MediaWiki 1.39.10
Go to the documentation of this file.
31 protected $baseTypeTable = [
32 'ambiguous' /*1*/ => [
33 'text/plain',
34 'application/octet-stream',
35 'application/x-netcdf', // [sic]
36 ],
37 'text' /*3*/ => [
38 'text/richtext', 'image/x-bitmap', 'application/postscript', 'application/base64',
39 'application/macbinhex40', 'application/x-cdf', 'text/scriptlet'
40 ],
41 'binary' /*4*/ => [
42 'application/pdf', 'audio/x-aiff', 'audio/basic', 'audio/wav', 'image/gif',
43 'image/pjpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-png', 'image/png', 'image/bmp',
44 'image/x-jg', 'image/x-art', 'image/x-emf', 'image/x-wmf', 'video/avi',
45 'video/x-msvideo', 'video/mpeg', 'application/x-compressed',
46 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/x-gzip-compressed', 'application/java',
47 'application/x-msdownload'
48 ],
49 'html' /*5*/ => [ 'text/html' ],
50 ];
55 protected $addedTypes = [
56 'ie07' => [
57 'text' => [ 'text/xml', 'application/xml' ]
58 ],
59 ];
67 protected $registry = [
68 '.323' => 'text/h323',
69 '.3g2' => 'video/3gpp2',
70 '.3gp' => 'video/3gpp',
71 '.3gp2' => 'video/3gpp2',
72 '.3gpp' => 'video/3gpp',
73 '.aac' => 'audio/aac',
74 '.ac3' => 'audio/ac3',
75 '.accda' => 'application/msaccess',
76 '.accdb' => 'application/msaccess',
77 '.accdc' => 'application/msaccess',
78 '.accde' => 'application/msaccess',
79 '.accdr' => 'application/msaccess',
80 '.accdt' => 'application/msaccess',
81 '.ade' => 'application/msaccess',
82 '.adp' => 'application/msaccess',
83 '.adts' => 'audio/aac',
84 '.ai' => 'application/postscript',
85 '.aif' => 'audio/aiff',
86 '.aifc' => 'audio/aiff',
87 '.aiff' => 'audio/aiff',
88 '.amc' => 'application/x-mpeg',
89 '.application' => 'application/x-ms-application',
90 '.asf' => 'video/x-ms-asf',
91 '.asx' => 'video/x-ms-asf',
92 '.au' => 'audio/basic',
93 '.avi' => 'video/avi',
94 '.bmp' => 'image/bmp',
95 '.caf' => 'audio/x-caf',
96 '.cat' => 'application/',
97 '.cbo' => 'application/sha',
98 '.cdda' => 'audio/aiff',
99 '.cer' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
100 '.conf' => 'text/plain',
101 '.crl' => 'application/pkix-crl',
102 '.crt' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
103 '.css' => 'text/css',
104 '.csv' => 'application/',
105 '.der' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
106 '.dib' => 'image/bmp',
107 '.dif' => 'video/x-dv',
108 '.dll' => 'application/x-msdownload',
109 '.doc' => 'application/msword',
110 '.docm' => 'application/',
111 '.docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
112 '.dot' => 'application/msword',
113 '.dotm' => 'application/',
114 '.dotx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template',
115 '.dv' => 'video/x-dv',
116 '.dwfx' => 'model/vnd.dwfx+xps',
117 '.edn' => 'application/vnd.adobe.edn',
118 '.eml' => 'message/rfc822',
119 '.eps' => 'application/postscript',
120 '.etd' => 'application/x-ebx',
121 '.exe' => 'application/x-msdownload',
122 '.fdf' => 'application/vnd.fdf',
123 '.fif' => 'application/fractals',
124 '.gif' => 'image/gif',
125 '.gsm' => 'audio/x-gsm',
126 '.hqx' => 'application/mac-binhex40',
127 '.hta' => 'application/hta',
128 '.htc' => 'text/x-component',
129 '.htm' => 'text/html',
130 '.html' => 'text/html',
131 '.htt' => 'text/webviewhtml',
132 '.hxa' => 'application/xml',
133 '.hxc' => 'application/xml',
134 '.hxd' => 'application/octet-stream',
135 '.hxe' => 'application/xml',
136 '.hxf' => 'application/xml',
137 '.hxh' => 'application/octet-stream',
