MediaWiki REL1_30
Go to the documentation of this file.
3use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
15 const SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY = 'screen and (min-width: 982px)';
16 const SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY = 'only screen and (min-width: 982px)';
23 public function testMetaTags() {
24 $outputPage = $this->newInstance();
25 $outputPage->addMeta( 'http:expires', '0' );
26 $outputPage->addMeta( 'keywords', 'first' );
27 $outputPage->addMeta( 'keywords', 'second' );
28 $outputPage->addMeta( 'og:title', 'Ta-duh' );
30 $expected = [
31 [ 'http:expires', '0' ],
32 [ 'keywords', 'first' ],
33 [ 'keywords', 'second' ],
34 [ 'og:title', 'Ta-duh' ],
35 ];
36 $this->assertSame( $expected, $outputPage->getMetaTags() );
38 $links = $outputPage->getHeadLinksArray();
39 $this->assertContains( '<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/>', $links );
40 $this->assertContains( '<meta name="keywords" content="first"/>', $links );
41 $this->assertContains( '<meta name="keywords" content="second"/>', $links );
42 $this->assertContains( '<meta property="og:title" content="Ta-duh"/>', $links );
43 $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'meta-robots', $links );
44 }
51 public function testRobotsPolicies() {
52 $outputPage = $this->newInstance();
53 $outputPage->setIndexPolicy( 'noindex' );
54 $outputPage->setFollowPolicy( 'nofollow' );
56 $links = $outputPage->getHeadLinksArray();
57 $this->assertContains( '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>', $links );
58 }
74 protected function assertTransformCssMediaCase( $args ) {
75 $queryData = [];
76 if ( isset( $args['printableQuery'] ) ) {
77 $queryData['printable'] = $args['printableQuery'];
78 }
80 if ( isset( $args['handheldQuery'] ) ) {
81 $queryData['handheld'] = $args['handheldQuery'];
82 }
84 $fauxRequest = new FauxRequest( $queryData, false );
85 $this->setMwGlobals( [
86 'wgRequest' => $fauxRequest,
87 ] );
89 $actualReturn = OutputPage::transformCssMedia( $args['media'] );
90 $this->assertSame( $args['expectedReturn'], $actualReturn, $args['message'] );
91 }
97 public function testPrintRequests() {
99 'printableQuery' => '1',
100 'media' => 'screen',
101 'expectedReturn' => null,
102 'message' => 'On printable request, screen returns null'
103 ] );
106 'printableQuery' => '1',
107 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
108 'expectedReturn' => null,
109 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query returns null'
110 ] );
113 'printableQuery' => '1',
114 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
115 'expectedReturn' => null,
116 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query with only returns null'
117 ] );
120 'printableQuery' => '1',
121 'media' => 'print',
122 'expectedReturn' => '',
123 'message' => 'On printable request, media print returns empty string'
124 ] );
125 }
131 public function testScreenRequests() {
133 'media' => 'screen',
134 'expectedReturn' => 'screen',
135 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media type is preserved'
136 ] );
139 'media' => 'handheld',
140 'expectedReturn' => 'handheld',
141 'message' => 'On screen request, handheld media type is preserved'
142 ] );
145 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
146 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY,
147 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query is preserved.'
148 ] );
151 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
152 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY,
153 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query with only is preserved.'
154 ] );
157 'media' => 'print',
158 'expectedReturn' => 'print',
159 'message' => 'On screen request, print media type is preserved'
160 ] );
161 }
167 public function testHandheld() {
169 'handheldQuery' => '1',
170 'media' => 'handheld',
171 'expectedReturn' => '',
172 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is handheld, returns empty string'
173 ] );
176 'handheldQuery' => '1',
177 'media' => 'screen',
178 'expectedReturn' => null,
179 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is screen, returns null'
180 ] );
181 }
183 public static function provideTransformFilePath() {
184 $baseDir = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/data/media';
185 return [
186 // File that matches basePath, and exists. Hash found and appended.
187 [
188 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
189 '/w/test.jpg',
190 '/w/test.jpg?edcf2'
191 ],
192 // File that matches basePath, but not found on disk. Empty query.
193 [
194 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
195 '/w/unknown.png',
196 '/w/unknown.png?'
197 ],
198 // File not matching basePath. Ignored.
199 [
200 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
201 '/files/test.jpg'
202 ],
203 // Empty string. Ignored.
204 [
205 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
206 '',
207 ''
208 ],
209 // Similar path, but with domain component. Ignored.
