MediaWiki REL1_30
Go to the documentation of this file.
24use DummyLinker;
25use Hooks;
26use Html;
27use HtmlArmor;
28use LinkCache;
29use Linker;
31use MWNamespace;
32use Sanitizer;
33use Title;
49 private $forceArticlePath = false;
56 private $expandUrls = false;
61 private $stubThreshold = 0;
71 private $linkCache;
78 private $runLegacyBeginHook = true;
85 $this->titleFormatter = $titleFormatter;
86 $this->linkCache = $linkCache;
87 }
92 public function setForceArticlePath( $force ) {
93 $this->forceArticlePath = $force;
94 }
99 public function getForceArticlePath() {
101 }
106 public function setExpandURLs( $expand ) {
107 $this->expandUrls = $expand;
108 }
113 public function getExpandURLs() {
114 return $this->expandUrls;
115 }
120 public function setStubThreshold( $threshold ) {
121 $this->stubThreshold = $threshold;
122 }
127 public function getStubThreshold() {
129 }
134 public function setRunLegacyBeginHook( $run ) {
135 $this->runLegacyBeginHook = $run;
136 }
145 public function makeLink(
146 LinkTarget $target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
147 ) {
148 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
149 if ( $title->isKnown() ) {
150 return $this->makeKnownLink( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
151 } else {
152 return $this->makeBrokenLink( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
153 }
154 }
162 private function getLegacyOptions( $isKnown ) {
163 $options = [ 'stubThreshold' => $this->stubThreshold ];
164 if ( $this->forceArticlePath ) {
165 $options[] = 'forcearticlepath';
166 }
167 if ( $this->expandUrls === PROTO_HTTP ) {
168 $options[] = 'http';
169 } elseif ( $this->expandUrls === PROTO_HTTPS ) {
170 $options[] = 'https';
171 }
173 $options[] = $isKnown ? 'known' : 'broken';
175 return $options;
176 }
178 private function runBeginHook( LinkTarget $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query, $isKnown ) {
179 $ret = null;
180 if ( !Hooks::run( 'HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin',
181 [ $this, $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query, &$ret ] )
182 ) {
183 return $ret;
184 }
186 // Now run the legacy hook
187 return $this->runLegacyBeginHook( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query, $isKnown );
188 }
190 private function runLegacyBeginHook( LinkTarget $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query,
191 $isKnown
192 ) {
193 if ( !$this->runLegacyBeginHook || !Hooks::isRegistered( 'LinkBegin' ) ) {
194 // Disabled, or nothing registered
195 return null;
196 }
198 $realOptions = $options = $this->getLegacyOptions( $isKnown );
199 $ret = null;
200 $dummy = new DummyLinker();
201 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
202 if ( $text !== null ) {
203 $realHtml = $html = HtmlArmor::getHtml( $text );
204 } else {
205 $realHtml = $html = null;
206 }
207 if ( !Hooks::run( 'LinkBegin',
208 [ $dummy, $title, &$html, &$extraAttribs, &$query, &$options, &$ret ] )
209 ) {
210 return $ret;
211 }
213 if ( $html !== null && $html !== $realHtml ) {
214 // &$html was modified, so re-armor it as $text
215 $text = new HtmlArmor( $html );
216 }
218 // Check if they changed any of the options, hopefully not!
219 if ( $options !== $realOptions ) {
220 $factory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRendererFactory();
221 // They did, so create a separate instance and have that take over the rest
222 $newRenderer = $factory->createFromLegacyOptions( $options );
223 // Don't recurse the hook...