138 '.hxi' => 'application/octet-stream',
139 '.hxk' => 'application/xml',
140 '.hxq' => 'application/octet-stream',
141 '.hxr' => 'application/octet-stream',
142 '.hxs' => 'application/octet-stream',
143 '.hxt' => 'application/xml',
144 '.hxv' => 'application/xml',
145 '.hxw' => 'application/octet-stream',
146 '.ico' => 'image/x-icon',
147 '.iii' => 'application/x-iphone',
148 '.ins' => 'application/x-internet-signup',
149 '.iqy' => 'text/x-ms-iqy',
150 '.isp' => 'application/x-internet-signup',
151 '.jfif' => 'image/jpeg',
152 '.jnlp' => 'application/x-java-jnlp-file',
153 '.jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
154 '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
155 '.jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
156 '.jtx' => 'application/x-jtx+xps',
157 '.latex' => 'application/x-latex',
158 '.log' => 'text/plain',
159 '.m1v' => 'video/mpeg',
160 '.m2v' => 'video/mpeg',
161 '.m3u' => 'audio/x-mpegurl',
162 '.mac' => 'image/x-macpaint',
163 '.man' => 'application/x-troff-man',
164 '.mda' => 'application/msaccess',
165 '.mdb' => 'application/msaccess',
166 '.mde' => 'application/msaccess',
167 '.mfp' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
168 '.mht' => 'message/rfc822',
169 '.mhtml' => 'message/rfc822',
170 '.mid' => 'audio/mid',
171 '.midi' => 'audio/mid',
172 '.mod' => 'video/mpeg',
173 '.mov' => 'video/quicktime',
174 '.mp2' => 'video/mpeg',
175 '.mp2v' => 'video/mpeg',
176 '.mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
177 '.mp4' => 'video/mp4',
178 '.mpa' => 'video/mpeg',
179 '.mpe' => 'video/mpeg',
180 '.mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
181 '.mpf' => 'application/',
182 '.mpg' => 'video/mpeg',
183 '.mpv2' => 'video/mpeg',
184 '.mqv' => 'video/quicktime',
185 '.NMW' => 'application/nmwb',
186 '.nws' => 'message/rfc822',
187 '.odc' => 'text/x-ms-odc',
188 '.ols' => 'application/',
189 '.p10' => 'application/pkcs10',
190 '.p12' => 'application/x-pkcs12',
191 '.p7b' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates',
192 '.p7c' => 'application/pkcs7-mime',
193 '.p7m' => 'application/pkcs7-mime',
194 '.p7r' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp',
195 '.p7s' => 'application/pkcs7-signature',
196 '.pct' => 'image/pict',
197 '.pdf' => 'application/pdf',
198 '.pdx' => 'application/vnd.adobe.pdx',
199 '.pfx' => 'application/x-pkcs12',
200 '.pic' => 'image/pict',
201 '.pict' => 'image/pict',
202 '.pinstall' => 'application/x-picasa-detect',
203 '.pko' => 'application/',
204 '.png' => 'image/png',
205 '.pnt' => 'image/x-macpaint',
206 '.pntg' => 'image/x-macpaint',
207 '.pot' => 'application/',
208 '.potm' => 'application/',
209 '.potx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template',
210 '.ppa' => 'application/',
211 '.ppam' => 'application/',
212 '.pps' => 'application/',
213 '.ppsm' => 'application/',
214 '.ppsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow',
215 '.ppt' => 'application/',
216 '.pptm' => 'application/',
217 '.pptx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation',
218 '.prf' => 'application/pics-rules',
219 '.ps' => 'application/postscript',
220 '.pub' => 'application/',
221 '.pwz' => 'application/',
222 '.py' => 'text/plain',
223 '.pyw' => 'text/plain',
224 '.qht' => 'text/x-html-insertion',
225 '.qhtm' => 'text/x-html-insertion',
226 '.qt' => 'video/quicktime',
227 '.qti' => 'image/x-quicktime',
228 '.qtif' => 'image/x-quicktime',
229 '.qtl' => 'application/x-quicktimeplayer',
230 '.rat' => 'application/rat-file',
