MediaWiki 1.41.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
27use Wikimedia\WrappedString;
28use Wikimedia\WrappedStringList;
41class MWDebug {
47 protected static $log = [];
54 protected static $debug = [];
61 protected static $query = [];
68 protected static $enabled = false;
76 protected static $deprecationWarnings = [];
81 protected static $deprecationFilters = [];
86 public static function setup() {
87 global $wgDebugToolbar,
90 if (
91 // Easy to forget to falsify $wgDebugToolbar for static caches.
92 // If file cache or CDN cache is on, just disable this (DWIMD).
93 $wgUseCdn ||
95 // Keep MWDebug off on CLI. This prevents MWDebug from eating up
96 // all the memory for logging SQL queries in maintenance scripts.
98 ) {
99 return;
100 }
102 if ( $wgDebugToolbar ) {
103 self::init();
104 }
105 }
113 public static function init() {
114 self::$enabled = true;
115 }
122 public static function deinit() {
123 self::$enabled = false;
124 }
133 public static function addModules( OutputPage $out ) {
134 if ( self::$enabled ) {
135 $out->addModules( 'mediawiki.debug' );
136 }
137 }
145 public static function log( $str ) {
146 if ( !self::$enabled ) {
147 return;
148 }
149 if ( !is_string( $str ) ) {
150 $str = print_r( $str, true );
151 }
152 self::$log[] = [
153 'msg' => htmlspecialchars( $str ),
154 'type' => 'log',
155 'caller' => wfGetCaller(),
156 ];
157 }
164 public static function getLog() {
165 return self::$log;
166 }
172 public static function clearLog() {
173 self::$log = [];
174 self::$deprecationWarnings = [];
175 }
188 public static function warning( $msg, $callerOffset = 1, $level = E_USER_NOTICE, $log = 'auto' ) {
191 if ( $log === 'auto' && !$wgDevelopmentWarnings ) {
192 $log = 'debug';
193 }
195 if ( $log === 'debug' ) {
196 $level = false;
197 }
199 $callerDescription = self::getCallerDescription( $callerOffset );
201 self::sendMessage(
202 self::formatCallerDescription( $msg, $callerDescription ),
203 'warning',
204 $level );
206 if ( self::$enabled ) {
207 self::$log[] = [
208 'msg' => htmlspecialchars( $msg ),
209 'type' => 'warn',
210 'caller' => $callerDescription['func'],
211 ];
212 }
213 }
229 public static function deprecated( $function, $version = false,
230 $component = false, $callerOffset = 2
231 ) {
232 if ( $version ) {
233 $component = $component ?: 'MediaWiki';
234 $msg = "Use of $function was deprecated in $component $version.";
235 } else {
236 $msg = "Use of $function is deprecated.";
237 }
238 self::deprecatedMsg( $msg, $version, $component, $callerOffset + 1 );
239 }
263 public static function detectDeprecatedOverride( $instance, $class, $method, $version = false,
264 $component = false, $callerOffset = 2
265 ) {
266 $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod( $instance, $method );
267 $declaringClass = $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
269 if ( $declaringClass === $class ) {
270 // not overridden, nothing to do
271 return false;
272 }
274 if ( $version ) {
275 $component = $component ?: 'MediaWiki';
276 $msg = "$declaringClass overrides $method which was deprecated in $component $version.";
277 self::deprecatedMsg( $msg, $version, $component, $callerOffset + 1 );
278 }
280 return true;
281 }
311 public static function deprecatedMsg( $msg, $version = false,
312 $component = false, $callerOffset = 2
313 ) {
314 if ( $callerOffset === false ) {
315 $callerFunc = '';
316 $rawMsg = $msg;
317 } else {
