Class InstrumentedJobSubmitter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InstrumentedJobSubmitter
    extends Object
    implements Runnable
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String... args)
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • stop

        public void stop()
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
      • getSubmitted

        public long getSubmitted()
        Retrieves the number of jobs that have been successfully submitted to a job server. A job is considered successfully submitted if the job was created and submitted to the job server without encountering an exception.
        The number of jobs that have been successfully submitted to a job server.
      • getCompleted

        public long getCompleted()
        Retrieves the number of jobs that have been executed by a job server. A job is considered completed if the client has received a result for the job (note, the result need not be a successful one).
        The number of jobs that have completed execution.
      • getSucceeded

        public long getSucceeded()
        Retrieves the number of jobs that have been successfully executed by a job server. A job is considered successful if the corresponding GearmanJobResult.jobSucceeded() returns true.
        The number of jobs that have been successfully executed.
      • getTotalTime

        public long getTotalTime()
        The total amount of the time the submitter has spent creating and submitting jobs.
      • getAverageTime

        public long getAverageTime()
        The average time it takes for the submitter to create a job and submit it to a job server.
      • getTotalExecutionTime

        public long getTotalExecutionTime()
        The total amount of the time the submitter has spent creating and submitting jobs and retrieving job results.
      • getAverageExecutionTime

        public long getAverageExecutionTime()
        The average amount of time it takes the submitter to create and submit jobs and retrieve job results.
      • getStatsString

        public String getStatsString()