231 '.rmf' => 'application/vnd.adobe.rmf',
232 '.rmi' => 'audio/mid',
233 '.rqy' => 'text/x-ms-rqy',
234 '.rtf' => 'application/msword',
235 '.sct' => 'text/scriptlet',
236 '.sd2' => 'audio/x-sd2',
237 '.sdp' => 'application/sdp',
238 '.shtml' => 'text/html',
239 '.sit' => 'application/x-stuffit',
240 '.sldm' => 'application/',
241 '.sldx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide',
242 '.slk' => 'application/',
243 '.snd' => 'audio/basic',
244 '.so' => 'application/x-apachemodule',
245 '.sol' => 'text/plain',
246 '.sor' => 'text/plain',
247 '.spc' => 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates',
248 '.spl' => 'application/futuresplash',
249 '.sst' => 'application/',
250 '.stl' => 'application/',
251 '.swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
252 '.thmx' => 'application/',
253 '.tif' => 'image/tiff',
254 '.tiff' => 'image/tiff',
255 '.txt' => 'text/plain',
256 '.uls' => 'text/iuls',
257 '.vcf' => 'text/x-vcard',
258 '.vdx' => 'application/',
259 '.vsd' => 'application/',
260 '.vss' => 'application/',
261 '.vst' => 'application/',
262 '.vsx' => 'application/',
263 '.vtx' => 'application/',
264 '.wav' => 'audio/wav',
265 '.wax' => 'audio/x-ms-wax',
266 '.wbk' => 'application/msword',
267 '.wdp' => 'image/',
268 '.wiz' => 'application/msword',
269 '.wm' => 'video/x-ms-wm',
270 '.wma' => 'audio/x-ms-wma',
271 '.wmd' => 'application/x-ms-wmd',
272 '.wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv',
273 '.wmx' => 'video/x-ms-wmx',
274 '.wmz' => 'application/x-ms-wmz',
275 '.wpl' => 'application/',
276 '.wsc' => 'text/scriptlet',
277 '.wvx' => 'video/x-ms-wvx',
278 '.xaml' => 'application/xaml+xml',
279 '.xbap' => 'application/x-ms-xbap',
280 '.xdp' => 'application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml',
281 '.xfdf' => 'application/vnd.adobe.xfdf',
282 '.xht' => 'application/xhtml+xml',
283 '.xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml',
284 '.xla' => 'application/',
285 '.xlam' => 'application/',
286 '.xlk' => 'application/',
287 '.xll' => 'application/',
288 '.xlm' => 'application/',
289 '.xls' => 'application/',
290 '.xlsb' => 'application/',
291 '.xlsm' => 'application/',
292 '.xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
293 '.xlt' => 'application/',
294 '.xltm' => 'application/',
295 '.xltx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template',
296 '.xlw' => 'application/',
297 '.xml' => 'text/xml',
298 '.xps' => 'application/',
299 '.xsl' => 'text/xml',
300 ];
307 protected $versions = [ 'ie05', 'ie06', 'ie07', 'ie07.strict', 'ie07.nohtml' ];
312 protected $typeTable = [];
314 public function __construct() {
315 // Construct versioned type arrays from the base type array plus additions
316 $types = $this->baseTypeTable;
317 foreach ( $this->versions as $version ) {
318 if ( isset( $this->addedTypes[$version] ) ) {
319 foreach ( $this->addedTypes[$version] as $format => $addedTypes ) {
320 $types[$format] = array_merge( $types[$format], $addedTypes );
321 }
322 }
323 $this->typeTable[$version] = $types;
324 }
325 }
337 public function getRealMimesFromData( $fileName, $chunk, $proposed ) {
338 $types = $this->getMimesFromData( $fileName, $chunk, $proposed );
339 $types = array_map( [ $this, 'translateMimeType' ], $types );
340 return $types;
341 }
349 public function translateMimeType( $type ) {
350 static $table = [
351 'image/pjpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
352 'image/x-png' => 'image/png',
353 'image/x-wmf' => 'application/x-msmetafile',
354 'image/bmp' => 'image/x-bmp',