318 $callerDescription = self::getCallerDescription( $callerOffset );
319 $callerFunc = $callerDescription['func'];
320 $rawMsg = self::formatCallerDescription( $msg, $callerDescription );
321 }
323 $sendToLog = true;
325 // Check to see if there already was a warning about this function
326 if ( isset( self::$deprecationWarnings[$msg][$callerFunc] ) ) {
327 return;
328 } elseif ( isset( self::$deprecationWarnings[$msg] ) ) {
329 if ( self::$enabled ) {
330 $sendToLog = false;
331 } else {
332 return;
333 }
334 }
336 self::$deprecationWarnings[$msg][$callerFunc] = true;
338 if ( $version ) {
341 $component = $component ?: 'MediaWiki';
342 if ( $wgDeprecationReleaseLimit && $component === 'MediaWiki' ) {
343 # Strip -* off the end of $version so that branches can use the
344 # format #.##-branchname to avoid issues if the branch is merged into
345 # a version of MediaWiki later than what it was branched from
346 $comparableVersion = preg_replace( '/-.*$/', '', $version );
348 # If the comparableVersion is larger than our release limit then
349 # skip the warning message for the deprecation
350 if ( version_compare( $wgDeprecationReleaseLimit, $comparableVersion, '<' ) ) {
351 $sendToLog = false;
352 }
353 }
354 }
356 self::sendRawDeprecated(
357 $rawMsg,
358 $sendToLog,
359 $callerFunc
360 );
361 }
375 public static function sendRawDeprecated( $msg, $sendToLog = true, $callerFunc = '' ) {
376 foreach ( self::$deprecationFilters as $filter => $callback ) {
377 if ( preg_match( $filter, $msg ) ) {
378 if ( is_callable( $callback ) ) {
379 $callback();
380 }
381 return;
382 }
383 }
385 if ( $sendToLog ) {
386 trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_DEPRECATED );
387 }
389 if ( self::$enabled ) {
390 $logMsg = htmlspecialchars( $msg ) .
391 Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-debug-backtrace' ],
392 Html::element( 'span', [], 'Backtrace:' ) . wfBacktrace()
393 );
395 self::$log[] = [
396 'msg' => $logMsg,
397 'type' => 'deprecated',
398 'caller' => $callerFunc,
399 ];
400 }
401 }
410 public static function filterDeprecationForTest(
411 string $regex, ?callable $callback = null
412 ): void {
413 if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) && !defined( 'MW_PARSER_TEST' ) ) {
414 throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ' can only be used in tests' );
415 }
416 self::$deprecationFilters[$regex] = $callback;
417 }
422 public static function clearDeprecationFilters() {
423 self::$deprecationFilters = [];
424 }
433 private static function getCallerDescription( $callerOffset ) {
434 $callers = wfDebugBacktrace();
436 if ( isset( $callers[$callerOffset] ) ) {
437 $callerfile = $callers[$callerOffset];
438 if ( isset( $callerfile['file'] ) && isset( $callerfile['line'] ) ) {
439 $file = $callerfile['file'] . ' at line ' . $callerfile['line'];
440 } else {
441 $file = '(internal function)';
442 }
443 } else {
444 $file = '(unknown location)';
445 }
447 if ( isset( $callers[$callerOffset + 1] ) ) {
448 $callerfunc = $callers[$callerOffset + 1];
449 $func = '';
450 if ( isset( $callerfunc['class'] ) ) {
451 $func .= $callerfunc['class'] . '::';
452 }
453 if ( isset( $callerfunc['function'] ) ) {
454 $func .= $callerfunc['function'];
455 }
456 } else {
457 $func = 'unknown';
458 }
460 return [ 'file' => $file, 'func' => $func ];
461 }
470 private static function formatCallerDescription( $msg, $caller ) {
471 // When changing this, update the below parseCallerDescription() method as well.
