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84.25% Statements 107/127
83.78% Branches 31/37
84.21% Functions 16/19
84.16% Lines 101/120

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 * VisualEditor DataModel TransactionProcessor class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
 * DataModel transaction processor.
 * This class reads operations from a transaction and applies them one by one. It's not intended
 * to be used directly; use {} instead.
 * NOTE: Instances of this class are not recyclable: you can only call .process() on them once.
 * @class
 * @param {} doc
 * @param {} transaction
 * @param {boolean} isStaging Transaction is being applied in staging mode
 * @constructor
 */ = function VeDmTransactionProcessor( doc, transaction, isStaging ) {
	// Properties
	this.document = doc;
	this.transaction = transaction;
	this.operations = transaction.getOperations();
	this.isStaging = isStaging;
	this.modificationQueue = [];
	this.rollbackQueue = [];
	this.eventQueue = [];
	// Linear model offset that we're currently at. Operations in the transaction are ordered, so
	// the cursor only ever moves forward.
	this.cursor = 0;
	// Adjustment that needs to be added to linear model offsets in the original linear model
	// to get offsets in the half-updated linear model. Arguments to queued modifications all use
	// unadjusted offsets; this is needed to adjust those offsets after other modifications have been
	// made to the linear model that have caused offsets to shift.
	this.adjustment = 0;
	// State tracking for unbalanced replace operations
	this.replaceRemoveLevel = 0;
	this.replaceInsertLevel = 0;
	this.replaceMinInsertLevel = 0;
	this.retainDepth = 0;
	this.balanced = true;
/* Static members */
/* See */ = {};
/* See */ = {};
/* Methods */
 * Execute an operation.
 * @private
 * @param {Object} op Operation object to execute
 * @throws {Error} Operation type is not supported
 */ = function ( op ) {
	if (, op.type ) ) {[ op.type ].call( this, op );
	} else E{
		throw new Error( 'Invalid operation error. Operation type is not supported: ' + op.type );
 * Process all operations.
 * When all operations are done being processed, the document will be synchronized.
 * @private
 */ = function () {
	// Warning: some of this is vestigial. Before TreeModifier, things worked as follows:
	// 1) executeOperation ran on each operation. This built a list of modifications,
	// .modificationQueue, consisting of linear splices and attribute/annotation changes.
	// 2) applyModifications processed .modificationQueue. In particular it executed the
	// linear splices (invalidating the DM tree).
	// 3) rebuildTree rebuilt the part of the DM tree invalidated by the linear splices.
	// Since then, we removed annotation changes completely. And TreeModifier handles
	// replacements. So for replacements:
	// 1) executeOperation does very little (just a balancedness check)
	// 2) applyModifications queues linear splices for rollback on error
	// 3) rebuildTree is only called in the rollback case
	// Ensure the pre-modification document tree has been generated
	// First process each operation to gather modifications in the modification queue.
	// If an exception occurs during this stage, we don't need to do anything to recover,
	// because no modifications were made yet.
	for ( let i = 0; i < this.operations.length; i++ ) {
		this.executeOperation( this.operations[ i ] );
	if ( !this.balanced ) {
		throw new Error( 'Unbalanced set of replace operations found' );
	let completed;
	// Apply the queued modifications
	try {
		completed = false;
		this.applyModifications(); this.document, this.transaction );
		completed = true;
	} finally {
		// Don't catch and re-throw errors so that they are reported properly
		if ( !completed ) {
			// Restore the linear model to its original state
			Iif ( this.treeModifier ) {
			// The tree may have been left in some sort of half-baked state, so rebuild it
			// from scratch
	// Mark the transaction as committed
	// Emit events in the queue
 * Queue a modification.
 * @private
 * @param {Object} modification Object describing the modification
 * @param {string} modification.type Name of a method in
 * @param {Array} [modification.args] Arguments to pass to this method
 * @throws {Error} Unrecognized modification type
 */ = function ( modification ) {
	Iif ( typeof[ modification.type ] !== 'function' ) {
		throw new Error( 'Unrecognized modification type ' + modification.type );
	this.modificationQueue.push( modification );
 * Queue an undo function. If an exception is thrown while modifying, #rollbackModifications will
 * invoke these functions in reverse order.
 * @param {Function} func Undo function to add to the queue
 */ = function ( func ) {
	this.rollbackQueue.push( func );
 * Apply all modifications queued through #queueModification, and add their rollback functions
 * to this.rollbackQueue.
 * @private
 */ = function () {
	const modifications = this.modificationQueue;
	this.modificationQueue = [];
	for ( let i = 0, len = modifications.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		const modifier =[ modifications[ i ].type ];
		modifier.apply( this, modifications[ i ].args || [] );
 * Roll back all modifications that have been applied so far. This invokes the callbacks returned
 * by the modifier functions.
 * @private
 */ = function () {
	const rollbacks = this.rollbackQueue;
	this.rollbackQueue = [];
	for ( let i = rollbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		rollbacks[ i ]();
 * Queue an event to be emitted on a node.
 * Duplicate events will be ignored only if all arguments match exactly (i.e. are reference-equal).
 * @private
 * @param {} node
 * @param {string} name Event name
 * @param {...any} [args] Additional arguments to be passed to the event when fired
 */ = function ( node, name, ...args ) {
	this.eventQueue.push( {
		args: args.concat( this.transaction )
	} );
 * Emit all events queued through #queueEvent.
 * @private
 */ = function () {
	const queue = this.eventQueue;
	this.eventQueue = [];
	queue.forEach( ( event, i ) => {
		// Check if this event is a duplicate of something we've already emitted
		if ( !queue.slice( 0, i ).some( ( e ) => event, e ) ) ) {
			event.node.emit(, ...event.args );
	} );
 * Advance the main data cursor.