355 'application/x-zip-compressed' => 'application/zip',
356 'application/x-compressed' => 'application/x-compress',
357 'application/x-gzip-compressed' => 'application/x-gzip',
358 'audio/mid' => 'audio/midi',
359 ];
360 if ( isset( $table[$type] ) ) {
361 $type = $table[$type];
362 }
363 return $type;
364 }
375 public function getMimesFromData( $fileName, $chunk, $proposed ) {
376 $types = [];
377 foreach ( $this->versions as $version ) {
378 $types[$version] = $this->getMimeTypeForVersion( $version, $fileName, $chunk, $proposed );
379 }
380 return $types;
381 }
391 protected function getMimeTypeForVersion( $version, $fileName, $chunk, $proposed ) {
392 // Strip text after a semicolon
393 $semiPos = strpos( $proposed, ';' );
394 if ( $semiPos !== false ) {
395 $proposed = substr( $proposed, 0, $semiPos );
396 }
398 $proposedFormat = $this->getDataFormat( $version, $proposed );
399 if ( $proposedFormat == 'unknown'
400 && $proposed != 'multipart/mixed'
401 && $proposed != 'multipart/x-mixed-replace'
402 ) {
403 return $proposed;
404 }
405 if ( strval( $chunk ) === '' ) {
406 return $proposed;
407 }
409 // Truncate chunk at 255 bytes
410 $chunk = substr( $chunk, 0, 255 );
412 // IE does the Check*Headers() calls last, and instead does the following image
413 // type checks by directly looking for the magic numbers. What I do here should
414 // have the same effect since the magic number checks are identical in both cases.
415 $result = $this->sampleData( $version, $chunk );
416 $sampleFound = $result['found'];
417 $counters = $result['counters'];
418 $binaryType = $this->checkBinaryHeaders( $version, $chunk );
419 $textType = $this->checkTextHeaders( $version, $chunk );
421 if ( $proposed == 'text/html' && isset( $sampleFound['html'] ) ) {
422 return 'text/html';
423 }
424 if ( $proposed == 'image/gif' && $binaryType == 'image/gif' ) {
425 return 'image/gif';
426 }
427 if ( ( $proposed == 'image/pjpeg' || $proposed == 'image/jpeg' )
428 && $binaryType == 'image/pjpeg'
429 ) {
430 return $proposed;
431 }
432 // PNG check added in IE 7
433 if ( $version >= 'ie07'
434 && ( $proposed == 'image/x-png' || $proposed == 'image/png' )
435 && $binaryType == 'image/x-png'
436 ) {
437 return $proposed;
438 }
440 // CDF was removed in IE 7 so it won't be in $sampleFound for later versions
441 if ( isset( $sampleFound['cdf'] ) ) {
442 return 'application/x-cdf';
443 }
445 // RSS and Atom were added in IE 7 so they won't be in $sampleFound for
446 // previous versions
447 if ( isset( $sampleFound['rss'] ) ) {
448 return 'application/rss+xml';
449 }
450 if ( isset( $sampleFound['rdf-tag'] )
451 && isset( $sampleFound['rdf-url'] )
452 && isset( $sampleFound['rdf-purl'] )
453 ) {
454 return 'application/rss+xml';
455 }
456 if ( isset( $sampleFound['atom'] ) ) {
457 return 'application/atom+xml';
458 }
460 if ( isset( $sampleFound['xml'] ) ) {
461 // TODO: I'm not sure under what circumstances this flag is enabled
462 if ( strpos( $version, 'strict' ) !== false ) {
463 if ( $proposed == 'text/html' || $proposed == 'text/xml' ) {
464 return 'text/xml';
465 }
466 } else {
467 return 'text/xml';
468 }
469 }
470 if ( isset( $sampleFound['html'] ) ) {
471 // TODO: I'm not sure under what circumstances this flag is enabled
472 if ( strpos( $version, 'nohtml' ) !== false ) {
473 if ( $proposed == 'text/plain' ) {
474 return 'text/html';
475 }
476 } else {
477 return 'text/html';
478 }
479 }
480 if ( isset( $sampleFound['xbm'] ) ) {
481 return 'image/x-bitmap';
482 }