472 return $msg . ' [Called from ' . $caller['func'] . ' in ' . $caller['file'] . ']';
473 }
487 public static function parseCallerDescription( $msg ) {
488 $match = null;
489 preg_match( '/(.*) \[Called from ([^ ]+) in ([^ ]+) at line (\d+)\]$/', $msg, $match );
490 if ( $match ) {
491 return [
492 'message' => "{$match[1]} [Called from {$match[2]}]",
493 'func' => $match[2],
494 'file' => $match[3],
495 'line' => $match[4],
496 ];
497 } else {
498 return null;
499 }
500 }
510 private static function sendMessage( $msg, $group, $level ) {
511 if ( $level !== false ) {
512 trigger_error( $msg, $level );
513 }
515 wfDebugLog( $group, $msg );
516 }
526 public static function debugMsg( $str, $context = [] ) {
529 if ( self::$enabled || $wgDebugComments || $wgShowDebug ) {
530 if ( $context ) {
531 $prefix = '';
532 if ( isset( $context['prefix'] ) ) {
533 $prefix = $context['prefix'];
534 } elseif ( isset( $context['channel'] ) && $context['channel'] !== 'wfDebug' ) {
535 $prefix = "[{$context['channel']}] ";
536 }
537 if ( isset( $context['seconds_elapsed'] ) && isset( $context['memory_used'] ) ) {
538 $prefix .= "{$context['seconds_elapsed']} {$context['memory_used']} ";
539 }
540 $str = LegacyLogger::interpolate( $str, $context );
541 $str = $prefix . $str;
542 }
543 self::$debug[] = rtrim( UtfNormal\Validator::cleanUp( $str ) );
544 }
545 }
557 public static function query( $sql, $function, $runTime, $dbhost ) {
558 if ( !self::$enabled ) {
559 return false;
560 }
562 // Replace invalid UTF-8 chars with a square UTF-8 character
563 // This prevents json_encode from erroring out due to binary SQL data
564 $sql = preg_replace(
565 '/(
566 [\xC0-\xC1] # Invalid UTF-8 Bytes
567 | [\xF5-\xFF] # Invalid UTF-8 Bytes
568 | \xE0[\x80-\x9F] # Overlong encoding of prior code point
569 | \xF0[\x80-\x8F] # Overlong encoding of prior code point
570 | [\xC2-\xDF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start
571 | [\xE0-\xEF](?![\x80-\xBF]{2}) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start
572 | [\xF0-\xF4](?![\x80-\xBF]{3}) # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Start
573 | (?<=[\x0-\x7F\xF5-\xFF])[\x80-\xBF] # Invalid UTF-8 Sequence Middle
574 | (?<![\xC2-\xDF]|[\xE0-\xEF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF4]
575 | [\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]{2})[\x80-\xBF] # Overlong Sequence
576 | (?<=[\xE0-\xEF])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Short 3 byte sequence
577 | (?<=[\xF0-\xF4])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]{2}) # Short 4 byte sequence
578 | (?<=[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF])[\x80-\xBF](?![\x80-\xBF]) # Short 4 byte sequence (2)
579 )/x',
580 '■',
581 $sql
582 );
584 // last check for invalid utf8
585 $sql = UtfNormal\Validator::cleanUp( $sql );
587 self::$query[] = [
588 'sql' => "$dbhost: $sql",
589 'function' => $function,
590 'time' => $runTime,
591 ];
593 return true;
594 }
602 protected static function getFilesIncluded( IContextSource $context ) {
603 $files = get_included_files();
604 $fileList = [];
605 foreach ( $files as $file ) {
606 $size = filesize( $file );
607 $fileList[] = [
608 'name' => $file,
609 'size' => $context->getLanguage()->formatSize( $size ),
610 ];
611 }
613 return $fileList;
614 }
623 public static function getDebugHTML( IContextSource $context ) {
624 global $wgDebugComments;
626 $html = [];
628 if ( self::$enabled ) {
629 self::log( 'MWDebug output complete' );
630 $debugInfo = self::getDebugInfo( $context );
632 // Cannot use OutputPage::addJsConfigVars because those are already outputted
633 // by the time this method is called.