210 [
211 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
212 '//'
213 ],
214 [
215 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
216 ''
217 ],
218 // Unrelated path with domain component. Ignored.
219 [
220 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
221 ''
222 ],
223 [
224 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '/w',
225 '//'
226 ],
227 // Unrelated path with domain, and empty base path (root mw install). Ignored.
228 [
229 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '',
230 ''
231 ],
232 [
233 'baseDir' => $baseDir, 'basePath' => '',
234 // T155310
235 '//'
236 ],
237 // Check UploadPath before ResourceBasePath (T155146)
238 [
239 'baseDir' => dirname( $baseDir ), 'basePath' => '',
240 'uploadDir' => $baseDir, 'uploadPath' => '/images',
241 '/images/test.jpg',
242 '/images/test.jpg?edcf2'
243 ],
244 ];
245 }
252 public function testTransformResourcePath( $baseDir, $basePath, $uploadDir = null,
253 $uploadPath = null, $path = null, $expected = null
254 ) {
255 if ( $path === null ) {
256 // Skip optional $uploadDir and $uploadPath
257 $path = $uploadDir;
258 $expected = $uploadPath;
259 $uploadDir = "$baseDir/images";
260 $uploadPath = "$basePath/images";
261 }
262 $this->setMwGlobals( 'IP', $baseDir );
263 $conf = new HashConfig( [
264 'ResourceBasePath' => $basePath,
265 'UploadDirectory' => $uploadDir,
266 'UploadPath' => $uploadPath,
267 ] );
269 MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
270 $actual = OutputPage::transformResourcePath( $conf, $path );
271 MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
273 $this->assertEquals( $expected ?: $path, $actual );
274 }
276 public static function provideMakeResourceLoaderLink() {
277 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
278 return [
279 // Single only=scripts load
280 [
282 "<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){"
283 . 'mw.loader.load("\u0026lang=en\\u0026only=scripts\u0026skin=fallback");'
284 . "});</script>"
285 ],
286 // Multiple only=styles load
287 [
288 [ [ 'test.baz', '', '' ], ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ],
290 '<link rel="stylesheet" href=";lang=en&amp;;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>'
291 ],
292 // Private embed (only=scripts)
293 [
294 [ 'test.quux', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS ],
295 "<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){"
296 . "mw.test.baz({token:123});\nmw.loader.state({\"test.quux\":\"ready\"});"
297 . "});</script>"
298 ],
299 ];
300 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
301 }
309 public function testMakeResourceLoaderLink( $args, $expectedHtml ) {
310 $this->setMwGlobals( [
311 'wgResourceLoaderDebug' => false,
312 'wgLoadScript' => '',
313 ] );
314 $class = new ReflectionClass( 'OutputPage' );
315 $method = $class->getMethod( 'makeResourceLoaderLink' );
316 $method->setAccessible( true );
317 $ctx = new RequestContext();
318 $ctx->setSkin( SkinFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeSkin( 'fallback' ) );
319 $ctx->setLanguage( 'en' );
320 $out = new OutputPage( $ctx );
321 $rl = $out->getResourceLoader();
322 $rl->setMessageBlobStore( new NullMessageBlobStore() );
323 $rl->register( [
324 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [
325 'script' => ' { a: true } );',
326 'styles' => '.mw-test-foo { content: "style"; }',
327 ] ),
328 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [
329 'script' => ' { a: true } );',
330 'styles' => '.mw-test-bar { content: "style"; }',
331 ] ),
332 'test.baz' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [
333 'script' => 'mw.test.baz( { a: true } );',
334 'styles' => '.mw-test-baz { content: "style"; }',
335 ] ),
336 'test.quux' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [
337 'script' => 'mw.test.baz( { token: 123 } );',
338 'styles' => '/* pref-animate=off */ .mw-icon { transition: none; }',
339 'group' => 'private',
340 ] ),
341 ] );
342 $links = $method->invokeArgs( $out, $args );
343 $actualHtml = strval( $links );
344 $this->assertEquals( $expectedHtml, $actualHtml );
345 }
347 public static function provideBuildExemptModules() {
348 return [
349 'empty' => [
350 'exemptStyleModules' => [],
351 '<meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles" content=""/>',
352 ],
353 'empty sets' => [
354 'exemptStyleModules' => [ 'site' => [], 'noscript' => [], 'private' => [], 'user' => [] ],
355 '<meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles" content=""/>',
356 ],
357 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
358 'default logged-out' => [
359 'exemptStyleModules' => [ 'site' => [ 'site.styles' ] ],
360 '<meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles" content=""/>' . "\n" .