 * @private
 * @param {number} increment Number of positions to increment the cursor by
 */ = function ( increment ) {
	this.cursor += increment;
 * Modifier methods.
 * Each method executes a specific type of linear model modification, updates the model tree, and
 * returns a function that undoes the linear model modification, in case we need to recover the
 * previous linear model state. (The returned undo function does not undo the model tree update.)
 * Methods are called in the context of a transaction processor, so they work similar to normal
 * methods on the object.
 * @class
 * @singleton
 * Splice data into / out of the data array, and synchronize the tree.
 * For efficiency, this function modifies the splice operation objects (i.e. the elements
 * of the splices array). It also relies on these objects not being modified by others later.
 * @param {Object[]} splices Array of splice operations to execute. Properties:
 *  {number} splices[].offset Offset to remove/insert at (unadjusted)
 *  {number} splices[].removeLength Number of elements to remove
 *  {Array} splices[].insert Data to insert; for efficiency, objects are inserted without cloning
 */ = function ( splices ) {
	const data =;
	let lengthDiff = 0;
	let i;
	// We're about to do lots of things that can go wrong, so queue an undo function now
	// that undoes all splices that we got to
	this.queueUndoFunction( () => {
		for ( let i2 = splices.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2-- ) {
			const s2 = splices[ i ];
			if ( s2.removedData !== undefined ) {
				data.batchSplice( s2.offset, s2.insert.length, s2.removedData );
	} );
	// Apply splices to the linmod and record how to undo them
	for ( i = 0; i < splices.length; i++ ) {
		const s = splices[ i ];
		// Adjust s.offset for previous modifications that have already been synced to the tree;
		// this value is used by the tree sync code later.
		s.treeOffset = s.offset + this.adjustment;
		// Also adjust s.offset for previous iterations of this loop (i.e. unsynced modifications);
		// this is the value we need for the actual array splice.
		s.offset = s.treeOffset + lengthDiff;
		// Perform the splice and put the removed data in s, for the undo function
		s.removedData = data.batchSplice( s.offset, s.removeLength, s.insert );
		lengthDiff += s.insert.length - s.removeLength;
	this.adjustment += lengthDiff;
 * Set an attribute at a given offset.
 * @param {number} offset Offset in data array (unadjusted)
 * @param {string} key Attribute name
 * @param {any} value New attribute value
 */ = function ( offset, key, value ) {
	const data =;
	offset += this.adjustment;
	const oldItem = data.getData( offset );
	const oldValue = oldItem.attributes && oldItem.attributes[ key ];
	data.setAttributeAtOffset( offset, key, value );
	this.queueUndoFunction( () => {
		data.setAttributeAtOffset( offset, key, oldValue );
	} );
	const node = this.document.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( offset + 1 );
	// Update node element pointer
	node.element = data.getData( offset );
	this.queueEvent( node, 'attributeChange', key, oldValue, value );
	this.queueEvent( node, 'update', this.isStaging );
 * Processing methods.
 * Each method is specific to a type of action. Methods are called in the context of a transaction
 * processor, so they work similar to normal methods on the object.
 * @class
 * @singleton
 * Execute a retain operation.
 * Called within the context of a transaction processor instance; moves the cursor by op.length
 * @param {Object} op Operation object:
 * @param {number} op.length Number of elements to retain
 */ = function ( op ) {
	if ( !this.balanced ) {
		// Track the depth of retained data when in the middle of an unbalanced replace
		const retainedData = this.document.getData( new ve.Range( this.cursor, this.cursor + op.length ) );
		for ( let i = 0; i < retainedData.length; i++ ) {
			const type = retainedData[ i ].type;
			if ( type !== undefined ) {
				this.retainDepth += type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ? -1 : 1;
	this.advanceCursor( op.length );
 * Execute an attribute operation.
 * This method is called within the context of a transaction processor instance.
 * This sets the attribute named `op.key` on the element at `this.cursor` to ``, or unsets it if
 * ` === undefined`. `op.from` is not checked against the old value, but is used instead of ``
 * in reverse mode. So if `op.from` is incorrect, the transaction will commit fine, but won't roll
 * back correctly.
 * @param {Object} op Operation object
 * @param {string} op.key Attribute name
 * @param {any} op.from Old attribute value, or undefined if not previously set
 * @param {any} New attribute value, or undefined to unset
 */ = function ( op ) {
	if ( ! this.cursor ) ) {
		throw new Error( 'Invalid element error, cannot set attributes on non-element data' );
	this.queueModification( {
		type: 'setAttribute',
		args: [ this.cursor, op.key, ]
	} );
 * Verify a replace operation (the actual processing is now done in
 * @param {Object} op Operation object
 * @param {Array} op.remove Linear model data to remove
 * @param {Array} op.insert Linear model data to insert
 */ = function ( op ) {
	// Track balancedness for verification purposes only
	// Walk through the remove and insert data
	// and keep track of the element depth change (level)
	// for each of these two separately. The model is
	// only consistent if both levels are zero.
	let i, type;
	for ( i = 0; i < op.remove.length; i++ ) {
		type = op.remove[ i ].type;
		if ( type !== undefined ) {
			if ( type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
				// Closing element
			} else {
				// Opening element
	for ( i = 0; i < op.insert.length; i++ ) {
		type = op.insert[ i ].type;
		if ( type !== undefined ) {
			if ( type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
				// Closing element
			} else {
				// Opening element
	this.advanceCursor( op.remove.length );
	this.balanced =
		this.replaceRemoveLevel === 0 &&
		this.replaceInsertLevel === 0 &&
		this.retainDepth === 0;