483 if ( isset( $sampleFound['binhex'] ) ) {
484 return 'application/macbinhex40';
485 }
486 if ( isset( $sampleFound['scriptlet'] ) ) {
487 if ( strpos( $version, 'strict' ) !== false ) {
488 if ( $proposed == 'text/plain' || $proposed == 'text/scriptlet' ) {
489 return 'text/scriptlet';
490 }
491 } else {
492 return 'text/scriptlet';
493 }
494 }
496 // Freaky heuristics to determine if the data is text or binary
497 // The heuristic is of course broken for non-ASCII text
498 if ( $counters['ctrl'] != 0 && ( $counters['ff'] + $counters['low'] )
499 < ( $counters['ctrl'] + $counters['high'] ) * 16
500 ) {
501 $kindOfBinary = true;
502 $type = $binaryType ?: $textType;
503 if ( $type === false ) {
504 $type = 'application/octet-stream';
505 }
506 } else {
507 $kindOfBinary = false;
508 $type = $textType ?: $binaryType;
509 if ( $type === false ) {
510 $type = 'text/plain';
511 }
512 }
514 // Check if the output format is ambiguous
515 // This generally means that detection failed, real types aren't ambiguous
516 $detectedFormat = $this->getDataFormat( $version, $type );
517 if ( $detectedFormat != 'ambiguous' ) {
518 return $type;
519 }
521 if ( $proposedFormat != 'ambiguous' ) {
522 // FormatAgreesWithData()
523 if ( $proposedFormat == 'text' && !$kindOfBinary ) {
524 return $proposed;
525 }
526 if ( $proposedFormat == 'binary' && $kindOfBinary ) {
527 return $proposed;
528 }
529 if ( $proposedFormat == 'html' ) {
530 return $proposed;
531 }
532 }
534 // Find a MIME type by searching the registry for the file extension.
535 $dotPos = strrpos( $fileName, '.' );
536 if ( $dotPos === false ) {
537 return $type;
538 }
539 $ext = substr( $fileName, $dotPos );
540 if ( isset( $this->registry[$ext] ) ) {
541 return $this->registry[$ext];
542 }
544 // TODO: If the extension has an application registered to it, IE will return
545 // application/octet-stream. We'll skip that, so we could erroneously
546 // return text/plain or application/x-netcdf where application/octet-stream
547 // would be correct.
549 return $type;
550 }
559 private function checkTextHeaders( $version, $chunk ) {
560 $chunk2 = substr( $chunk, 0, 2 );
561 $chunk4 = substr( $chunk, 0, 4 );
562 $chunk5 = substr( $chunk, 0, 5 );
563 if ( $chunk4 == '%PDF' ) {
564 return 'application/pdf';
565 }
566 if ( $chunk2 == '%!' ) {
567 return 'application/postscript';
568 }
569 if ( $chunk5 == '{\\rtf' ) {
570 return 'text/richtext';
571 }
572 if ( $chunk5 == 'begin' ) {
573 return 'application/base64';
574 }
575 return false;
576 }
585 private function checkBinaryHeaders( $version, $chunk ) {
586 $chunk2 = substr( $chunk, 0, 2 );
587 $chunk3 = substr( $chunk, 0, 3 );
588 $chunk4 = substr( $chunk, 0, 4 );
589 $chunk5 = substr( $chunk, 0, 5 );
590 $chunk5uc = strtoupper( $chunk5 );
591 $chunk8 = substr( $chunk, 0, 8 );
592 if ( $chunk5uc == 'GIF87' || $chunk5uc == 'GIF89' ) {
593 return 'image/gif';
594 }
595 if ( $chunk2 == "\xff\xd8" ) {
596 return 'image/pjpeg'; // actually plain JPEG but this is what IE returns
597 }
599 if ( $chunk2 == 'BM'
600 && substr( $chunk, 6, 2 ) == "\000\000"
601 && substr( $chunk, 8, 2 ) == "\000\000"
602 ) {
603 return 'image/bmp'; // another non-standard MIME
604 }
605 if ( $chunk4 == 'RIFF'
606 && substr( $chunk, 8, 4 ) == 'WAVE'
607 ) {
608 return 'audio/wav';
609 }
610 // These were integer literals in IE
611 // Perhaps the author was not sure what the target endianness was
612 if ( $chunk4 == ".sd\000"
613 || $chunk4 == ".snd"
614 || $chunk4 == "\000ds."
615 || $chunk4 == "dns."