361 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=site.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>',
362 ],
363 'default logged-in' => [
364 'exemptStyleModules' => [ 'site' => [ 'site.styles' ], 'user' => [ 'user.styles' ] ],
365 '<meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles" content=""/>' . "\n" .
366 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=site.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n" .
367 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=user.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;version=1e9z0ox"/>',
368 ],
369 'custom modules' => [
370 'exemptStyleModules' => [
371 'site' => [ 'site.styles', '', '' ],
372 'user' => [ 'user.styles', 'example.user' ],
373 ],
374 '<meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles" content=""/>' . "\n" .
375 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n" .
376 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=site.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n" .
377 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=example.user&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;version=0a56zyi"/>' . "\n" .
378 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=user.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback&amp;version=1e9z0ox"/>',
379 ],
380 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd Generic.Files.LineLength
381 ];
382 }
388 public function testBuildExemptModules( array $exemptStyleModules, $expect ) {
389 $this->setMwGlobals( [
390 'wgResourceLoaderDebug' => false,
391 'wgLoadScript' => '/w/load.php',
392 // Stub wgCacheEpoch as it influences getVersionHash used for the
393 // urls in the expected HTML
394 'wgCacheEpoch' => '20140101000000',
395 ] );
397 // Set up stubs
398 $ctx = new RequestContext();
399 $ctx->setSkin( SkinFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeSkin( 'fallback' ) );
400 $ctx->setLanguage( 'en' );
401 $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( 'OutputPage' )
402 ->setConstructorArgs( [ $ctx ] )
403 ->setMethods( [ 'isUserCssPreview', 'buildCssLinksArray' ] )
404 ->getMock();
405 $outputPage->expects( $this->any() )
406 ->method( 'isUserCssPreview' )
407 ->willReturn( false );
408 $outputPage->expects( $this->any() )
409 ->method( 'buildCssLinksArray' )
410 ->willReturn( [] );
411 $rl = $outputPage->getResourceLoader();
412 $rl->setMessageBlobStore( new NullMessageBlobStore() );
414 // Register custom modules
415 $rl->register( [
416 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [ 'group' => 'site' ] ),
417 '' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [ 'group' => 'site' ] ),
418 'example.user' => new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [ 'group' => 'user' ] ),
419 ] );
421 $outputPage = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $outputPage );
422 $outputPage->rlExemptStyleModules = $exemptStyleModules;
423 $this->assertEquals(
424 $expect,
425 strval( $outputPage->buildExemptModules() )
426 );
427 }
435 public function testVaryHeaders( $calls, $vary, $key ) {
436 // get rid of default Vary fields
437 $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( 'OutputPage' )
438 ->setConstructorArgs( [ new RequestContext() ] )
439 ->setMethods( [ 'getCacheVaryCookies' ] )
440 ->getMock();
441 $outputPage->expects( $this->any() )
442 ->method( 'getCacheVaryCookies' )
443 ->will( $this->returnValue( [] ) );
444 TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $outputPage )->mVaryHeader = [];
446 foreach ( $calls as $call ) {
447 call_user_func_array( [ $outputPage, 'addVaryHeader' ], $call );
448 }
449 $this->assertEquals( $vary, $outputPage->getVaryHeader(), 'Vary:' );
450 $this->assertEquals( $key, $outputPage->getKeyHeader(), 'Key:' );
451 }
453 public function provideVaryHeaders() {
454 // note: getKeyHeader() automatically adds Vary: Cookie
455 return [
456 [ // single header
457 [
458 [ 'Cookie' ],
459 ],
460 'Vary: Cookie',
461 'Key: Cookie',
462 ],
463 [ // non-unique headers
464 [
465 [ 'Cookie' ],
466 [ 'Accept-Language' ],
467 [ 'Cookie' ],
468 ],
469 'Vary: Cookie, Accept-Language',
470 'Key: Cookie,Accept-Language',
471 ],
472 [ // two headers with single options
473 [
474 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=phpsessid' ] ],
475 [ 'Accept-Language', [ 'substr=en' ] ],
476 ],
477 'Vary: Cookie, Accept-Language',
478 'Key: Cookie;param=phpsessid,Accept-Language;substr=en',
479 ],
480 [ // one header with multiple options
481 [
482 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=phpsessid', 'param=userId' ] ],
483 ],
484 'Vary: Cookie',
485 'Key: Cookie;param=phpsessid;param=userId',
486 ],
487 [ // Duplicate option
488 [
489 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=phpsessid' ] ],
490 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=phpsessid' ] ],
491 [ 'Accept-Language', [ 'substr=en', 'substr=en' ] ],
492 ],
493 'Vary: Cookie, Accept-Language',
494 'Key: Cookie;param=phpsessid,Accept-Language;substr=en',
495 ],
496 [ // Same header, different options
497 [
498 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=phpsessid' ] ],
499 [ 'Cookie', [ 'param=userId' ] ],
500 ],
501 'Vary: Cookie',
502 'Key: Cookie;param=phpsessid;param=userId',
503 ],
504 ];
505 }
510 public function testHaveCacheVaryCookies() {
511 $request = new FauxRequest();
512 $context = new RequestContext();
513 $context->setRequest( $request );
514 $outputPage = new OutputPage( $context );
516 // No cookies are set.
