Source code for homer

"""Homer package."""
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import sys

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Mapping, Tuple

import pynetbox

from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution

from homer.config import HierarchicalConfig, load_yaml_config
from homer.devices import Device, Devices
from homer.exceptions import HomerError
from homer.netbox import NetboxData, NetboxDeviceData, NetboxInventory
from homer.templates import Renderer
from homer.transports.junos import connected_device

    __version__ = get_distribution('homer').version  # Must be the same used as 'name' in
    """:py:class:`str`: the version of the current Homer package."""
except DistributionNotFound:  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen during tests
    pass  # package is not installed

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class Homer: """The instance to run Homer.""" OUT_EXTENSION = '.out' """:py:class:`str`: the extension for the generated output files.""" def __init__(self, main_config: Mapping): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: main_config (dict): the configuration dictionary. """ logger.debug('Initialized with configuration: %s', main_config) self._main_config = main_config private_base_path = self._main_config['base_paths'].get('private', '') self._config = HierarchicalConfig( self._main_config['base_paths']['public'], private_base_path=private_base_path) self._netbox_api = None if self._main_config.get('netbox', {}): self._netbox_api = pynetbox.api( self._main_config['netbox']['url'], token=self._main_config['netbox']['token']) devices_all_config = load_yaml_config( os.path.join(self._main_config['base_paths']['public'], 'config', 'devices.yaml')) devices_config = {fqdn: data.get('config', {}) for fqdn, data in devices_all_config.items()} netbox_inventory = self._main_config.get('netbox', {}).get('inventory', {}) if netbox_inventory: devices = NetboxInventory( self._netbox_api, netbox_inventory['device_roles'], netbox_inventory['device_statuses']).get_devices() else: devices = devices_all_config.copy() for data in devices.values(): data.pop('config', None) private_devices_config = {} # type: dict if private_base_path: private_devices_config = load_yaml_config( os.path.join(private_base_path, 'config', 'devices.yaml')) self._ignore_warning = self._main_config.get('transports', {}).get('junos', {}).get('ignore_warning', False) self._devices = Devices(devices, devices_config, private_devices_config) self._renderer = Renderer(self._main_config['base_paths']['public']) self._output_base_path = pathlib.Path(self._main_config['base_paths']['output'])
[docs] def generate(self, query: str) -> int: """Generate the configuration only saving it locally, no remote action is performed. Arguments: query (str): the query to select the devices. Return: int: ``0`` on success, a small positive integer on failure. """'Generating configuration for query %s', query) self._prepare_out_dir() successes, _ = self._execute(self._device_generate, query) return Homer._parse_results(successes)
[docs] def diff(self, query: str) -> int: """Generate the configuration and check the diff with the current live one. Arguments: query (str): the query to select the devices. Return: int: ``0`` on success, a small positive integer on failure. """'Generating diff for query %s', query) successes, diffs = self._execute(self._device_diff, query) for diff, diff_devices in diffs.items(): print('Diff for {n} devices: {devices}'.format(n=len(diff_devices), devices=diff_devices)) print(diff) print('---------------') return Homer._parse_results(successes)
[docs] def commit(self, query: str, *, message: str = '-') -> int: """Commit the generated configuration asking for confirmation. Arguments: query (str): the query to select the devices. message (str): the commit message to use. Return: int: ``0`` on success, a small positive integer on failure. """'Committing config for query %s with message: %s', query, message) successes, _ = self._execute(self._device_commit, query, message=message) return Homer._parse_results(successes)