224 $newRenderer->setRunLegacyBeginHook( false );
225 if ( in_array( 'known', $options, true ) ) {
226 return $newRenderer->makeKnownLink( $title, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
227 } elseif ( in_array( 'broken', $options, true ) ) {
228 return $newRenderer->makeBrokenLink( $title, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
229 } else {
230 return $newRenderer->makeLink( $title, $text, $extraAttribs, $query );
231 }
232 }
234 return null;
235 }
248 public function makePreloadedLink(
249 LinkTarget $target, $text = null, $classes, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
250 ) {
251 // Run begin hook
252 $ret = $this->runBeginHook( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query, true );
253 if ( $ret !== null ) {
254 return $ret;
255 }
256 $target = $this->normalizeTarget( $target );
257 $url = $this->getLinkURL( $target, $query );
258 $attribs = [ 'class' => $classes ];
259 $prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
260 if ( $prefixedText !== '' ) {
261 $attribs['title'] = $prefixedText;
262 }
264 $attribs = [
265 'href' => $url,
266 ] + $this->mergeAttribs( $attribs, $extraAttribs );
268 if ( $text === null ) {
269 $text = $this->getLinkText( $target );
270 }
272 return $this->buildAElement( $target, $text, $attribs, true );
273 }
282 public function makeKnownLink(
283 LinkTarget $target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
284 ) {
285 $classes = [];
286 if ( $target->isExternal() ) {
287 $classes[] = 'extiw';
288 }
289 $colour = $this->getLinkClasses( $target );
290 if ( $colour !== '' ) {
291 $classes[] = $colour;
292 }
294 return $this->makePreloadedLink(
295 $target,
296 $text,
297 $classes ? implode( ' ', $classes ) : '',
298 $extraAttribs,
299 $query
300 );
301 }
310 public function makeBrokenLink(
311 LinkTarget $target, $text = null, array $extraAttribs = [], array $query = []
312 ) {
313 // Run legacy hook
314 $ret = $this->runBeginHook( $target, $text, $extraAttribs, $query, false );
315 if ( $ret !== null ) {
316 return $ret;
317 }
319 # We don't want to include fragments for broken links, because they
320 # generally make no sense.
321 if ( $target->hasFragment() ) {
322 $target = $target->createFragmentTarget( '' );
323 }
324 $target = $this->normalizeTarget( $target );
326 if ( !isset( $query['action'] ) && $target->getNamespace() !== NS_SPECIAL ) {
327 $query['action'] = 'edit';
328 $query['redlink'] = '1';
329 }
331 $url = $this->getLinkURL( $target, $query );
332 $attribs = [ 'class' => 'new' ];
333 $prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
334 if ( $prefixedText !== '' ) {
335 // This ends up in parser cache!
336 $attribs['title'] = wfMessage( 'red-link-title', $prefixedText )
337 ->inContentLanguage()
338 ->text();
339 }
341 $attribs = [
342 'href' => $url,
343 ] + $this->mergeAttribs( $attribs, $extraAttribs );
345 if ( $text === null ) {
346 $text = $this->getLinkText( $target );
347 }
349 return $this->buildAElement( $target, $text, $attribs, false );
350 }
361 private function buildAElement( LinkTarget $target, $text, array $attribs, $isKnown ) {
362 $ret = null;
363 if ( !Hooks::run( 'HtmlPageLinkRendererEnd',
364 [ $this, $target, $isKnown, &$text, &$attribs, &$ret ] )
365 ) {
366 return $ret;
367 }
369 $html = HtmlArmor::getHtml( $text );
371 // Run legacy hook
372 if ( Hooks::isRegistered( 'LinkEnd' ) ) {
373 $dummy = new DummyLinker();
374 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
375 $options = $this->getLegacyOptions( $isKnown );
376 if ( !Hooks::run( 'LinkEnd',
377 [ $dummy, $title, $options, &$html, &$attribs, &$ret ] )
378 ) {
379 return $ret;
380 }
381 }
383 return Html::rawElement( 'a', $attribs, $html );
384 }
390 private function getLinkText( LinkTarget $target ) {
391 $prefixedText = $this->titleFormatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
392 // If the target is just a fragment, with no title, we return the fragment
393 // text. Otherwise, we return the title text itself.
394 if ( $prefixedText === '' && $target->hasFragment() ) {
395 return $target->getFragment();
396 }
398 return $prefixedText;
399 }
401 private function getLinkURL( LinkTarget $target, array $query = [] ) {
402 // TODO: Use a LinkTargetResolver service instead of Title
403 $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
404 if ( $this->forceArticlePath ) {
405 $realQuery = $query;
406 $query = [];
407 } else {
408 $realQuery = [];
409 }
410 $url = $title->getLinkURL( $query, false, $this->expandUrls );
412 if ( $this->forceArticlePath && $realQuery ) {
413 $url = wfAppendQuery( $url, $realQuery );
414 }
416 return $url;
417 }
426 private function normalizeTarget( LinkTarget $target ) {
427 return Linker::normaliseSpecialPage( $target );
428 }
438 private function mergeAttribs( $defaults, $attribs ) {
439 if ( !$attribs ) {
440 return $defaults;
441 }
442 # Merge the custom attribs with the default ones, and iterate
443 # over that, deleting all "false" attributes.
