChange( context.docName, context.authorId, data.backtrack, change ); if ( !applied.isEmpty() ) { this.documentStore.onNewChange( context.docName, applied ); context.broadcast( 'newChange', applied.serialize( true ) ); } }; /** * Apply and broadcast an author change * * @param {Object} context The connection context * @param {string} newData The new author data */ = function ( context, newData ) { this.rebaseServer.updateDocState( context.docName, context.authorId, null, { name:, color: newData.color } ); context.broadcast( 'authorChange', { authorId: context.authorId, authorData: { name:, color: newData.color } } ); this.logger.logServerEvent( { type: 'authorChange', doc: context.docName, authorId: context.authorId, authorData: { name:, color: newData.color } } ); }; /** * Apply and broadcast a disconnection (which may be temporary) * * @param {Object} context The connection context */ = function ( context ) { this.rebaseServer.updateDocState( context.docName, context.authorId, null, { active: false, continueBase: null, rejections: null } ); context.broadcast( 'authorDisconnect', context.authorId ); this.logger.logServerEvent( { type: 'disconnect', doc: context.docName, authorId: context.authorId } ); }; |