Source code for homer.netbox

"""Netbox module."""
import ipaddress
import logging

from collections import UserDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

import pynetbox

from homer.devices import Device

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class BaseNetboxData(UserDict): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Base class to gather data dynamically from Netbox.""" def __init__(self, api: pynetbox.api): """Initialize the dictionary. Arguments: api (pynetbox.api): the Netbox API instance. """ super().__init__() self._api = api def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: """Dynamically call the related method, if exists, to return the requested data. Parameters according to Python's datamodel, see: Returns: mixed: the dynamically gathered data. """ method_name = '_get_{key}'.format(key=key) if not hasattr(self, method_name): raise KeyError(key) if key not in[key] = getattr(self, method_name)() return[key]
[docs]class NetboxData(BaseNetboxData): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Dynamic dictionary to gather the required generic data from Netbox.""" def _get_vlans(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns all the vlans defined in Netbox. Returns: list: a list of vlans. """ return [dict(i) for i in self._api.ipam.vlans.all()]
[docs]class NetboxDeviceData(BaseNetboxData): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Dynamic dictionary to gather the required device-specific data from Netbox.""" def __init__(self, api: pynetbox.api, device: Device): """Initialize the dictionary. Arguments: api (pynetbox.api): the Netbox API instance. device (homer.devices.Device): the device for which to gather the data. """ super().__init__(api) self._device = device def _get_virtual_chassis_members(self) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Returns a list of devices part of the same virtual chassis or None. Returns: list: a list of devices. None: the device is not part of a virtual chassis. """ if not self._device.metadata['netbox_object'].virtual_chassis: return None vc_id = self._device.metadata['netbox_object'] return [dict(i) for i in self._api.dcim.devices.filter(virtual_chassis_id=vc_id)]
[docs]class NetboxInventory: """Use Netbox as inventory to gather the list of devices to manage.""" def __init__(self, api: pynetbox.api, device_roles: Sequence[str], device_statuses: Sequence[str]): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: api (pynetbox.api): the Netbox API instance. device_roles (list): a sequence of Netbox device role slug strings to filter the devices. device_statuses (list): a sequence of Netbox device status label strings to filter the devices. """ self._api = api self._device_roles = device_roles self._device_statuses = self._get_statuses_ids(device_statuses)
[docs] def get_devices(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Return all the devices based on configuration with their role and site. Returns: dict: a dictionary with the device FQDN as keys and a metadata dictionary as value. """ devices = self._get_devices() devices.update(self._get_virtual_chassis_devices()) return devices
def _get_virtual_chassis_devices(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Get the devices part of virtual chassis according to the configuration. Returns: dict: a dictionary with the device FQDN as keys and a metadata dictionary as value. """ devices = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] for vc in self._api.dcim.virtual_chassis.all(): device = vc.master if device.status.value not in self._device_statuses: logger.debug('Skipping device %s with status %s',, device.status.label) continue if device.device_role.slug not in self._device_roles: logger.debug('Skipping device %s with role %s',, device.device_role.slug) continue devices[vc.domain] = NetboxInventory._get_device_data(device) return devices def _get_devices(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Get the devices based on role, status and virtual chassis membership. Returns: dict: a dictionary with the device FQDN as keys and a metadata dictionary as value. """ devices = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] for device in self._api.dcim.devices.filter( role=self._device_roles, status=self._device_statuses, virtual_chassis_member=False): if device.primary_ip4 is not None and device.primary_ip4.dns_name: fqdn = device.primary_ip4.dns_name elif device.primary_ip6 is not None and device.primary_ip6.dns_name: fqdn = device.primary_ip6.dns_name else: logger.error('Unable to determine FQDN for device %s, skipping.', continue devices[fqdn] = NetboxInventory._get_device_data(device) return devices def _get_statuses_ids(self, labels: Sequence[str]) -> List[int]: """Convert a sequence of Netbox status labels into their IDs. Arguments: labels (list): a list of strings with the status labels. Returns: list: a list with the integer IDs corresponding to the status labels. """ choices = {choice['label']: choice['value'] for choice in self._api.dcim.choices()['device:status']} return [value for label, value in choices.items() if label in labels] @staticmethod def _get_device_data(device: pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return the metadata needed from a Netbox device instance. Arguments: device (pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices): the Netbox device instance. Returns: dict: the dictionary with the device metadata. """ metadata = { 'role': device.device_role.slug, 'site':, 'type': device.device_type.slug, # Inject the Netbox object too to be future-proof and allow to get additional metadata without # the need of modifying homer's code. It also allow to use it inside NetboxData. 'netbox_object': device, } # Convert Netbox interfaces into IPs if device.primary_ip4 is not None: metadata['ip4'] = ipaddress.ip_interface(device.primary_ip4.address).ip.compressed if device.primary_ip6 is not None: metadata['ip6'] = ipaddress.ip_interface(device.primary_ip6.address).ip.compressed return metadata