All files / src/ce/nodes ve.ce.CommentNode.js

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 * VisualEditor ContentEditable CommentNode class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
 * ContentEditable comment node.
 * @class
 * @extends ve.ce.LeafNode
 * @mixes ve.ce.FocusableNode
 * @constructor
 * @param {} model Model to observe
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ce.CommentNode = function VeCeCommentNode( model, config ) {
	// Parent constructor this, model, config );
	// Mixin constructors this, this.$element, config );
	// Events
	this.model.connect( this, { attributeChange: 'onAttributeChange' } );
	// DOM changes
	this.$element.addClass( 've-ce-commentNode' );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ce.CommentNode, ve.ce.LeafNode );
OO.mixinClass( ve.ce.CommentNode, ve.ce.FocusableNode );
/* Static Properties */ = 'comment';
ve.ce.CommentNode.static.primaryCommandName = 'comment';
ve.ce.CommentNode.static.iconWhenInvisible = 'notice';
/* Static Methods */
 * @inheritdoc
ve.ce.CommentNode.static.getDescription = function ( model ) {
	return model.getAttribute( 'text' );
 * Update the rendering of the 'text' attribute
 * when it changes in the model.
 * @param {string} key Attribute key
 * @param {string} from Old value
 * @param {string} to New value
ve.ce.CommentNode.prototype.onAttributeChange = function ( key ) {
	Eif ( key === 'text' ) {
/* Method */
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-returns
 * @see ve.ce.FocusableNode
ve.ce.CommentNode.prototype.hasRendering = function () {
	// Comment nodes never have a rendering, don't bother with expensive DOM inspection
	return false;
/* Registration */
ve.ce.nodeFactory.register( ve.ce.CommentNode );