All files / src/ui/actions ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.js

92.3% Statements 36/39
70% Branches 7/10
100% Functions 6/6
92.3% Lines 36/39

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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 * VisualEditor UserInterface BlockquoteAction class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
 * Blockquote action.
 * @class
 * @extends ve.ui.Action
 * @constructor
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface to act on
 * @param {string} [source]
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction = function VeUiBlockquoteAction() {
	// Parent constructor
	ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.super.apply( this, arguments );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.BlockquoteAction, ve.ui.Action );
/* Static Properties */ = 'blockquote';
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.static.methods = [ 'wrap', 'unwrap', 'toggle' ];
/* Methods */
 * Check if the current selection is wrapped in a blockquote.
 * @return {boolean} Current selection is wrapped in a blockquote
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.prototype.isWrapped = function () {
	const fragment = this.surface.getModel().getFragment();
	return fragment.hasMatchingAncestor( 'blockquote' );
 * Toggle a blockquote around content.
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.prototype.toggle = function () {
	return this[ this.isWrapped() ? 'unwrap' : 'wrap' ]();
 * Add a blockquote around content (only if it has no blockquote already).
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.prototype.wrap = function () {
	const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel(),
		selection = surfaceModel.getSelection();
	Iif ( !( selection instanceof ) ) {
		return false;
	let fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( null, true );
	// Trim the selection range to the range of leaf nodes in the selection,
	// to avoid covering whole nodes where only start/end tag was selected.
	// For example:
	//     <p>asdf</p><p>qwer</p>   -->   <p>asdf</p><p>qwer</p>
	//        ^^^^^^^^^^^                    ^^^^
	const leaves = fragment.getSelectedLeafNodes();
	const leavesRange = new ve.Range(
		leaves[ 0 ].getRange().start,
		leaves[ leaves.length - 1 ].getRange().end
	fragment = surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( leavesRange, true );
	// Expand to cover entire nodes
	fragment = fragment.expandLinearSelection( 'siblings' );
	// If the nodes can't be wrapped (e.g. they are list items), wrap the parent
	while (
		fragment.getCoveredNodes().some( ( nodeInfo ) => !nodeInfo.node.isAllowedParentNodeType( 'blockquote' ) || nodeInfo.node.isContent() )
	) {
		fragment = fragment.expandLinearSelection( 'parent' );
	// Wrap everything in a blockquote
	fragment.wrapAllNodes( { type: 'blockquote' } );
	return true;
 * Remove blockquote around content (if present).
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.BlockquoteAction.prototype.unwrap = function () {
	const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel(),
		selection = surfaceModel.getSelection();
	Iif ( !( selection instanceof ) ) {
		return false;
	Iif ( !this.isWrapped() ) {
		return false;
	let fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( null, true );
	// Trim the selection range to the range of leaf nodes in the selection,
	// to avoid covering whole nodes where only start/end tag was selected.
	// For example:
	//     <bq><p>asdf</p></bq><p>qwer</p>   -->   <bq><p>asdf</p></bq><p>qwer</p>
	//            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        ^^^^
	const leaves = fragment.getSelectedLeafNodes();
	const leavesRange = new ve.Range(
		leaves[ 0 ].getRange().start,
		leaves[ leaves.length - 1 ].getRange().end
	fragment = surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( leavesRange, true );
		// Expand to cover entire blockquote
		.expandLinearSelection( 'closest', )
		// Unwrap it
		.unwrapNodes( 0, 1 );
	return true;
/* Registration */
ve.ui.actionFactory.register( ve.ui.BlockquoteAction );