MediaWiki  1.28.0

Sets a global, maintaining a stashed version of the previous global to be restored in tearDownThe key is added to the array of globals that will be reset afterwards in the tearDown().

protected function setUp() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgRestrictStuff', true ); }

function testFoo() {}

function testBar() {} $this->assertTrue( self::getX()->doStuff() );

$this->setMwGlobals( 'wgRestrictStuff', false ); $this->assertTrue( self::getX()->doStuff() ); }

function testQuux() {}

array | string$pairsKey to the global variable, or an array of key/value pairs.
mixed$valueValue to set the global to (ignored if an array is given as first argument).
To allow changes to global variables to take effect on global service instances, call overrideMwServices().