634 $html[] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript(
635 ResourceLoader::makeConfigSetScript( [ 'debugInfo' => $debugInfo ] )
636 );
637 }
639 if ( $wgDebugComments ) {
640 $html[] = '<!-- Debug output:';
641 foreach ( self::$debug as $line ) {
642 $html[] = htmlspecialchars( $line, ENT_NOQUOTES );
643 }
644 $html[] = '-->';
645 }
647 return WrappedString::join( "\n", $html );
648 }
658 public static function getHTMLDebugLog() {
659 global $wgShowDebug;
661 $html = [];
662 if ( $wgShowDebug ) {
663 $html[] = Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'id' => 'mw-html-debug-log' ] );
664 $html[] = "<hr />\n<strong>Debug data:</strong><ul id=\"mw-debug-html\">";
666 foreach ( self::$debug as $line ) {
667 $display = nl2br( htmlspecialchars( trim( $line ) ) );
669 $html[] = "<li><code>$display</code></li>";
670 }
672 $html[] = '</ul>';
673 $html[] = '</div>';
674 }
675 return WrappedString::join( "\n", $html );
676 }
684 public static function appendDebugInfoToApiResult( IContextSource $context, ApiResult $result ) {
685 if ( !self::$enabled ) {
686 return;
687 }
689 // output errors as debug info, when display_errors is on
690 // this is necessary for all non html output of the api, because that clears all errors first
691 $obContents = ob_get_contents();
692 if ( $obContents ) {
693 $obContentArray = explode( '<br />', $obContents );
694 foreach ( $obContentArray as $obContent ) {
695 if ( trim( $obContent ) ) {
696 self::debugMsg( Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $obContent ) );
697 }
698 }
699 }
701 self::log( 'MWDebug output complete' );
702 $debugInfo = self::getDebugInfo( $context );
704 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $debugInfo, 'debuginfo' );
705 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $debugInfo['log'], 'line' );
706 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $debugInfo['debugLog'], 'msg' );
707 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $debugInfo['queries'], 'query' );
708 ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $debugInfo['includes'], 'queries' );
709 $result->addValue( null, 'debuginfo', $debugInfo );
710 }
718 public static function getDebugInfo( IContextSource $context ) {
719 if ( !self::$enabled ) {
720 return [];
721 }
723 $request = $context->getRequest();
725 $branch = GitInfo::currentBranch();
726 if ( GitInfo::isSHA1( $branch ) ) {
727 // If it's a detached HEAD, the SHA1 will already be
728 // included in the MW version, so don't show it.
729 $branch = false;
730 }
732 return [
733 'mwVersion' => MW_VERSION,
734 'phpEngine' => 'PHP',
735 'phpVersion' => PHP_VERSION,
736 'gitRevision' => GitInfo::headSHA1(),
737 'gitBranch' => $branch,
738 'gitViewUrl' => GitInfo::headViewUrl(),
739 'time' => $request->getElapsedTime(),
740 'log' => self::$log,
741 'debugLog' => self::$debug,
742 'queries' => self::$query,
743 'request' => [
744 'method' => $request->getMethod(),
745 'url' => $request->getRequestURL(),
746 'headers' => $request->getAllHeaders(),
747 'params' => $request->getValues(),
748 ],
749 'memory' => $context->getLanguage()->formatSize( memory_get_usage() ),
750 'memoryPeak' => $context->getLanguage()->formatSize( memory_get_peak_usage() ),
751 'includes' => self::getFilesIncluded( $context ),
752 ];
753 }
The running version of MediaWiki.
Definition Defines.php:36
if(MW_ENTRY_POINT==='index') global $wgCommandLineMode
wfBacktrace( $raw=null)
Get a debug backtrace as a string.
wfGetCaller( $level=2)
Get the name of the function which called this function wfGetCaller( 1 ) is the function with the wfG...
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
wfDebugBacktrace( $limit=0)
Safety wrapper for debug_backtrace().
Definition WebStart.php:88
This class represents the result of the API operations.
