 * MediaWiki Widgets - UsersMultiselectWidget class.
 * @copyright 2017 MediaWiki Widgets Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
 * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
( function () {

	 * UsersMultiselectWidget can be used to input list of users in a single
	 * line.
	 * If used inside HTML form the results will be sent as the list of
	 * newline-separated usernames.
	 * This can be configured to accept IP addresses and/or ranges as well as
	 * usernames.
	 * @class
	 * @extends OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
	 * @param {mw.Api} [config.api] Instance of mw.Api (or subclass thereof) to use for queries
	 * @param {number} [config.limit=10] Number of results to show in autocomplete menu
	 * @param {string} [config.name] Name of input to submit results (when used in HTML forms)
	 * @param {boolean} [config.ipAllowed=false] Show IP addresses in autocomplete menu
	 *  If false, single IP addresses are not allowed, even if IP ranges are allowed.
	 * @param {boolean} [config.ipRangeAllowed=false] Show IP ranges in autocomplete menu
	 * @param {Object} [config.ipRangeLimits] Maximum allowed IP ranges (defaults match HTMLUserTextField.php)
	 * @param {number} [config.ipRangeLimits.IPv4 = 16] Maximum allowed IPv4 range
	 * @param {number} [config.ipRangeLimits.IPv6 = 32] Maximum allowed IPv6 range
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget = function MwWidgetsUsersMultiselectWidget( config ) {
		// Config initialization
		config = $.extend( {
			limit: 10,
			ipAllowed: false,
			ipRangeAllowed: false,
			ipRangeLimits: {
				IPv4: 16,
				IPv6: 32
		}, config );

		// Parent constructor
		mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.super.call( this, $.extend( {}, config, {} ) );

		// Mixin constructors
		OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement.call( this, $.extend( {}, config, { $pending: this.$handle } ) );

		// Properties
		this.limit = config.limit;
		this.ipAllowed = config.ipAllowed;
		this.ipRangeAllowed = config.ipRangeAllowed;
		this.ipRangeLimits = config.ipRangeLimits;

		if ( 'name' in config ) {
			// Use this instead of <input type="hidden">, because hidden inputs do not have separate
			// 'value' and 'defaultValue' properties. The script on Special:Preferences
			// (mw.special.preferences.confirmClose) checks this property to see if a field was changed.
			this.$hiddenInput = $( '<textarea>' )
				.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' )
				.attr( 'name', config.name )
				.appendTo( this.$element );
			// Update with preset values
			// Set the default value (it might be different from just being empty)
			this.$hiddenInput.prop( 'defaultValue', this.getSelectedUsernames().join( '\n' ) );

		// Events
		// When list of selected usernames changes, update hidden input
		this.connect( this, {
			change: 'updateHiddenInput'
		} );

		// API init
		this.api = config.api || new mw.Api();

	/* Setup */

	OO.inheritClass( mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget, OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget );
	OO.mixinClass( mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget, OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement );

	/* Methods */

	 * Get currently selected usernames.
	 * @return {string[]} usernames
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.getSelectedUsernames = function () {
		return this.getValue();

	 * Update autocomplete menu with items.
	 * @private
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.updateMenuItems = function () {
		var inputValue = this.input.getValue();

		if ( inputValue === this.inputValue ) {
			// Do not restart api query if nothing has changed in the input
		} else {
			this.inputValue = inputValue;

		this.api.abort(); // Abort all unfinished api requests

		if ( inputValue.length > 0 ) {

			var isValidIp, isValidRange;
			if ( this.ipAllowed || this.ipRangeAllowed ) {
				isValidIp = mw.util.isIPAddress( inputValue, false );
				isValidRange = !isValidIp &&
					mw.util.isIPAddress( inputValue, true ) &&
					this.validateIpRange( inputValue );

			if ( this.ipAllowed && isValidIp || this.ipRangeAllowed && isValidRange ) {
				this.menu.addItems( [
					new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( {
						data: inputValue,
						label: inputValue
					} )
				] );
				this.menu.toggle( true );
			} else {
				this.api.get( {
					action: 'query',
					list: 'allusers',
					auprefix: inputValue,
					aulimit: this.limit
				} ).done( function ( response ) {
					var suggestions = response.query.allusers,
						selected = this.getSelectedUsernames();

					// Remove usernames, which are already selected from suggestions
					suggestions = suggestions.map( function ( user ) {
						if ( selected.indexOf( user.name ) === -1 ) {
							return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( {
								data: user.name,
								label: user.name,
								id: user.name
							} );
						return undefined;
					} ).filter( function ( item ) {
						return item !== undefined;
					} );

					// Remove all items from menu add fill it with new
					this.menu.addItems( suggestions );

					if ( suggestions.length ) {
						// Enable Narrator focus on menu item, see T250762.
						this.menu.$focusOwner.attr( 'aria-activedescendant', suggestions[ 0 ].$element.attr( 'id' ) );

					// Make the menu visible; it might not be if it was previously empty
					this.menu.toggle( true );

				}.bind( this ) ).fail( this.popPending.bind( this ) );

		} else {

	 * @private
	 * @param {string} ipRange Valid IPv4 or IPv6 range
	 * @return {boolean} The IP range is within the size limit
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.validateIpRange = function ( ipRange ) {
		ipRange = ipRange.split( '/' );

		return mw.util.isIPv4Address( ipRange[ 0 ] ) && +ipRange[ 1 ] >= this.ipRangeLimits.IPv4 ||
			mw.util.isIPv6Address( ipRange[ 0 ] ) && +ipRange[ 1 ] >= this.ipRangeLimits.IPv6;

	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.onInputChange = function () {
		mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.super.prototype.onInputChange.apply( this, arguments );


	 * If used inside HTML form, then update hiddenInput with list of
	 * newline-separated usernames.
	 * @private
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.updateHiddenInput = function () {
		if ( '$hiddenInput' in this ) {
			this.$hiddenInput.val( this.getSelectedUsernames().join( '\n' ) );
			// Trigger a 'change' event as if a user edited the text
			// (it is not triggered when changing the value from JS code).
			this.$hiddenInput.trigger( 'change' );

	 * We have an empty menu when the input is empty, override the implementation from
	 * MenuTagMultiselectWidget to avoid error and make tags editable.
	 * Only editable when the input is empty.
	mw.widgets.UsersMultiselectWidget.prototype.onTagSelect = function () {
		if ( this.hasInput && !this.input.getValue() ) {
			OO.ui.TagMultiselectWidget.prototype.onTagSelect.apply( this, arguments );

}() );