517 $this->assertFalse( $outputPage->haveCacheVaryCookies() );
519 // 'Token' is present but empty, so it shouldn't count.
520 $request->setCookie( 'Token', '' );
521 $this->assertFalse( $outputPage->haveCacheVaryCookies() );
523 // 'Token' present and nonempty.
524 $request->setCookie( 'Token', '123' );
525 $this->assertTrue( $outputPage->haveCacheVaryCookies() );
526 }
528 /*
529 * @covers OutputPage::addCategoryLinks
530 * @covers OutputPage::getCategories
531 */
532 public function testGetCategories() {
533 $fakeResultWrapper = new FakeResultWrapper( [
534 (object)[
535 'pp_value' => 1,
536 'page_title' => 'Test'
537 ],
538 (object)[
539 'page_title' => 'Test2'
540 ]
541 ] );
542 $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( 'OutputPage' )
543 ->setConstructorArgs( [ new RequestContext() ] )
544 ->setMethods( [ 'addCategoryLinksToLBAndGetResult' ] )
545 ->getMock();
546 $outputPage->expects( $this->any() )
547 ->method( 'addCategoryLinksToLBAndGetResult' )
548 ->will( $this->returnValue( $fakeResultWrapper ) );
550 $outputPage->addCategoryLinks( [
551 'Test' => 'Test',
552 'Test2' => 'Test2',
553 ] );
554 $this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 'Test', '1' => 'Test2' ], $outputPage->getCategories() );
555 $this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 'Test2' ], $outputPage->getCategories( 'normal' ) );
556 $this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 'Test' ], $outputPage->getCategories( 'hidden' ) );
557 }
564 public function testLinkHeaders( $headers, $result ) {
565 $outputPage = $this->newInstance();
567 foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
568 $outputPage->addLinkHeader( $header );
569 }
571 $this->assertEquals( $result, $outputPage->getLinkHeader() );
572 }
574 public function provideLinkHeaders() {
575 return [
576 [
577 [],
578 false
579 ],
580 [
581 [ '<https://foo/bar.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image' ],
582 'Link: <https://foo/bar.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image',
583 ],
584 [
585 [ '<https://foo/bar.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image','<https://foo/baz.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image' ],
586 'Link: <https://foo/bar.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image,<https://foo/baz.jpg>;rel=preload;as=image',
587 ],
588 ];
589 }
596 public function testPreloadLinkHeaders( $config, $result, $baseDir = null ) {
597 if ( $baseDir ) {
598 $this->setMwGlobals( 'IP', $baseDir );
599 }
600 $out = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newInstance( $config ) );
601 $out->addLogoPreloadLinkHeaders();
603 $this->assertEquals( $result, $out->getLinkHeader() );
604 }
606 public function providePreloadLinkHeaders() {
607 return [
608 [
609 [
610 'ResourceBasePath' => '/w',
611 'Logo' => '/img/default.png',
612 'LogoHD' => [
613 '1.5x' => '/img/one-point-five.png',
614 '2x' => '/img/two-x.png',
615 ],
616 ],
617 'Link: </img/default.png>;rel=preload;as=image;media=' .
618 'not all and (min-resolution: 1.5dppx),' .
619 '</img/one-point-five.png>;rel=preload;as=image;media=' .
620 '(min-resolution: 1.5dppx) and (max-resolution: 1.999999dppx),' .
621 '</img/two-x.png>;rel=preload;as=image;media=(min-resolution: 2dppx)'
622 ],
623 [
624 [
625 'ResourceBasePath' => '/w',
626 'Logo' => '/img/default.png',
627 'LogoHD' => false,
628 ],
629 'Link: </img/default.png>;rel=preload;as=image'
630 ],
631 [
632 [
633 'ResourceBasePath' => '/w',
634 'Logo' => '/img/default.png',
635 'LogoHD' => [
636 '2x' => '/img/two-x.png',
637 ],
638 ],
639 'Link: </img/default.png>;rel=preload;as=image;media=' .
