Source code for docker_pkg.dockerfile

Dockerfile.template processing

The files are Jinja2 templates, the class provides built-in templates to ease
writing Dockerfiles.

import re

from typing import Any, Dict, Set

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template, StrictUndefined

from docker_pkg import log, ImageLabel

[docs]class TemplateEngine: known_images: Set[str] = set() config: Dict[str, Any] = {} env: Environment = Environment(extensions=[""], undefined=StrictUndefined)
[docs] @classmethod def setup(cls, config: Dict[str, Any], known_images: Set[str]): cls.config = config cls.known_images = known_images cls.setup_filters()
[docs] @classmethod def setup_filters(cls): cls.setup_apt_install() cls.setup_apt_remove() def find_image_tag(image_name): label = ImageLabel(cls.config, image_name, "") image_name = label.label() for img_with_tag in cls.known_images: name, tag = img_with_tag.split(":") if image_name == name: return img_with_tag raise ValueError("Image {name} not found".format(name=image_name)) cls.env.filters["image_tag"] = find_image_tag def get_uid(user: str): mappings = cls.config["known_uid_mappings"] if user not in mappings: # If there is no available mapping, we just return the username. # If strict use of numeric uids is required by toggling the force_numeric_user # configuration option on, the dockerfile we generate will be rejected by # the check in has_numeric_user() at build time, thus the build # will fail. log.warn("UID mapping for user %s not found", user) return user else: return str(mappings[user]) cls.env.filters["uid"] = get_uid def add_user(usr): id = get_uid(usr) if id == usr: raise ValueError("No mapping found for user '{u}'".format(u=usr)) groupadd = "groupadd -o -g {id} -r {usr}".format(id=id, usr=usr) useradd = "useradd -l -o -r -m -d /var/lib/{usr} -g {usr} -u {id} {usr}".format( id=id, usr=usr ) return "{g} && {u}".format(g=groupadd, u=useradd) cls.env.filters["add_user"] = add_user
[docs] @classmethod def setup_apt_install(cls): t = Template( """ {%- if apt_only_proxy -%} echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy \"{{ apt_only_proxy }}\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80_proxy \\ && apt-get update {{ apt_options }} \\ {%- else -%} apt-get update {{ apt_options }} \\ {%- endif %} && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \\ apt-get install {{ apt_options }} --yes {{ packages }} --no-install-recommends \\ {%- if apt_only_proxy %} && rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80_proxy \\ {%- endif %} && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* """ ) def apt_install(pkgs): # Allow people to write easier to read newline separated package # lists by turning them into space separated ones for apt pkgs = pkgs.replace("\n", " ") return t.render(packages=pkgs, **cls.config) cls.env.filters["apt_install"] = apt_install
[docs] @classmethod def setup_apt_remove(cls): t = Template( """ {%- if apt_only_proxy -%} echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy \"{{ apt_only_proxy }}\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80_proxy && \\ {%- endif -%} apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get remove --yes --purge {{ packages }} \\ {%- if apt_only_proxy %} && rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80_proxy \\ {%- endif %} && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* """ ) def apt_remove(pkgs): return t.render(packages=pkgs, **cls.config) cls.env.filters["apt_remove"] = apt_remove
def __init__(self, path: str): self.env.loader = FileSystemLoader(path)
[docs]def from_template(path: str, name: str) -> Template: return TemplateEngine(path).env.get_template(name)
[docs]def has_numeric_user(dockerfile: str) -> bool: # Return true in case dockerfile does not contain a USER instruction numeric_user = True regex = re.compile(r"^USER\s+\d+(?:\:\d+)?$") for line in dockerfile.split("\n"): if line.startswith("USER "): numeric_user = True if regex.match(line) else False return numeric_user