This is the complete list of members for Html, including all inherited members.
$boolAttribs | Html | privatestatic |
$voidElements | Html | privatestatic |
closeElement( $element) | Html | static |
dropDefaults( $element, $attribs) | Html | privatestatic |
element( $element, $attribs=array(), $contents='') | Html | static |
expandAttributes( $attribs) | Html | static |
hidden( $name, $value, $attribs=array()) | Html | static |
htmlHeader( $attribs=array()) | Html | static |
infoBox( $text, $icon, $alt, $class=false, $useStylePath=true) | Html | static |
inlineScript( $contents) | Html | static |
inlineStyle( $contents, $media='all') | Html | static |
input( $name, $value='', $type='text', $attribs=array()) | Html | static |
isXmlMimeType( $mimetype) | Html | static |
linkedScript( $url) | Html | static |
linkedStyle( $url, $media='all') | Html | static |
namespaceSelector(array $params=array(), array $selectAttribs=array()) | Html | static |
openElement( $element, $attribs=array()) | Html | static |
rawElement( $element, $attribs=array(), $contents='') | Html | static |
srcSet( $urls) | Html | static |
textarea( $name, $value='', $attribs=array()) | Html | static |