Source code for docker_pkg.cli

Command line interface

import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import yaml

from docker_pkg import builder, dockerfile, image

defaults: Dict[str, Any] = {
    # Docker registry to use; if empty, no registry will be assumed.
    "registry": "",
    # username/password to use on the registry. If any of them is not set, publishing will be
    # disabled.
    "username": None,
    "password": None,
    # List of image:tags that we use as base for the images we're building.
    "base_images": [],
    # Additional apt options to inject when installing packages
    "apt_options": "",
    # Http proxy to use when building/pulling images. If not defined, no proxy will be used.
    "http_proxy": None,
    # Proxy address to use for apt. If it is not defined, but http_proxy is, the http_proxy will be
    # used.
    "apt_only_proxy": None,
    # Namespace under which the images will be published on the registry.
    "namespace": "",
    # Number of parallel scan operations to conduct.
    "scan_workers": 8,
    # Author to fallback to for new changes to create.
    "fallback_author": "Author",
    "fallback_email": "email@domain",
    # Distribution component to use when updating changelogs
    "distribution": "wikimedia",
    # Identifier for security updates in the changelogs
    "update_id": "s",
    # CA bundle to use with python requests; if None, the system CA bundle will be used.
    "ca_bundle": None,
    # Raise an error if the last USER instruction does not use a numeric UID.
    "force_numeric_user": False,
    # Known UID mappings are a list of mappings of user->uid that helps
    # avoiding the use of non-numeric USER stanzas.
    # We add the debian defaults for a few system users below.
    "known_uid_mappings": {"root": 0, "www-data": 33, "nobody": 65534},
    # The template of the command to run.
    "verify_command": "/bin/bash",
    "verify_args": ["-c", "{path}/ {image}"],

ACTIONS: List[str] = ["build", "prune", "update"]