616 ) {
617 return 'audio/basic';
618 }
619 if ( $chunk3 == "MM\000" ) {
620 return 'image/tiff';
621 }
622 if ( $chunk2 == 'MZ' ) {
623 return 'application/x-msdownload';
624 }
625 if ( $chunk8 == "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" ) {
626 return 'image/x-png'; // [sic]
627 }
628 if ( strlen( $chunk ) >= 5 ) {
629 $byte2 = ord( $chunk[2] );
630 $byte4 = ord( $chunk[4] );
631 if ( $byte2 >= 3 && $byte2 <= 31 && $byte4 == 0 && $chunk2 == 'JG' ) {
632 return 'image/x-jg';
633 }
634 }
635 // More endian confusion?
636 if ( $chunk4 == 'MROF' ) {
637 return 'audio/x-aiff';
638 }
639 $chunk4_8 = substr( $chunk, 8, 4 );
640 if ( $chunk4 == 'FORM' && ( $chunk4_8 == 'AIFF' || $chunk4_8 == 'AIFC' ) ) {
641 return 'audio/x-aiff';
642 }
643 if ( $chunk4 == 'RIFF' && $chunk4_8 == 'AVI ' ) {
644 return 'video/avi';
645 }
646 if ( $chunk4 == "\x00\x00\x01\xb3" || $chunk4 == "\x00\x00\x01\xba" ) {
647 return 'video/mpeg';
648 }
649 if ( $chunk4 == "\001\000\000\000"
650 && substr( $chunk, 40, 4 ) == ' EMF'
651 ) {
652 return 'image/x-emf';
653 }
654 if ( $chunk4 == "\xd7\xcd\xc6\x9a" ) {
655 return 'image/x-wmf';
656 }
657 if ( $chunk4 == "\xca\xfe\xba\xbe" ) {
658 return 'application/java';
659 }
660 if ( $chunk2 == 'PK' ) {
661 return 'application/x-zip-compressed';
662 }
663 if ( $chunk2 == "\x1f\x9d" ) {
664 return 'application/x-compressed';
665 }
666 if ( $chunk2 == "\x1f\x8b" ) {
667 return 'application/x-gzip-compressed';
668 }
669 // Skip redundant check for ZIP
670 if ( $chunk5 == "MThd\000" ) {
671 return 'audio/mid';
672 }
673 if ( $chunk4 == '%PDF' ) {
674 return 'application/pdf';
675 }
676 return false;
677 }
686 protected function sampleData( $version, $chunk ) {
687 $found = [];
688 $counters = [
689 'ctrl' => 0,
690 'high' => 0,
691 'low' => 0,
692 'lf' => 0,
693 'cr' => 0,
694 'ff' => 0
695 ];
696 $htmlTags = [
697 'html',
698 'head',
699 'title',
700 'body',
701 'script',
702 'a href',
703 'pre',
704 'img',
705 'plaintext',
706 'table'
707 ];
708 $rdfUrl = '';
709 $rdfPurl = '';
710 $xbmMagic1 = '#define';
711 $xbmMagic2 = '_width';
712 $xbmMagic3 = '_bits';
713 $binhexMagic = 'converted with BinHex';
714 $chunkLength = strlen( $chunk );
716 for ( $offset = 0; $offset < $chunkLength; $offset++ ) {
717 $curChar = $chunk[$offset];
718 if ( $curChar == "\x0a" ) {
719 $counters['lf']++;
720 continue;
721 } elseif ( $curChar == "\x0d" ) {
722 $counters['cr']++;
723 continue;
724 } elseif ( $curChar == "\x0c" ) {
725 $counters['ff']++;
726 continue;
727 } elseif ( $curChar == "\t" ) {
728 $counters['low']++;
729 continue;
730 } elseif ( ord( $curChar ) < 32 ) {
731 $counters['ctrl']++;
732 continue;
733 } elseif ( ord( $curChar ) >= 128 ) {
734 $counters['high']++;
735 continue;
736 }
738 $counters['low']++;
739 if ( $curChar == '<' ) {
740 // XML
741 $remainder = substr( $chunk, $offset + 1 );
742 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, '?XML', 4 ) ) {
743 $nextChar = substr( $chunk, $offset + 5, 1 );
744 if ( $nextChar == ':' || $nextChar == ' ' || $nextChar == "\t" ) {
745 $found['xml'] = true;
746 }
747 }
748 // Scriptlet (JSP)
749 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, 'SCRIPTLET', 9 ) ) {
750 $found['scriptlet'] = true;
751 break;
752 }
753 // HTML
754 foreach ( $htmlTags as $tag ) {
755 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $tag, strlen( $tag ) ) ) {
756 $found['html'] = true;
757 }
758 }
759 // Skip broken check for additional tags (HR etc.)
