Classes to parse and sanitize CSS
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlternativeMatcher that matches one out of a set of Matchers ("|" combiner)
 CAnythingMatcherMatcher that matches anything except bad strings, bad urls, and unmatched left-paren, left-brace, or left-bracket
 CBlockMatcherMatcher that matches a SimpleBlock
 CCheckedMatcherWrap another matcher in a callback to verify the matches
 CCustomPropertyMatcherMatcher that matches a custom property (a CSS variable) example –name-of-variable
 CDelimMatcherMatcher that matches one of a set of values
 CFunctionMatcherMatcher that matches a CSSFunction
 CGrammarMatchRepresent a match from a Matcher
 CJuxtapositionMatcher that groups other matchers (juxtaposition)
 CKeywordMatcherMatcher that matches one of a set of keywords, case-insensitively
 CMatcherBase class for grammar matchers
 CMatcherFactoryFactory for predefined Grammar matchers
 CNonEmptyMatcher that requires its sub-Matcher has only non-empty matches ("!" multiplier)
 CNothingMatcherMatcher that matches nothing
 CNoWhitespaceMatcher that asserts there was no whitespace before the current position
 CQuantifierMatcher that matches a sub-Matcher a certain number of times ("?", "*", "+", "#", "{A,B}" multipliers)
 CTokenMatcherMatcher that matches a token of a particular type
 CUnorderedGroupMatcher that groups other matchers without ordering ("&&" and "||" combiners)
 CUrangeMatcherMatch the special "<urange>" notation
 CUrlMatcherMatcher that matches a CSSFunction for a URL or a T_URL token
 CWhitespaceMatcherMatcher that matches runs of whitespace
 CAtRuleRepresent a CSS at-rule
 CComponentValueRepresent a CSS component value
 CComponentValueListRepresent a list of CSS declarations
 CCSSFunctionRepresent a CSS function
 CCSSObjectA base interface for "CSS objects"
 CCSSObjectListRepresent a list of CSS objects
 CDeclarationRepresent a CSS declaration
 CDeclarationListRepresent a list of declarations
 CDeclarationOrAtRuleExists because DeclarationOrAtRuleList needs to be able to contain both Declarations and AtRules
 CDeclarationOrAtRuleListRepresent a list of CSS declarations and at-rules
 CQualifiedRuleRepresent a CSS qualified rule
 CRuleRepresent an abstract CSS rule
 CRuleListRepresent a list of CSS rules
 CSimpleBlockRepresent a CSS simple block
 CStylesheetRepresent a stylesheet
 CTokenRepresent a CSS token
 CTokenListRepresent a list of CSS tokens
 CDataSourceRead data for the CSS parser
 CDataSourceTokenizerParse CSS into tokens
 CEncoderCharacter set conversion for CSS
 CParserParse CSS into a structure for further processing
 CStringDataSourceRead data for the CSS parser
 CTokenizerTokenizer interface
 CTokenListTokenizerTokenizer that just returns a predefined list of tokens
 CFontFaceAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @font-face rule
 CImportAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @import rule
 CKeyframesAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @keyframes rule
 CMarginAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes the margin at-rules inside a CSS @page rule
 CMediaAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @media rule
 CNamespaceAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @namespace rule
 CPageAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @page rule
 CPropertySanitizerSanitizes a Declaration
 CRuleSanitizerBase class for CSS rule sanitizers
 CSanitizerBase class for CSS sanitizers
 CStyleAttributeSanitizerSanitizes a CSS style attribute (i.e
 CStylePropertySanitizerSanitizes a Declaration representing a CSS style property
 CStyleRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS style rule
 CStylesheetSanitizerSanitizes a CSS stylesheet or rule list
 CSupportsAtRuleSanitizerSanitizes a CSS @supports rule
 CUtilStatic utility functions