| __construct ( $repo=false) |
| __wakeup () |
| Sanitize the callback parameter on wakeup, to avoid arbitrary execution. More...
| error ( $message) |
| Add an error, do not set fatal flag This can be used for non-fatal errors. More...
| fatal ( $message) |
| Add an error and set OK to false, indicating that the operation as a whole was fatal. More...
| getErrorsArray () |
| Get the list of errors (but not warnings) More...
| getErrorsByType ( $type) |
| Returns a list of status messages of the given type, with message and params left untouched, like a sane version of getStatusArray. More...
| getHTML ( $shortContext=false, $longContext=false) |
| Get the error message as HTML. More...
| getMessage ( $shortContext=false, $longContext=false) |
| Get the error list as a Message object. More...
| getValue () |
| getWarningsArray () |
| Get the list of warnings (but not errors) More...
| getWikiText ( $shortContext=false, $longContext=false) |
| Get the error list as a wikitext formatted list. More...
| hasMessage ( $msg) |
| Returns true if the specified message is present as a warning or error. More...
| isGood () |
| Returns whether the operation completed and didn't have any error or warnings. More...
| isOK () |
| Returns whether the operation completed. More...
| merge ( $other, $overwriteValue=false) |
| Merge another status object into this one. More...
| replaceMessage ( $source, $dest) |
| If the specified source message exists, replace it with the specified destination message, but keep the same parameters as in the original error. More...
| setResult ( $ok, $value=null) |
| Change operation result. More...
| warning ( $message) |
| Add a new warning. More...
Generic operation result class for FileRepo-related operations.
Definition at line 28 of file FileRepoStatus.php.