640 'not all and (min-resolution: 2dppx),' .
641 '</img/two-x.png>;rel=preload;as=image;media=(min-resolution: 2dppx)'
642 ],
643 [
644 [
645 'ResourceBasePath' => '/w',
646 'Logo' => '/w/test.jpg',
647 'LogoHD' => false,
648 'UploadPath' => '/w/images',
649 ],
650 'Link: </w/test.jpg?edcf2>;rel=preload;as=image',
651 'baseDir' => dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/data/media',
652 ],
653 ];
654 }
659 private function newInstance( $config = [] ) {
660 $context = new RequestContext();
662 $context->setConfig( new HashConfig( $config + [
663 'AppleTouchIcon' => false,
664 'DisableLangConversion' => true,
665 'EnableAPI' => false,
666 'EnableCanonicalServerLink' => false,
667 'Favicon' => false,
668 'Feed' => false,
669 'LanguageCode' => false,
670 'ReferrerPolicy' => false,
671 'RightsPage' => false,
672 'RightsUrl' => false,
673 'UniversalEditButton' => false,
674 ] ) );
676 return new OutputPage( $context );
677 }
684 public function get( ResourceLoader $resourceLoader, $modules, $lang ) {
685 return [];
686 }
688 public function insertMessageBlob( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang ) {
689 return false;
690 }
692 public function updateModule( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang ) {
693 }
695 public function updateMessage( $key ) {
696 }
698 public function clear() {
699 }
they could even be mouse clicks or menu items whatever suits your program You should also get your if any
Definition COPYING.txt:326
Definition addSite.php:5
if( $line===false) $args
Definition cdb.php:63
WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array.
A Config instance which stores all settings as a member variable.
setMwGlobals( $pairs, $value=null)
Sets a global, maintaining a stashed version of the previous global to be restored in tearDown.
This class generates message blobs for use by ResourceLoader modules.
MessageBlobStore that doesn't do anything.
Invalidate cache keys for all known modules.
insertMessageBlob( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang)
updateMessage( $key)
Invalidate cache keys for modules using this message key.
updateModule( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $module, $lang)
OutputPage::setIndexPolicy OutputPage::setFollowPolicy OutputPage::getHeadLinksArray.
OutputPage::addMeta OutputPage::getMetaTags OutputPage::getHeadLinksArray.
testTransformResourcePath( $baseDir, $basePath, $uploadDir=null, $uploadPath=null, $path=null, $expected=null)
provideTransformFilePath OutputPage::transformFilePath OutputPage::transformResourcePath
Tests handheld behavior OutputPage::transformCssMedia.
testPreloadLinkHeaders( $config, $result, $baseDir=null)
providePreloadLinkHeaders OutputPage::addLogoPreloadLinkHeaders ResourceLoaderSkinModule::getLogo
static provideTransformFilePath()
testMakeResourceLoaderLink( $args, $expectedHtml)
See ResourceLoaderClientHtmlTest for full coverage.
newInstance( $config=[])
static provideMakeResourceLoaderLink()
assertTransformCssMediaCase( $args)
Tests a particular case of transformCssMedia, using the given input, globals, expected return,...
testLinkHeaders( $headers, $result)
provideLinkHeaders OutputPage::addLinkHeader OutputPage::getLinkHeader
Tests screen requests, without either query parameter set OutputPage::transformCssMedia.
Tests print requests OutputPage::transformCssMedia.
testVaryHeaders( $calls, $vary, $key)
provideVaryHeaders OutputPage::addVaryHeader OutputPage::getVaryHeader OutputPage::getKeyHeader
static provideBuildExemptModules()
testBuildExemptModules(array $exemptStyleModules, $expect)
provideBuildExemptModules OutputPage::buildExemptModules
This class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 20...
static transformResourcePath(Config $config, $path)
Transform path to web-accessible static resource.
static transformCssMedia( $media)
Transform "media" attribute based on request parameters.
Group all the pieces relevant to the context of a request into one instance.
Abstraction for ResourceLoader modules, with name registration and maxage functionality.
Dynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system.
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition hooks.txt:2775
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2780
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition hooks.txt:862
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext such as when responding to a resource loader request or generating HTML output & $resourceLoader
Definition hooks.txt:2787
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition hooks.txt:187
if(!isset( $args[0])) $lang