MediaWiki 1.39.10
Collaboration diagram for Profiler:


class  Wikimedia\Rdbms\GeneralizedSql
 Lazy-loaded wrapper for simplification and scrubbing of SQL queries for profiling. More...
class  Profiler
 Profiler base class that defines the interface and some shared functionality. More...
class  ProfilerExcimer
class  ProfilerOutput
 Base class for profiling output. More...
class  ProfilerOutputDump
 Dump profiler data in a ".xhprof" file. More...
class  ProfilerOutputStats
 Flush profiling data to StatsD. More...
class  ProfilerOutputText
 Adds profiler output to the HTTP response. More...
class  ProfilerSectionOnly
 Profiler that only tracks explicit profiling sections. More...
class  ProfilerStub
 Stub profiler that does nothing. More...
class  ProfilerXhprof
 Profiler that captures all function calls from the XHProf PHP extension. More...
class  SectionProfileCallback
 Subclass ScopedCallback to avoid call_user_func_array(), which is slow. More...
class  SectionProfiler
 Arbitrary section name based PHP profiling. More...
class  Wikimedia\Rdbms\TransactionProfiler
 Detect high-contention DB queries via profiling calls. More...

Detailed Description