[docs]def parse_args(args: List[str]): """Parse the command-line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Global options parser.add_argument("-c", "--configfile", default="config.yaml") loglevel = parser.add_argument_group(title="logging options").add_mutually_exclusive_group() loglevel.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Activate debug logging") loglevel.add_argument("--info", action="store_true", help="Activate info logging") actions = parser.add_subparsers( help="Action to perform: {}".format(",".join(ACTIONS)), dest="mode" ) # Build selected images from a directory # Cli usage: docker-pkg -c test.yaml --info build --select "*python*" images_dir build = actions.add_parser("build", help="Build images (and publish them to the registry)") build_opts = build.add_argument_group("options for docker build") nightly = build_opts.add_argument_group(title="nightly").add_mutually_exclusive_group() nightly.add_argument("--nightly", action="store_true", help="Prepare a nightly build") nightly.add_argument("--snapshot", action="store_true", help="Create a snapshot build") build_opts.add_argument( "--use-cache", dest="nocache", action="store_false", help="Do use Docker cache when building the images", ) build_opts.add_argument( "--no-pull", dest="pull", action="store_false", help="Do not attempt to pull a newer version of the images", ) build_opts.add_argument( "--select", metavar="GLOB", help="A glob pattern for the images to build, must match name:tag", default=None, ) # Prune the old versions of images from the local docker daemon. # Cli usage: docker-pkg prune --select "*nodejs*" --nightly images_dir prune = actions.add_parser("prune", help="Prune local outdated versions of images in DIRECTORY") prune.add_argument( "--select", metavar="GLOB", help="A glob pattern for the images to build, must match name:tag", default=None, ) prune.add_argument( "--nightly", default=False, metavar="NIGHTLY_IDENTIFIER", help="Prune all but the nightly build indicated in the argument", ) # Create an update for a specific image and all of their children. # Cli usage: docker-pkg update python3-dev --reason "Adding newer pip version" images_dir update = actions.add_parser("update", help="Helper for preparing an update of an image tree") update.add_argument( "select", help="A glob pattern for the base images being updated", metavar="NAME" ) update.add_argument("--reason", help="Reason for the update.", default="Security update") update.add_argument( "--version", "-v", help="Specify a version for the image to upgrade", default=None ) # The directory argument always goes last. We add it to every subparser to avoid a bad UX when # omitting it. See T253131 for subp in [update, prune, build]: subp.add_argument("directory", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="The directory to scan for images") return parser.parse_args(args)
def _read_config_file(configfile: str): with open(configfile, "rb") as fh: config = yaml.safe_load(fh) if config is None: return {} else: return config
[docs]def read_config(configfile: str): xdg_config_home = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.config/")) user_config_file = os.path.join(xdg_config_home, "docker-pkg.yaml") if os.path.exists(user_config_file): user_config = _read_config_file(user_config_file) else: user_config = {} local_config = _read_config_file(configfile) config = defaults.copy() config.update({**user_config, **local_config}) # If no apt proxy is provided, but a generic http proxy was provided, copy it over if config["http_proxy"] is not None and config["apt_only_proxy"] is None: config["apt_only_proxy"] = config["http_proxy"] return config
[docs]def main(args: Optional[argparse.Namespace] = None): log_to_stdout = True if args is None: args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) logfmt = "%(asctime)s [docker-pkg-build] %(levelname)s - %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)s)" # noqa: E501 datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=logfmt, datefmt=datefmt) elif logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=logfmt, datefmt=datefmt) else: log_to_stdout = False logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, filename="./docker-pkg-build.log", format=logfmt, datefmt=datefmt ) config = read_config(args.configfile) # Force requests to use the configured ca bundle. if config["ca_bundle"] is not None: os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = config["ca_bundle"] # Args mangling. select = args_table = vars(args) nocache = args_table.get("nocache", True) # Prune and update don't need to pull! pull = args_table.get("pull", False) nightly_opt = args_table.get("nightly", False) is_snapshot = args_table.get("snapshot", False) if nightly_opt: image.DockerImage.is_nightly = True elif is_snapshot: # We're building a snapshot. image.DockerImage.is_nightly = True image.DockerImage.NIGHTLY_BUILD_FORMAT = "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" if args.mode == "update": # For updates, we only allow literal names. select = "*{}:*".format( application = builder.DockerBuilder(, config, select, nocache, pull) dockerfile.TemplateEngine.setup(application.config, application.known_images) if args.mode == "build": build(application, log_to_stdout) elif args.mode == "prune": prune(application, nightly_opt) elif args.mode == "update": update(application, args.reason,, args.version) else: raise ValueError(args.action)
[docs]def build(application: builder.DockerBuilder, log_to_stdout: bool): print("== Step 0: scanning {d} ==".format(d=application.root)) application.scan(max_workers=application.config["scan_workers"]) print("Will build the following images:") for img in application.build_chain: print("* {image}".format(image=img.label)) print("== Step 1: building images ==") for img in if img.state == builder.ImageFSM.STATE_VERIFIED: print("* Built image {image}".format(image=img.label)) else: print( " ERROR: image {image} failed to build, see logs for details".format( ) # Publishing print("== Step 2: publishing ==") if not all([application.config["username"], application.config["password"]]): print("NOT publishing images as we have no auth setup") else: for img in application.publish(): if img.state == builder.ImageFSM.STATE_PUBLISHED: print("Successfully published image {image}".format(image=img.label)) print("== Build done! ==") if not log_to_stdout: print("You can see the logs at ./docker-pkg-build.log")
[docs]def prune(application: builder.DockerBuilder, nightly: str): # cheat dockerimage into using a fixed format if nightly: image.DockerImage.NIGHTLY_BUILD_FORMAT = nightly print("== Step 0: scanning {d} ==".format(d=application.root)) application.scan(max_workers=application.config["scan_workers"]) # Let's peform a trick to be able to exploit the build_chain print("Will prune old versions of the following images:") pc = application.prune_chain() for fsm in pc: print("* {image}".format(image=fsm.label)) print("== Step 1: pruning images") for fsm in pc: print("* Pruning old versions of {}".format(fsm.label)) if not fsm.image.driver.prune(): print("* Errors pruning old images for {}".format(fsm.label))
[docs]def update(application: builder.DockerBuilder, reason: str, selected: str, version: Optional[str]): print("== Step 0: scanning {d}".format(d=application.root)) application.scan() to_update = application.images_to_update() print("Will update the following images: ") for fsm in to_update: print("* {image}".format( print("== Step 1: adding updates") application.update_images(to_update, reason, selected, version=version)