def _device_generate(self, device: Device, device_config: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """Save the generated configuration in a local file. Arguments: device (homer.devices.Device): the device instance. device_config (str): the generated configuration for the device. Returns: tuple: a two-element tuple with a boolean as first parameter that represent the success of the operation or not and a second element with a string that is not used but is required by the callback API. """ output_path = self._output_base_path / '{fqdn}{out}'.format(fqdn=device.fqdn, out=Homer.OUT_EXTENSION) with open(str(output_path), 'w') as f: f.write(device_config)'Written configuration for %s in %s', device.fqdn, output_path) return True, '' def _device_diff(self, device: Device, device_config: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Perform a configuration diff between the generated configuration and the live one. Arguments: device (homer.devices.Device): the device instance. device_config (str): the generated configuration for the device. Returns: tuple: a two-element tuple with a boolean as first parameter that represent the success of the operation or not and a second element with a string that contains the configuration differences. """ with connected_device(device.fqdn) as connection: return connection.commit_check(device_config, self._ignore_warning) def _device_commit(self, device: Device, device_config: str, *, # pylint: disable=no-self-use message: str = '-') -> Tuple[bool, str]: """Commit a new configuration to the device. Arguments: device (homer.devices.Device): the device instance. device_config (str): the generated configuration for the device. message (str): the commit message to use. Returns: tuple: a two-element tuple with a boolean as first parameter that represent the success of the operation or not and a second element with a string that contains the configuration differences. """ def callback(fqdn: str, diff: str) -> None: """Callback as required by :py:class:`homer.transports.junos.ConnectedDevice.commit`.""" if not sys.stdout.isatty(): raise HomerError('Not in a TTY, unable to ask for confirmation') print('Configuration diff for {fqdn}:\n{diff}'.format(fqdn=fqdn, diff=diff)) print('Type "yes" to commit, "no" to abort.') for _ in range(2): resp = input('> ') if resp == 'yes': break if resp == 'no': raise HomerError('Commit aborted') print(('Invalid response, please type "yes" to commit or "no" to abort. After 2 wrong answers the ' 'commit will be aborted.')) else: raise HomerError('Too many invalid answers, commit aborted') with connected_device(device.fqdn) as connection: try: connection.commit(device_config, message, callback, self._ignore_warning) return True, '' except HomerError: logger.exception('Failed to commit on %s', device.fqdn) return False, '' def _prepare_out_dir(self) -> None: """Prepare the out directory creating the directory if doesn't exists and deleting any pre-generated file.""" self._output_base_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for path in self._output_base_path.iterdir(): if path.is_file() and path.suffix == Homer.OUT_EXTENSION: path.unlink() def _execute(self, callback: Callable, query: str, **kwargs: str) -> Tuple[Dict, DefaultDict]: """Execute Homer based on the given action and query. Arguments: callback (Callable): the callback to call for each device. query (str): the query to filter the devices to act on. **kwargs (str): any additional keyword argument to pass to the callback Returns: tuple: a two-element tuple, with the first item as a dictionary that contains two keys (:py:data:`True` and :py:data:`False`) and as value a list of device FQDN that were successful (True) or failed (False) the operation and a second element a :py:class:`collections.defaultdict` that has as keys the configuration differences and as values the list of device FQDN that reported that diff. """ diffs = defaultdict(list) # type: defaultdict successes = {True: [], False: []} # type: dict netbox_data = None if self._netbox_api is not None:'Gathering global Netbox data') netbox_data = NetboxData(self._netbox_api) for device in self._devices.query(query):'Generating configuration for %s', device.fqdn) try: device_data = self._config.get(device) if netbox_data is not None: device_data['netbox'] = { 'global': netbox_data, 'device': NetboxDeviceData(self._netbox_api, device), } device_config = self._renderer.render(device.metadata['role'], device_data) except HomerError: logger.exception('Device %s failed to render the template, skipping.', device.fqdn) successes[False].append(device.fqdn) continue device_success, device_diff = callback(device, device_config, **kwargs) successes[device_success].append(device.fqdn) diffs[device_diff].append(device.fqdn) return successes, diffs @staticmethod def _parse_results(successes: Mapping[bool, List[Device]]) -> int: """Parse the results dictionary, log and return the approriate exit status code. Arguments: successes (dict): a dictionary that contains two keys (:py:data:`True` and :py:data:`False`) and as value a list of device FQDN that were successful (True) or failed (False) the operation. Return: int: ``0`` on success, a small positive integer on failure. """ if successes[False]: logger.error('Homer run had issues on %d devices: %s', len(successes[False]), successes[False]) return 1'Homer run completed successfully on %d devices: %s', len(successes[True]), successes[True]) return 0