Definition ApiResult.php:35
addValue( $path, $name, $value, $flags=0)
Add value to the output data at the given path.
Debug toolbar.
Definition MWDebug.php:41
static warning( $msg, $callerOffset=1, $level=E_USER_NOTICE, $log='auto')
Adds a warning entry to the log.
Definition MWDebug.php:188
static getFilesIncluded(IContextSource $context)
Returns a list of files included, along with their size.
Definition MWDebug.php:602
static array $deprecationFilters
Keys are regexes, values are optional callbacks to call if the filter is hit.
Definition MWDebug.php:81
static bool $enabled
Is the debugger enabled?
Definition MWDebug.php:68
static setup()
Definition MWDebug.php:86
static filterDeprecationForTest(string $regex, ?callable $callback=null)
Deprecation messages matching the supplied regex will be suppressed.
Definition MWDebug.php:410
static addModules(OutputPage $out)
Add ResourceLoader modules to the OutputPage object if debugging is enabled.
Definition MWDebug.php:133
static parseCallerDescription( $msg)
Append a caller description to an error message.
Definition MWDebug.php:487
static appendDebugInfoToApiResult(IContextSource $context, ApiResult $result)
Append the debug info to given ApiResult.
Definition MWDebug.php:684
static array $deprecationWarnings
Array of functions that have already been warned, formatted function-caller to prevent a buttload of ...
Definition MWDebug.php:76
static clearLog()
Clears internal log array and deprecation tracking.
Definition MWDebug.php:172
static sendRawDeprecated( $msg, $sendToLog=true, $callerFunc='')
Send a raw deprecation message to the log and the debug toolbar, without filtering of duplicate messa...
Definition MWDebug.php:375
static deinit()
Disable the debugger.
Definition MWDebug.php:122
static query( $sql, $function, $runTime, $dbhost)
Begins profiling on a database query.
Definition MWDebug.php:557
static getLog()
Returns internal log array.
Definition MWDebug.php:164
static array $debug
Debug messages from wfDebug().
Definition MWDebug.php:54
static log( $str)
Adds a line to the log.
Definition MWDebug.php:145
static detectDeprecatedOverride( $instance, $class, $method, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Show a warning if $method declared in $class is overridden in $instance.
Definition MWDebug.php:263
static getDebugInfo(IContextSource $context)
Returns the HTML to add to the page for the toolbar.
Definition MWDebug.php:718
static debugMsg( $str, $context=[])
This is a method to pass messages from wfDebug to the pretty debugger.
Definition MWDebug.php:526
static clearDeprecationFilters()
Clear all deprecation filters.
Definition MWDebug.php:422
static array $log
Log lines.
Definition MWDebug.php:47
static deprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Show a warning that $function is deprecated.
Definition MWDebug.php:229
static array $query
SQL statements of the database queries.
Definition MWDebug.php:61
static getHTMLDebugLog()
Generate debug log in HTML for displaying at the bottom of the main content area.
Definition MWDebug.php:658
static init()
Enabled the debugger and load resource module.
Definition MWDebug.php:113
static deprecatedMsg( $msg, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Log a deprecation warning with arbitrary message text.
Definition MWDebug.php:311
static getDebugHTML(IContextSource $context)
Returns the HTML to add to the page for the toolbar.
Definition MWDebug.php:623
This class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
Definition Html.php:57
PSR-3 logger that mimics the historic implementation of MediaWiki's former wfErrorLog logging impleme...
This is one of the Core classes and should be read at least once by any new developers.
addModules( $modules)
Load one or more ResourceLoader modules on this page.
HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki.
Definition Sanitizer.php:46
ResourceLoader is a loading system for JavaScript and CSS resources.
Config variable stub for the UseCdn setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DeprecationReleaseLimit setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugComments setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the ShowDebug setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DebugToolbar setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the DevelopmentWarnings setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Config variable stub for the UseFileCache setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request.
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli-server') if(!isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $file
Item class for a filearchive table row.
Definition router.php:42