444 $ret = [];
445 $merged = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $defaults, $attribs );
446 foreach ( $merged as $key => $val ) {
447 # A false value suppresses the attribute
448 if ( $val !== false ) {
449 $ret[$key] = $val;
450 }
451 }
452 return $ret;
453 }
461 public function getLinkClasses( LinkTarget $target ) {
462 // Make sure the target is in the cache
463 $id = $this->linkCache->addLinkObj( $target );
464 if ( $id == 0 ) {
465 // Doesn't exist
466 return '';
467 }
469 if ( $this->linkCache->getGoodLinkFieldObj( $target, 'redirect' ) ) {
470 # Page is a redirect
471 return 'mw-redirect';
472 } elseif ( $this->stubThreshold > 0 && MWNamespace::isContent( $target->getNamespace() )
473 && $this->linkCache->getGoodLinkFieldObj( $target, 'length' ) < $this->stubThreshold
474 ) {
475 # Page is a stub
476 return 'stub';
477 }
479 return '';
480 }
wfAppendQuery( $url, $query)
Append a query string to an existing URL, which may or may not already have query string parameters a...
Hooks class.
Definition Hooks.php:34
Marks HTML that shouldn't be escaped.
Definition HtmlArmor.php:28
static getHtml( $input)
Provide a string or HtmlArmor object and get safe HTML back.
Definition HtmlArmor.php:50
This class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
Definition Html.php:48
static rawElement( $element, $attribs=[], $contents='')
Returns an HTML element in a string.
Definition Html.php:209
Cache for article titles (prefixed DB keys) and ids linked from one source.
Definition LinkCache.php:34
Some internal bits split of from Skin.php.
Definition Linker.php:34
static normaliseSpecialPage(LinkTarget $target)
Definition Linker.php:230
This is a utility class with only static functions for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "...
static isContent( $index)
Does this namespace contain content, for the purposes of calculating statistics, etc?
Class that generates HTML links for pages.
bool $forceArticlePath
Whether to force the pretty article path.
getLegacyOptions( $isKnown)
Get the options in the legacy format.
getLinkURL(LinkTarget $target, array $query=[])
runLegacyBeginHook(LinkTarget $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query, $isKnown)
buildAElement(LinkTarget $target, $text, array $attribs, $isKnown)
Builds the final element.
runBeginHook(LinkTarget $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query, $isKnown)
makeBrokenLink(LinkTarget $target, $text=null, array $extraAttribs=[], array $query=[])
getLinkClasses(LinkTarget $target)
Return the CSS classes of a known link.
mergeAttribs( $defaults, $attribs)
Merges two sets of attributes.
getLinkText(LinkTarget $target)
makePreloadedLink(LinkTarget $target, $text=null, $classes, array $extraAttribs=[], array $query=[])
If you have already looked up the proper CSS classes using LinkRenderer::getLinkClasses() or some oth...
makeKnownLink(LinkTarget $target, $text=null, array $extraAttribs=[], array $query=[])
makeLink(LinkTarget $target, $text=null, array $extraAttribs=[], array $query=[])
__construct(TitleFormatter $titleFormatter, LinkCache $linkCache)
normalizeTarget(LinkTarget $target)
Normalizes the provided target.
string bool int $expandUrls
A PROTO_* constant or false.
bool $runLegacyBeginHook
Whether to run the legacy Linker hooks.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
static getInstance()
Returns the global default instance of the top level service locator.
HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki.
Definition Sanitizer.php:31
static mergeAttributes( $a, $b)
Merge two sets of HTML attributes.
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:39
static newFromLinkTarget(LinkTarget $linkTarget)
Create a new Title from a LinkTarget.
Definition Title.php:239
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:1971
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt;div ...>$1&lt;/div>"). - flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException':Called before an exception(or PHP error) is logged. This is meant for integration with external error aggregation services
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition hooks.txt:1975
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses & $html
Definition hooks.txt:1983
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses after processing & $attribs
Definition hooks.txt:1984
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition hooks.txt:1610
Definition Defines.php:221
Definition Defines.php:54
Definition Defines.php:220
Whether the link target has a fragment.
Get the link fragment (i.e.
Get the namespace index.
Whether this LinkTarget has an interwiki component.
createFragmentTarget( $fragment)
Creates a new LinkTarget for a different fragment of the same page.
A title formatter service for MediaWiki.
if(! $dbr->tableExists( 'profiling')) $expand