761 // CHANNEL replaced by RSS, RDF and FEED in IE 7
762 if ( $version < 'ie07' ) {
763 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, 'CHANNEL', 7 ) ) {
764 $found['cdf'] = true;
765 }
766 } else {
767 // RSS
768 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, 'RSS', 3 ) ) {
769 $found['rss'] = true;
770 break; // return from SampleData
771 }
772 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, 'rdf:RDF', 7 ) ) {
773 $found['rdf-tag'] = true;
774 // no break
775 }
776 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, 'FEED', 4 ) ) {
777 $found['atom'] = true;
778 break;
779 }
780 }
781 continue;
782 }
783 // Skip broken check for -->
785 // RSS URL checks
786 // For some reason both URLs must appear before it is recognised
787 $remainder = substr( $chunk, $offset );
788 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $rdfUrl, strlen( $rdfUrl ) ) ) {
789 $found['rdf-url'] = true;
790 if ( isset( $found['rdf-tag'] )
791 && isset( $found['rdf-purl'] ) // [sic]
792 ) {
793 break;
794 }
795 continue;
796 }
798 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $rdfPurl, strlen( $rdfPurl ) ) ) {
799 if ( isset( $found['rdf-tag'] )
800 && isset( $found['rdf-url'] ) // [sic]
801 ) {
802 break;
803 }
804 continue;
805 }
807 // XBM checks
808 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $xbmMagic1, strlen( $xbmMagic1 ) ) ) {
809 $found['xbm1'] = true;
810 continue;
811 }
812 if ( $curChar == '_' ) {
813 if ( isset( $found['xbm2'] ) ) {
814 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $xbmMagic3, strlen( $xbmMagic3 ) ) ) {
815 $found['xbm'] = true;
816 break;
817 }
818 } elseif ( isset( $found['xbm1'] ) ) {
819 if ( !strncasecmp( $remainder, $xbmMagic2, strlen( $xbmMagic2 ) ) ) {
820 $found['xbm2'] = true;
821 }
822 }
823 }
825 // BinHex
826 if ( !strncmp( $remainder, $binhexMagic, strlen( $binhexMagic ) ) ) {
827 $found['binhex'] = true;
828 }
829 }
830 return [ 'found' => $found, 'counters' => $counters ];
831 }
838 protected function getDataFormat( $version, $type ) {
839 $types = $this->typeTable[$version];
840 if ( $type == '(null)' || strval( $type ) === '' ) {
841 return 'ambiguous';
842 }
843 foreach ( $types as $format => $list ) {
844 if ( in_array( $type, $list ) ) {
845 return $format;
846 }
847 }
848 return 'unknown';
849 }
This class simulates Microsoft Internet Explorer's terribly broken and insecure MIME type detection a...
IE versions which have been analysed to bring you this class, and for which some substantive differen...
getDataFormat( $version, $type)
sampleData( $version, $chunk)
Do heuristic checks on the bulk of the data sample.
getMimesFromData( $fileName, $chunk, $proposed)
Get the untranslated MIME types for all known versions.
Changes to the type table in later versions of IE.
An approximation of the "Content Type" values in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT in a typical Windows installation.
Relevant data taken from the type table in IE 5.
getMimeTypeForVersion( $version, $fileName, $chunk, $proposed)
Get the MIME type for a given named version.
Type table with versions expanded.
translateMimeType( $type)
Translate a MIME type from IE's idiosyncratic private types into more commonly understood type string...
getRealMimesFromData( $fileName, $chunk, $proposed)
Get the MIME types from getMimesFromData(), but convert the result from IE's idiosyncratic private ty...
if(!is_readable( $file)) $ext
Definition router.php:48