All files / src/ui ve.ui.Toolbar.js

14.6% Statements 13/89
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14.6% Lines 13/89

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 * VisualEditor UserInterface Toolbar class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
 * UserInterface surface toolbar.
 * @class
 * @extends OO.ui.Toolbar
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ui.Toolbar = function VeUiToolbar( config ) {
	config = config || {};
	// Parent constructor this, ve.ui.toolFactory, ve.ui.toolGroupFactory, config );
	this.updateToolStateDebounced = ve.debounce( this.updateToolState.bind( this ) );
	this.groups = null;
	// Default directions
	this.contextDirection = { inline: 'ltr', block: 'ltr' };
	// The following classes are used here:
	// * ve-ui-dir-inline-ltr
	// * ve-ui-dir-inline-rtl
	// * ve-ui-dir-block-ltr
	// * ve-ui-dir-block-rtl
		.addClass( 've-ui-toolbar' )
		.addClass( 've-ui-dir-inline-' + this.contextDirection.inline )
		.addClass( 've-ui-dir-block-' + this.contextDirection.block );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.Toolbar, OO.ui.Toolbar );
/* Events */
 * @event ve.ui.Toolbar#updateState
 * @param {|null} fragment Surface fragment. Null if no surface is active.
 * @param {Object|null} direction Context direction with 'inline' & 'block' properties if a surface exists. Null if no surface is active.
 * @param {string[]} activeDialogs List of names of currently open dialogs.
 * @event ve.ui.Toolbar#surfaceChange
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface|null} oldSurface Old surface being controlled
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface|null} newSurface New surface being controlled
 * @event ve.ui.Toolbar#resize
/* Methods */
 * Setup toolbar
 * @param {Object} groups List of tool group configurations
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} [surface] Surface to attach to
 * @fires ve.ui.Toolbar#surfaceChange
 * @fires ve.ui.Toolbar#resize
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.setup = function ( groups, surface ) {
	let oldSurface,
		surfaceChange = false;
	if ( surface !== this.surface ) {
		// this.surface should be changed before we fire the event
		oldSurface = this.surface;
		this.surface = surface;
		surfaceChange = true;
	// The parent method just rebuilds the tool groups so only
	// do this if they have changed
	if ( groups !== this.groups ) {
		// Parent method
		groups = ( group ) => {
			if ( ) {
				group.classes = group.classes || [];
				group.classes.push( 've-ui-toolbar-group-' + );
			} else {
				OO.ui.warnDeprecation( 'No name: ' + JSON.stringify( group ) );
			return group;
		} ); this, groups );
	this.groups = groups;
	if ( groups.length ) {
		this.$element.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbar-empty' );
	} else {
		this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-toolbar-empty' );
	if ( surfaceChange ) {
		// Emit surface change event after tools have been setup
		this.emit( 'surfaceChange', oldSurface, surface );
		// Emit another resize event to let the surface know about the toolbar size
		this.emit( 'resize' );
	// Events
	this.getSurface().getModel().connect( this, { contextChange: 'onContextChange' } );
	this.getSurface().getDialogs().connect( this, {
		opening: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing',
		closing: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing'
	} );
	this.getSurface().getToolbarDialogs().connect( this, {
		opening: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing',
		closing: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing'
	} );
	this.getSurface().getContext().getInspectors().connect( this, {
		opening: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing',
		closing: 'onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing'
	} );
 * @inheritdoc
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.isToolAvailable = function ( name ) {
	if ( !ve.ui.Toolbar.super.prototype.isToolAvailable.apply( this, arguments ) ) {
		return false;
	// Check the tool's command is available on the surface
	const tool = this.getToolFactory().lookup( name );
	if ( !tool ) {
		return false;
	// FIXME should use .static.getCommandName(), but we have tools that aren't ve.ui.Tool subclasses :(
	const commandName = tool.static.commandName;
	return !commandName || this.getCommands().indexOf( commandName ) !== -1;
 * Handle windows opening or closing in the dialogs' or inspectors' window manager.
 * @param {OO.ui.Window} win
 * @param {jQuery.Promise} openingOrClosing
 * @param {Object} data
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.onInspectorOrDialogOpeningOrClosing = function ( win, openingOrClosing ) {
	openingOrClosing.then( () => {
	} );
 * Handle context changes on the surface.
 * @fires ve.ui.Toolbar#updateState
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.onContextChange = function () {
 * Update the state of the tools
 * @fires ve.ui.Toolbar#updateState
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.updateToolState = function () {
	if ( !this.getSurface() ) {
		this.emit( 'updateState', null, null );
	const fragment = this.getSurface().getModel().getFragment();
	// Update context direction for button icons UI.
	// By default, inline and block directions are the same.
	// If no context direction is available, use document model direction.
	let dirInline = this.surface.getView().getSelectionDirectionality();
	const dirBlock = dirInline;
	// 'inline' direction is different only if we are inside a language annotation
	const fragmentAnnotation = fragment.getAnnotations();
	if ( fragmentAnnotation.hasAnnotationWithName( 'meta/language' ) ) {
		dirInline = fragmentAnnotation.getAnnotationsByName( 'meta/language' ).get( 0 ).getAttribute( 'dir' );
	if ( dirInline !== this.contextDirection.inline ) {
		// Remove previous class:
		this.$element.removeClass( 've-ui-dir-inline-rtl ve-ui-dir-inline-ltr' );
		// The following classes are used here:
		// * ve-ui-dir-inline-ltr
		// * ve-ui-dir-inline-rtl
		this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-dir-inline-' + dirInline );
		this.contextDirection.inline = dirInline;
	if ( dirBlock !== this.contextDirection.block ) {
		this.$element.removeClass( 've-ui-dir-block-rtl ve-ui-dir-block-ltr' );
		// The following classes are used here:
		// * ve-ui-dir-block-ltr
		// * ve-ui-dir-block-rtl
		this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-dir-block-' + dirBlock );
		this.contextDirection.block = dirBlock;
	const activeDialogs = [
	].map( ( windowManager ) => {
		if ( windowManager.getCurrentWindow() ) {
			return windowManager.getCurrentWindow();
		return null;
	} ).filter( ( name ) => name !== null );
	this.emit( 'updateState', fragment, this.contextDirection, activeDialogs );
 * Get triggers for a specified name.
 * @param {string} name Trigger name
 * @return {ve.ui.Trigger[]|undefined} Triggers
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getTriggers = function ( name ) {
	return this.getSurface().triggerListener.getTriggers( name );
 * Get a list of commands available to this toolbar's surface
 * @return {string[]} Command names
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getCommands = function () {
	return this.getSurface().getCommands();
 * @inheritdoc
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getToolAccelerator = function ( name ) {
	const messages = ve.ui.triggerRegistry.getMessages( name );
	return messages ? messages.join( ', ' ) : undefined;
 * Gets the surface which the toolbar controls.
 * Returns null if the toolbar hasn't been set up yet.
 * @return {ve.ui.Surface|null} Surface being controlled
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getSurface = function () {
	return this.surface;
 * Detach toolbar from surface and all event listeners
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.detach = function () {
	// Events
	if ( this.getSurface() ) {
		this.getSurface().getModel().disconnect( this );
		this.surface = null;
	// Reset narrow state/cache as when we setup again it
	// may be with a different tool list.
	// TODO: Create upstream detach/teardown
	this.setNarrow( false );
	this.narrowThreshold = null;
 * Destroys toolbar, removing event handlers and DOM elements.
 * Call this whenever you are done using a toolbar.
ve.ui.Toolbar.prototype.destroy = function () {
	// Parent method this );
	// Detach surface last, because tool destructors need getSurface()